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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 27 May 2015

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Guardian league table improvement.

    The latest edition of the Guardian league tables is out. In Computer Science and Informatics the School has moved up from 17th last year to 9th (out of 115) this year.

    Overall the University has moved up from 33rd to 29th.

    The methodology is described in full here.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    New School podcast series

    Thanks to Jez Lloyd the School has launched its own monthly ‘CS@Manchester’ podcast, avaliable on iTunes and to stream via the  soundcloud page. The series aims to cover a variety of presentations and events, interviews with staff and their research, reflect student experience and feature alumni profiles. Episode one features a recent panel discussion on the Future of Computing from the Kilburn Club, featuring Professors Steve Furber, Ross King, Tom Higham (Future Everything) and Mark Ewart (Barclays Bank).If you have any questions or ideas for content please contact

    gravatar Jim Miles

    TRAM project success

    The TRAM project won the £10,000 Venture Further award 2015! See for further details.

    The team (Erol-Valeriu Chioasca and Keletso Joel Letsholo, both recent PhD students in the School) have already secured PoP funding from UMI3, which is now proposing further funding to develop a spinout company.

    Much of the information required to develop software systems may exist in documentation such as reports, manuals or emails. Business analysts currently need to examine this information manually in order to develop high quality requirement specification documents using standard tools. The tools are not purpose built and there is no additional support to the user, which can result in a slow and costly process.

    TRAM (Texture Requirements to Analysis Model) is a state-of-the-art information extraction and management service that will enable business analysts to examine required information in days rather than months with the same level of accuracy.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    Workplace giving

    Since September last year, when the University re-launched its Workplace Giving Scheme the number of staff giving to charity at source has nearly tripled, with donations to charities expected to be £110,000 this year.

    By signing up to Workplace Giving, you’ll be able to make regular donations to charities of your choice directly from your pay – and giving in this way will make your money go further: a monthly gift of £10 from your take-home pay will be boosted to £16.66 for a 40% rate tax payer and to £12.50 for a basic rate taxpayer.

    For a higher rate taxpayer, donating via your pay is the only method of giving that allows your charity to receive the full taxable amount automatically every month.

    Signing up is easy and you can give to as many charities as you like. Some are listed within the Workplace giving site but you can give to any registered charity by the same process. Further information is at: StaffNet: Workplace Giving.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Duck progress

    The Kilburn ducks continue to brighten up our mood and take over the quad.  The ducklings are now about three weeks old and for those of you worried about them - don't fear, we have a cunning plan.  The current plan is to catch the ducklings when they are old enough to survive without their mother and release them on a nearby body of water.  Experience has taught us that we might not be able to catch Mrs Duck to keep her with the babies.  Extensive internet research and phone calls to animal experts have been used in the devising of our plan!  In the meantime while the ducklings are still with us you can donate duck food or money towards food to the Academic Support Office.

    Thanks to Jared Leo for the photos.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    YFactor survey related to women and innovation in STEM

    Yfactor is an online survey focused on diversity and innovation in STEM. This study benefits from strong institutional and media partnerships. Our institutional partners include: OECD, UNESCO and the European Commission (e-Skills programme).
    Our leading worldwide media partner is France Médias Monde (which includes FR24, RFI and Radio Monte Carlo Doualiya with a total audience of more than 100 million viewers and/or listeners).

    Taking into account the interests of the School of Computer Science of the University of Manchester, we believe that participating in this survey will be of interest to your university and your alumni network.

    Yfactor is an online survey which will be accessible until 21st of July 2015 on It is designed to be easily accessible on a PC, tablet or smartphone. The survey includes questions on the following topics:
    -           Education: Assessing and comparing by age and gender the orientation criteria impacting educational choices. Contradictions between attitudes towards technology as well as technology jobs, resulting from stereotypes, are being assessed.
    -           Employment: Comparing the situation of men and women at work (sectors of activity, function, reporting levels, responsibilities) and assessing the impact of gender policies, as well as dual career couple practices, on work life balance and motivation.
    -           Diversity added value and well-being: Assessing the added value of diverse teams regarding performance, customer satisfaction and well-being at work. Gender analysis of key indicators, identified with the help of OECD’s Better Life Index.

    Should you agree to invite your network to participate in the survey, we would like to highlight that as a result your organisation will be amongst the first to receive the survey’s result, get a chance to be interviewed by our media partners, and/or get an invitation to one of our European conferences.


    If there is a sufficient number of answers from your network, we could provide you with a synthesis of their answers free of charge.

    Please direct all questions regarding the survey to Olivia Latouche.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    [ top ]Events

    Note change of venue: Seminar on Brain Imaging in Mental Health

    How can Brain Imaging help us to understand Depression & Addiction?

    02 June 2015, ROOM 2.19, Kilburn Building 13:00-14:00


    Due to such high demand we have changed the venue to 2.19 for this free lunchtime seminar.


    For further info on the Human Behaviour Network Seminars, please visit the Manchester Informatics website.


    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    gravatar Jim Miles
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32:05
Last change: Wednesday, 27 May 2015 11:19:31