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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 13 October 2021

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Applications to the Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship Programme 2022 (Deadline 31 Oct.)

    The SSI Fellowship Programme provides funding for individuals who want to improve how research software is used in their domains and/or area of work. Each Fellow is awarded £3,000 to spend over fifteen months. This funding can be used for any activities that meet both the Fellow's and the Institute’s goals, such as travel to workshops, running training events, nurturing or contributing to communities of practice, collaborating with other Fellows, or for any other activities that relate to improving computational practice or policy.

    We are also pleased to announce that the Fellowship Programme 2022 round will be a pilot for opening up the programme to international applicants. There will be up to three places for successful international applicants (applicants based outside the UK or without a formal affiliation with a UK-based institution or office).

    Please visit the Fellowship Programme page for important dates and further information. You can also sign up here to receive updates and reminders, and watch the Launch Webinar recording to learn more about the application process and hear from previous Fellows about their experiences.

    gravatar Angel Harper

    Network ports and Eduroam not working

    Chris Page gives the following advice.

    Information was circulated a while ago about the Eduroam update. This is now rather buried in the support portal with its lack of support for deep linking:

    is the article, which can be found by logging into the support portal and searching for wifiupgrade. The recommended approach for users who are still experiencing Wifi issues is to open a ticket using the "General request of IT issue" in the IT Services ticket system. For people with dead ports, the recommended approach at the moment is to open a "General request or IT issue" ticket with "FAO: NOC 24/7" to report the dead port including as much detail as possible about the port in question, including room number and port number (the port number is a number like 24/8/2 printed on the ethernet port on the wall). Once opened, send Chris Page the ticket number so that he can get it escalated.

    Don't use the "Network socket request" ticket, as that will go to a different team who may not understand the situation in Kilburn. Chris says that it's looking likely that Kilburn will be "flood patched" to restore all or almost all ports in the building to normal working. Although if it turns out that new switches are needed it might be delayed to the end of the month as there are supply issues (and the damage from the burst water main required most of the spare switches IT already had).

    As usual, many thanks to Chris and his team for dealing with this situation.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    1FTW Committee application is open

    1FTW Committee application is now open - Please apply here or email

    One for the World is a student-led charity seeking to optimise charitable giving in order to maximise our impact on the world, it helps students make a difference by pledging 1% of their post-graduation income to the world's most effective charities. And it is now recruiting:

    • a Social Lead,
    • a Student Ambassador Lead
    • an Events Lead,
    • a Social Media lead
    • lots of student ambassadors

    You can find out more about the roles and their responsibilities at:

    By encouraging students and professionals to pledge 1% of their income to the world's most effective charities, One for the World has made a difference to some of the poorest people on earth. The above appointees will join our existing committee and make the second year of One for the World at Manchester even better than the first. Last year, we pledged more than $10,000 to effective charities and had the highest number of unique pledgers of any chapter in the world- and this year can be even bigger.

    There's no experience required, volunteering hours count towards the Stellify award, and as a small team we're always looking for individuals to step up to senior leadership positions over the next year or two. We welcome your applications.


    Many thanks!

    Joe Pusey (

    (5th year medical student, University of Manchester)

    gravatar Angel Harper

    Stonewall Survey- REMINDER

    Stonewall Survey- One way in which we can all contribute to measuring and improving LGBT+ equality is by participating in the Stonewall survey which is part of our Workplace Equality Index Submission.

    All staff members are encouraged to complete this short, confidential survey – the more responses we get, the more accurate our results will be, enabling us to direct budgets and activities accordingly.

    For 2021 we have a unique survey link which tracks UoM responses without the need for a special code. We always have a great participation rate and in 2021 it's more important than ever that we keep this up.

    So, complete the survey and share with your colleagues - it's for everyone to complete, not just ALLOUT and LGBT+ members of staff.

    Here’s our unique SFQ link:


    gravatar Angel Harper

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    We are pleased to confirm our new webinar which will provide information on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, being breast aware and treatment.

    This webinar, on Wednesday, 20 October at 10am, is open to anyone who wants to know more about breast cancer.

    Book your place

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Apply to Innovator Training Scheme Pitching Event

    Deadline: 29-Oct-21
    We are pleased to announce we are now accepting applications for the Innovator Training Scheme Pitching Event!

