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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 27 October 2021

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Academic Promotions Workshops

    Each session will be led by a Head of School and attenders will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

    The dates for these are as follows:

    • 2nd November 2021: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Zoom link: - 

    4 November 2021: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Zoom link:

    Please note that the session content is the same for each slot, colleagues can attend either, they are not school specific. Robert.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Byte Cafe

    The observant among you will have noticed that the Byte Cafe is still not open.

    The till in the Byte Cafe is connected to the network and that connection doesn't work, so the till doesn't work and without a till the Byte Cafe cannot open.


    gravatar Angel Harper

    A reminder about non-functioning network ports

    It's important that if you have non-functioning network ports and/or dodgey Eduroam that you raise an issue and send the ticket number to Chris Page. Details below.

    Chris Page gives the following advice. Information was circulated a while ago about the Eduroam update. This is now rather buried in the support portal with its lack of support for deep linking: is the article, which can be found by logging into the support portal and searching for wifiupgrade The recommended approach for users who are still experiencing Wifi issues is to open a ticket using the "General request of IT issue" in the IT Services ticket system. For people with dead ports, the recommended approach at the moment is to open a "General request or IT issue" ticket with "FAO: NOC 24/7" to report the dead port including as much detail as possible about the port in question, including room number and port number (the port number is a number like 24/8/2 printed on the ethernet port on the wall).

    Once opened, send Chris Page the ticket number so that he can get it escalated. Don't use the "Network socket request" ticket, as that will go to a different team who may not understand the situation in Kilburn.

    Chris says that it's looking likely that Kilburn will be "flood patched" to restore all or almost all ports in the building to normal working. Although if it turns out that new switches are needed it might be delayed to the end of the month as there are supply issues (and the damage from the burst water main required most of the spare switches IT already had)

    As usual, many thanks to Chris and his team for dealing with this situation. Robert.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Digital Health Series from the Innovation Factory

    The University of Manchester Innovation Factory, along with the ERDF R&I Health Accelerator and Venner Shipley LLP, are launching a series of bite-sized events focused on the commercialisation of digital health innovations.

    The topics in each event will address areas that our network indicated was of most interest in a recent survey (thanks to all who provided us with their valuable feedback).

    The first webinar will be held on Tuesday 9th November 12:30-14:00 – please register via the Eventbrite page link below. We are looking forward to (virtually) seeing you all soon.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Arm Center of Excellence - Technical Talks with Arm Research / UoM in June/2020

    In June/2020, the Arm Centre of Excellence organised a workshop between Arm Research and the University of Manchester. Researchers from both institutions delivered seven technical talks about various research topics, including machine learning, high-performance computing, security, and automated reasoning. You can watch all technical presentations given in this workshop on the Arm YouTube channel at

    gravatar Marion Morris

    IBM PhD Fellowship

    IBM is pleased to announce the 2-year, worldwide IBM PhD Fellowship application window for academic years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 is now open.

    The application and all details can be found on the PhD Fellowship application website.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    CS Post and Stationary room

    Dear colleagues,

    In line with hybrid working which has resulted in a limited number of CS Ops staff on campus, I would like to let you know that we have repurposed the print room (2.13) on the second floor to house undeliverable posts and parcels.

    CSOps team will check the room regularly to for any post or parcels that have been unable to be delivered to offices. We have also arranged outgoing mails/parcels slots where they will be collected by porters by 14:00 on a daily basis. Therefore if you wish to send any post, please leave your item in the print room accordingly. For courier service, please contact CSOps for details on how to arrange this.

    We have also arranged a stock of stationary, and will regularly monitor the stock levels, replenish them. Please do let CSOps know if there are any items you would like to see stocked.

    The door code to the print room is C1570Y, please note this code is for staff use only due to the nature of post and parcels that will be in there. PGR students will need to email CSOps if they require any specific stationary.

    Kind regards

    Michelle Fox

    gravatar Marion Morris

    Reminder: Recruiting and extending research staff - process

    If you are looking to recruit or extend staff as part of a funded research project please contact the Research Support Team.

    Advertising posts:
    We can help you complete PCM forms to advertise posts and we will check funding is available with our Research Finance Colleagues, then liaise with HR Services on your behalf.

    Recruiting staff:
    We can help you complete the NAF forms and liaise with HR Services on your behalf so that contracts are sent out to your successful candidate/s.
    Research Support Manager:
    Research Support Officers:;;

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    New Wellbeing Service

    See details attached and on the Wellbeing Wiki page



    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Computer Science Atlas Talks

    ATLAS talks

    We are starting on December 8 and we have a full schedule from December to March.

    I will also need more suggestions for speakers for the second part of the academic year. Please email me to suggest additional speakers, especially for topics not covered in the research areas below.

