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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 13 January 2022

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Steve Furber Awarded the NAE Draper Prize

    Congratulations to Steve Furber, who is one of four awardees of the NAE 2022 Charles Stark Draper Prize from the US National Academy of Engineering.

    The prize has been awarded “for contributions to the invention, development, and implementation of reduced instruction set computer (RISC) chips.”.

    The rather fine citation for the prize can be seen at  A very well deserved award for work that has had such a profound impact on the world.

    I'm sure you'll join me in my congratulations to Steve.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Lectureship in Data Intensive Systems

    As part of the development of the MSc in Data Science, the department will be able to appoint two new teaching and research positions, on data science and data engineering. The latter is now seeking applicants, for a position as a Lecturer in Data Intensive Systems.

    The details are here:

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Arm Center of Excellence News

    - First place in the Cover-Error category (find a test covering a bug).

    - First place in the Cover-Branches category (find tests for branch coverage).

    - First place in the Overall category (that combines Cover-Error and Cover-Branches).

    This achievement is a joint effort with Kaled Alshmrany, Lucas Cordeiro, Mohannad Aldughaim, and Ahmed Bhayat. Also, we had a tight collaboration with the development team of ESBMC, including Rafael Menezes and Fedor Shmarov. The competition results are available at Our competition paper describing FuSeBMC is available at

    Join us at ETAPS 2022 (, where we will discuss FuSeBMC's approach to test software automatically.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Wellbeing Champion

    Karon Mee, the Computer Science Wellbeing Champion, is leaving on Friday 14th January 2022

    The Wellbeing Wiki is still available but will not be updated with events until a new Wellbeing Champion in CS takes over. this position is open to anyone to volunteer. and of course, you can add events etc yourself to the CS wiki. Wellbeing - School of CS Staff Wiki (

    I've really enjoyed my role as the Wellbeing Champion and intend to continue and develop this role further in my new role in Health Sciences.

    Be well everyone! Karon

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research News

    News from the Library

    Following on requests for the Library to subscribe to Nature Food and Nature Sustainability, I can now confirm that our business case was approved at the last Content Budget Management Group and the journals are now available to access via Library Search:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Spread the news!

    We'd love to hear about your research achievements and share them in the newsletter.

    Please contact or with your good news.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    The Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund - Sandpit Event

    Online event: 25 Jan 2022 10:00-15:30
    Proposal deadline: 15 Feb 2022

    Sandpit 1: Causal Inference in Biomedical Research

    One of two University of Manchester Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund ‘Sandpit’ events taking place in 2022

    We are hosting a sandpit to stimulate new Biomedical/AI collaborative activity, focused on causal inference. Areas could include (but will not be limited to):

    • Applications in bioinformatics
    • Applications in epidemiology
    • Applications in image analysis
    • Theory and methods development

    Participants will develop proposals and our review panel will award funding for a number of projects with a total pot of £80k available for projects up to 6 months.

    Proposals must be submitted by Tuesday 15th February and projects must be completed by the end of 2022. Please note that due to the nature of this funding, each funded project must be led by a researcher from the University of Manchester.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    N8 Collabor8 Fund - ‘The Road to 2050’

    Deadline: 14-Mar-22

    Further to the pre-call announcement in December, the N8 Collabor8 community building fund is officially open for applications. The call theme is The Road to 2050, and we are looking to fund a range of communities focusing on different aspects of the goal of reaching net zero. Up to £30k per community is available over two award stages.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    RAEng Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships - internal sift

    Internal Review Deadline: to RSM by end of Thurs 27-Jan-2022
    (RSM to forward onto Daniel Twiddy by noon on Friday 28-Jan-2022)
    Funder deadline: 4pm Thursday 30-Mar-2022
    We have agreed a light touch internal review process for submissions to this call.

    Prospective applicants are to provide an outline (2 sides A4 max) detailing the following:

    • Goals and objectives
    • Methodology and key deliverables
    • Details of proposed industry support (please note it is not necessary to submit a finalised support letter from your industrial partner at this stage)
    • Beneficiaries and impact of research
    • Fit with University research and investment strategy
    • Plans for self-sustainability once RAEng funding has ended

    Outlines will be reviewed by a Faculty panel. 

    Any queries regarding applications to this scheme should be referred to your Research Support Manager in the first instance. Please let Sarah Chatwin know if you are interested in applying.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Chair in Emerging Technologies - Royal Academy of Engineering - internal sift

    Internal Review Deadline: to Daniel Twiddy by noon on Friday 28-Jan-2022 cc-ing RSM 
    RAEng deadline: 22-Feb-2022

    The CiET call is also now open, after being paused last year.

    As per previous calls, there will be  a light touch internal review process for submissions.

    Prospective applicants should submit a 2 page outline to cc’ing their RSM by noon on Friday 28th January 2022.

    Outlines will be reviewed by a Faculty panel and should detail the following:

    1.      Strategic significance, relationship between the emerging technology and wider UK technological priorities (the Eight Great Technologies and the challenges within the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund)

    2.      Fit with University research and investment strategy

    3.      Impact of research

    4.      Plans for self-sustainability once RAEng funding has ended

    Queries regarding applications to this scheme should be referred to Research Support Managers in the first instance. Please let Sarah know if you are interested in applying.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Marion Morris
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:33:49
Last change: Thursday, 13 January 2022 14:48:06