    Do you have an innovative research idea with healthcare innovation/impact/translation in mind that you want to translate to the next level? Would you like to be mentored to hone your pitch? Or have a desire to build strengths and experience in pitching your research? Then this is for you!

    What to expect:

    • Access to training resources and 1-2-1 mentorship to help you develop your value proposition and hone your pitch
    • Group practise session (optional)
    • Dragons den quick fire pitching session (3-minutes) – pitch your idea to our expert panel to receive feedback and advice on your idea, and have chance to win a prize for your efforts!

    Application details:

    Please email your abstract (using the Pitching Abstract Template enclosed) to and include ‘Pitching Event’ in the email subject by Friday 29 October
    Successful applicants will be informed by Friday 5 November

    • Group/Peer-to-peer Pitching Practice - Thursday 25 November at 13:00
    • Pitching Event – Wednesday 8 December at 15.30

    Good Luck!

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]PSS News

    New colleagues in SSO

    SSO is rapidly expanding in light of our increase in student numbers so we're pleased to welcome some new colleagues to the team! if you're in Kilburn please do pop in to SSO and say hello :) 

    - Guy Malkin and Maria Sloan joined SSO on the 4th October as Welfare Administrators.

    - Sharon Chai joins SSO on 18th October as the Postgraduate Assistant (replacing Daisy Towers). 

    - Alyx Adams has moved into the new Administrator role in the Undergraduate Team. 

    We're currently in the middle of recruiting a further three interns to support SSO across UG, PGT and PGR. 

    gravatar Hannah Cousins

    [ top ]BAME News

    Brilliant & Black Event 13.10.2021

    Black History Month event using this link: Brilliant and Black: A Celebration Event for Black History Month Tickets, Wed 13 Oct 2021 at 12:00 | Eventbrite

    To watch the event tomorrow starting at 12pm, please use the following links:

    Youtube -

    Facebook -

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Sight Research UK's Translational Research Award

    Deadline: 30-Nov-21

    Sight Research UK (previously the National Eye Research Centre) will be opening its Translational Research Award to applications on the 1st November 2021, which may be of interest to some of the researchers at University of Manchester.
    The Translational Research Award will provide up to £150k for up to 24 months, to fund research projects with a clearly defined pathway to achieving patient benefit. Its goal is to help accelerate the translation of scientific findings to the early stages of development of new therapies, devices, and diagnostics for sight-threatening conditions.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    NERC Demand Management Panel - Timeline and Process

    Please see demand management timeline details below for the January 2022 NERC Standard Research and New Investigator grants round. Applicants should be advised to contact their named RSO/RSM if they wish to apply.

    Exceptions - Please note, the University Panel is not required to review applications where the PI is non lead, Manchester’s costs will be under £65k and there is no UoM JeS.


    • Thursday 18th Nov 2021: full proposals to
    • Friday 19th November 2021 (12pm):  Internal review deadline for full proposals that will go to University NERC Demand Management Panel (Sarah to send)
    • 19th November 2021: Proposals sent to University NERC Demand Management Panel
    • Monday 22nd Nov - Thursday 2nd Dec: University panel meets
    • Friday 3rd December 2021: Decisions to applicants
    • Tuesday 18th January 2022: NERC SG and NI external deadline

    Submission Requirements

    Complete proposals should be submitted by RSMs (Sarah Chatwin) to  by 12.00 Friday 19th November 2021.

    Please note that NERC have amended their list of required documents for these schemes, with CVs no longer being a requirement, nor are Partner letters of support or equipment quotes. In addition to this,  the case for support is now 5 pages maximum.

    ·         Cover sheet (template attached)

    ·         Case for Support (5 pages max)

    ·         Complete Justification of Resources

    ·         Details of any partnerships (though a letter of support is no longer required)

    ·         If application is a resubmission, include NERC comments where possible.


    RSMs must submit validated bids only, including department based peer review has taken place. If this confirmation has not been received, the proposal will not be reviewed by the University. (Checklist with Sarah).

    The University internal review panel will expect ‘submission ready’ proposals.  Incomplete proposals will not be reviewed by the panel.

    Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered, applications received directly from academics will be returned to RSMs for validation.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:53:06
Last change: Wednesday, 13 October 2021 13:50:21