    December 8 Massimo Poesio (Queen Mary) on NLP (Host Sophia)

    January 12 Nick Hawes (Oxford) on robotics (Host Angelo)

    February 2 Philippa Gardner (Imperial) on verification (Host Suzanne)

    February 16 Mike Cook (Queen Mary) on games (Host Suzanne)

    March 2 Antonio Barbalace (Edinburgh) on systems software (Host Pierre)

    All suggestions to Angelo

    gravatar Karon Mee

    BBSRC Strategy and Future Direction Seminar

    Event: Thursday 11th November 2021, 10:45 – 11:45

    All staff are invited to attend this in-person seminar delivered by Professor Melanie Welham, Executive Chair of the BBSRC, as she outlines their strategy and future directions. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

    Tickets are currently limited due to social distancing measures, but may be updated to reflect the latest guidelines at the time of the event.

    The seminar will be held on main campus, with the location to be confirmed shortly.

    We are currently looking into streaming options for those who cannot attend physically.

    **Please only book a ticket if you plan to attend in person**

    Register here:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    New Research Support Officer for Computer Science

    Chantel Murtagh is a new RSO for us in Computer Science. Welcome Chantel! Chantel comes to us from research finance in FBMH.

    Chantel joins Natalia Stefanovic and Vanessa Menon as RSOs for Computer Science (although they also cover other departments in FSE too). There have been some new recruits in Research Services so the workload split has been re-organised as follows:

    Chantel: Systems and Software Security; Information Management; Formal Methods (with Sarah picking up Carole and Andrei's work)
    Natalia: NLP and TM; APT; Autonomy and Verification (with Sarah picking up Michael, Clare and Louise)
    Vanessa: Human Computer Systems; NEST; ML and Robotics (with Sarah supporting Chris Taylor)

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Research News

    Congratulations to Dr David Wong for his Alan Turing Fellowship!


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Deadlines



    A reminder: Your 20/21 P&DR needs to be done by the end of October and uploaded to the system, if you haven’t already done this.  Can you also let the  CSops team or Hodpa know if you have had your P&DR, as we need to log it on the system.  Further details are here:

    gravatar Marion Morris

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    FSE International Research – Open Calls

    From the FSE Internationalisation Monthly Briefing – October 2021
    International Research – Open Calls

    International Research Partnerships

    International News and Events

    International Student Recruitment Events

    FSE Internationalisation: Contacts
    AD David Polya ; PA Leanne Lightfoot; Regional/Country
    Heads of Internationalisation: China: Xiao-Jun Zeng ; India: David Polya; Middle East/Africa:
    Majid Sedighi; North America: Bill Sellers; Latin America:
    Gary Fuller;
    International Research & Partnerships Development Manager: Alex Gaskill

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    BBSRC Policy Round-Up — 26 October 2021

    For researchers looking to apply to BBSRC in the near future. has a copy of the latest policy round-up, which can help to support your National Importance statement or to provide context to the 'problem'

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    DSTL Linguistic Audience Communications Analysis: Invitation to participate

    Register interest deadline: before 3rd November 2021
    DSTL deadline: 15th November

    This research aims to support influence practitioners in developing an accurate picture of how a chosen target audience group use language in order to either mirror that style, or to deliberately distance themselves from it (depending on their aims and whether they wish to be seen as a part of that
    This work will build on previous research into understanding linguistic identities online and assuming linguistic identities online (Grant and MacLeod, 2020) and develop a guide or framework that can be of practical use in influence design planning.

    Full information available from

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Renewal of Wi-Fi Access Points

    During the week of 1 Nov to 5 Nov work will be taking place in Kilburn Building and IT Building to replace the existing Wi-Fi Access Points with upgraded systems. While the work is in progress, localised disruption may occur to wireless connectivity in these buildings. 

    IT Services' Networks Modernisation Project have assured us that disruption will be minimised as much as possible, and that replacement and commissioning of individual access points should only take 15 to 20 minutes. If disruption must be avoided in any specific locations on given days or times, please contact with the details of the time, day, and area. 

    Queries may also be sent to

    gravatar Christopher Page

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Christmas Appeal - Wood Street Mission

    In the forthcoming weeks we will be launching our Christmas Appeal.

    We are raising money and sending gifts to Wood Street Mission in Manchester. Some of you may remember that Melanie Price has been collecting donations for the charity for a number of years. We hope we will be able to collect donations made to Kilburn but there is an option available to make an online donation or even purchase toys/gifts over Amazon directly (wishlist).

    Christmas - Wood Street Mission

    We also hope to do a bake sale on 1st December. Again, more information to come! I have to do it...even though I know it is far too early but...HoHoHo!

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Marion Morris
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:27:38
Last change: Wednesday, 27 October 2021 15:41:57