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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 29 September 2021

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    New Super Lab

    The new super teaching lab that combines the old 1.8 lab, 2.110 and 2.1117 is finished and in use. It’s capacity is 175 when not sub-divided; if it is, then you get two labs etc.

    You can go and see for yourselves and there is a photograph of the lab here too.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Manchester China Institute

    The Manchester China Institute would like to welcome all faculty staff with a research connection/interest in China to get in touch - particularly recent arrivals within the faculty. If you wish to be added to MCI’s listserv and also possibly their Institute Affiliates list, please contact

    gravatar Angel Harper

    Arm Centre of Excellence

    In July/2021, The University of Manchester and Arm have appointed new directors for the Arm Centre of Excellence (CoE) at UoM.

    The new university directors of the CoE are:

    Director – Dr. Lucas Cordeiro;

    Deputy Directors – Prof Mikel Lujan and Prof Gavin Brown;

    Technical Director – Dr. David Jackson.

    The ARM directors of the CoE are:

    Director – Dr. Andrea Kells;

    Deputy Director – Dr. John Goodenough.

    We look forward to establishing new collaborations between Arm and our CS department. In particular, if you are interested in visiting the facilities of the Arm Research, giving a seminar to the research engineers, proposing joint Ph.D. research projects, please contact Lucas Cordeiro ( We are also planning a workshop between UoM and Arm in December/2021 or January/2022. We have not yet decided on the location (i.e., Cambridge or Manchester), but please let us know at your earliest convenience if you want to deliver a talk in this workshop.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Stonewall Survey Request

    One way in which we can all contribute to measuring and improving LGBT+ equality is by participating in the Stonewall survey which is part of our Workplace Equality Index Submission.

    All staff members are encouraged to complete this short, confidential survey – the more responses we get, the more accurate our results will be, enabling us to direct budgets and activities accordingly.

    Here’s our unique SFQ link:

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Wellbeing Wiki

    You can find lots of Wellbeing resources at our Wellbeing Wiki

    Wellbeing - School of CS Staff Wiki (


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Pre-announcement: High-risk speculative research ideas in engineering and ICT

    Deadline: 25 January 2022

    Two-year projects worth up to £250k will be available from the EPSRC to support speculative, high-risk research ideas that could potentially offer high reward, to ensure the continued flow of these types of research projects into the EPSRC portfolio and wider UKRI funding streams
    trial ways to minimise the bureaucracy of the application process, particularly for the applicant.

    This is the second stage of the EPSRC 'New Horizons' pilot (started 2020) that looked at using streamlined application processes.

    EPSRC want to:

    • deliver a faster process compared to current standard funding routes, whilst maintaining robust decision making that is proportionate to the level of risk.
    •  stimulate creativity within the research community to give researchers time and space to test out their speculative ideas.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:24:12
Last change: Wednesday, 29 September 2021 15:09:52