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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 08 December 2021

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Aurora leadership development programme

    The Aurora leadership development programme for women (deadline 17th Dec)   for details see:

    The scheme is open to both PS and academic staff. The application   asks for a supporting statement from the Head of School; I am willing and able to do this on Alice's behalf.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Fire evacuation test - held on 24th November

    There was a practice fire evacuation from the Kilburn Building on 24th November.

    Overall this went well.

    However, there were two issues of note:

    1. Some taught students in computer clusters attempted to ignore the fire alarm. This is obviously not a good thing.

    2. WE had an insufficiency of Fire Marshalls. The evacuation took only just over three minutes, where it usually takes a bit over six minutes. This appears to be due to the low building occupancy and herein lies the lack of Fire Marshalls. We need to recruit more Fire Marshalls. In the University’s H&S arrangement Chapter 7: Fire Safety, the role of an FEM is specified In brief, this is to do a sweep of part of the building to make sure people leave the building.

    Training for being a Fire Marshall is available. If willing to take on this role, please email James Fields ( by 17 December.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Invitation - Farewell to Michelle Fox

    Michelle Fox (DSOM) officially leaves Computer Science for her 12 month secondment to SEP at the end of this month.

    To mark this occasion we would like to invite you to say farewell on Tuesday 14th December at 11.00 a.m in the Staff/Postgraduate Common Room.

    Please note this date and time in your diaries - we look forward to wishing Michelle well.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Kilburn Christmas Bake Sale on Tuesday 14th December 2021 at 10am

    All welcome!

    Come and donate to Wood Street Mission Christmas appeal and eat delicious homemade cake! 

    We will be set up in the Kilburn 1st floor foyer area, near to the Turing Lounge from 10-11am. Bring your cash and a coffee and enjoy a well-earned break! 

    Exclusive...Guess the Weight

    ...of a delicious homemade Christmas cake made by our very own Marion Morris!

    £1 per guess. Whoever guesses closest gets the cake! 

    See what we are raising money for here: HOME - Wood Street Mission

    Why not bake? If you would like to bake and donate your delicious creation please bring to CSOPS 2.03 before 10am on the day. You will need to have ingredient information to go with it such as gluten, nuts etc. Thanks!


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Wellbeing Wiki

    Wellbeing - School of CS Staff Wiki (

    Highlight of the Week:

    Keeping up with your exercise both online and in person

    Be Active face to face classes and Zoom during December and January

    gravatar Karon Mee

    A basic knowledge of CPR saves lives!

    Heart Heroes are a group of trained students delivering Basic Life Support (BLS) training including CPR, recovery position and choking to people in the community. 

    If you have any questions please email We hope to see you there!

    SIGN UP:

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Winter Graduation

    Winter graduation ceremonies will be going ahead in-person and the Computer Science ceremony will take place at 10am on Wednesday 15th December. We will be holding a drinks reception from 11am - 12:15pm, 15th December in the marquee outside Whitworth Hall to celebrate our graduates' achievements. All staff are invited to come along to the marquee so please do join us if you are able.

    Note that the ceremony and marquee reception have been risk assessed. I will let you know should circumstances change. 

    Best wishes, 


    gravatar Hannah Cousins

    Atlas Talk on Wednesday 8th December at 2pm (online)

    Please join us for our forthcoming Atlas Talk (online) in Computer Science

    Joining details: Passcode 910561

    Title - Learning from Disagreements

    Speaker - Professor Massimo Poesio (joint work with Alexandra Uma, Dina Almanea, Tommaso Fornaciari, Dirk Hovy, Silviu Paun, and Barbara Plank)

    Hosts - Professor Sophia Ananiadou & Professor Angelo Cangelosi

    For Abstract and further details:

    Computer Science ATLAS talk - Learning from Disagreements (

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]PSS News

    New colleague in SSO

    We are pleased to welcome new intern Arséne Werlen who joined SSO on Monday 6th December. Arséne joins Lisa, Cameron and Alyx in the Undergraduate Team and will be supporting with primarily Undergraduate related activities. 

    SSO has expanded rapidly over the past few months as a result of our increased student numbers, however we are now fully staffed which is very positive. A reminder of SSO currently; 

    Hannah Cousins - T&L Manager

    Lisa Wright - Senior UG Administrator

    Cameron Macdonald - UG Assistant

    Alyx Adams - UG Assistant

    Arséne Werlen - UG Intern

    Graham Richardson - Senior PG Administrator

    Chris Calland - PG Administrator

    Sharon Chai - PG Intern

    Mabel Yau - Careers & Employability Officer

    Anna Warburton-Ball - Student Experience Intern

    Maria Sloan - Welfare Administrator

    Guy Malkin - Welfare Administrator

    Selina Low - T&L Intern

    gravatar Hannah Cousins

    [ top ]Social Responsibility


    Thank you so much to all those of you who donated gifts for the Wood Street Mission charity. You are amazing!

    They have just now been picked up and are now on their way to Wood Street to be sorted and wrapped.

    What a wonderful thought that a child will be opening your donation on Christmas morning.

    Remember our bake sale on Tuesday - all donations to Wood Street.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:53:16
Last change: Wednesday, 08 December 2021 11:45:28