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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 19 May 2021

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department


    With COVID and travel restrictions, we are becoming aware of more staff who are working overseas and it is timely for us to remind you of the following process for staff for whom this may be the situation.

    Such appointments / arrangements can have significant contractual, financial, tax and pension implications for both the individual and the University. Therefore, it is vital that advice, guidance and approval is sought at the planning stage. You are reminded that all overseas appointments or arrangements for staff to work abroad require the approval of the Dean (at a VMG meeting), prior to the colleague beginning work overseas. This will be the case if, for example, you are considering: • recruiting an employee who lives and will continue to live and work abroad for the University, • sending an existing employee to be based abroad on an assignment or secondment for six months or more, • a request from an employee to work abroad for personal reasons (e.g. to work from home in another country).

    Due to the complexity of employing staff overseas, it is important that advice is sought during the planning stage to ensure that country specific considerations, particularly on issues such as tax, social security and pensions, can be identified and that any associated costs can be budgeted for by the recruiting area. It is appreciated the pandemic has affected the number of colleagues working overseas. However, it is not expected to become the norm going forward. Therefore, managers are also reminded that, in the vast majority of cases, colleagues should be encouraged to relocate to the UK on a permanent basis as soon as possible. If this is not to be the case please can this be made clear on the documentation before it is sent to VMG.

    Any questions should be directed to our HR partner Shona Garner and more detailed guidance is available here. Your assistance in ensuring we do not fall foul of any contractual, financial, tax and pension implications for either the individual or the University is appreciated.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    There have been two departures of long-standing members of staff recently:

    Ruth Maddocks has moved to MACE, taking up a role as Operations Project Officer. Ruth has spent 18 years in the Department mostly in ACSO helping out with almost everything from timetabling, through duties allocation to job appointments and beyond. Ruth has always been a pleasure to work with and I'm sure will continue to be so - I suspect that contacts will be maintained.

    Graham Riley retired at the end of April. Graham joined the Department in 1990, after a spell in industry. Graham has been a Deputy Director of the Centre for Novel Computing, has led the Department's exploitation company, Manchester Informatics Ltd, joined the APT Group as a permanent Research Fellow, then a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer.  On retirement Graham has taken  up an honorary Senior Lecturer role. It's been a pleasure to work with Graham and I'm sure everyone will join me in wishing  Graham all the best in his retirement.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Short PDRA positions in Autonomy and Verification Group, UoM

    Autonomy and Verification Group, Department of Computer Science Short-term (initially 6 months) post-doctoral research positions

    Please direct both informal inquiries and CVs to:, or

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Semester two exam period

    Wiki for students: Students have been emailed a link to the Department wiki page which contains information about the upcoming exams, FAQ’s and the exam timetable. If you receive any questions from students ahead of the exam period please direct them to the wiki page in the first instance. SSO are of course available too on

    Queries during the examination: Due to the nature of exams this year (online & open book) students will not be able to query questions on the paper for the majority of exams like they would in a normal year. In the small number of cases where exam queries are permitted, the course unit leaders are aware of the process to follow. If you receive any exam queries directly please forward the message to SSO and advise the student of this. Thank you! Hannah

    gravatar Karon Mee

    A big welcome to Angel Harper in School Ops

    I would like to welcome Angel Harper to our School Operations team in Computer Science. Angel has worked in the University in various roles since 2008 and brings a wealth of knowledge with her.

    Her role prior to joining our team was as a Personal Assistant to Director of Modelling and Simulation Centre in MACE. Therefore she is already a part of the School of Engineering. Please feel free to drop her line and say hello.



    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Wellbeing Wiki and Highlight of the week

    Check out the Wellbeing Wiki for useful contacts and a myriad of ideas, events, groups Wellbeing - School of CS Staff Wiki (


    Highlight of the Week: 

    University Zoom fitness classes

    For more information

    • Friends and family can join in the zoom sessions at no extra cost.
    • If you are on campus and struggling to find a space to do your zoom session, we can help, just drop us an e-mail.
    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Networking Event - Space Science and Technology Supported by the IDEAS Forum


    About this Event: The University has a strong heritage of space research encompassing the pioneering radio astronomy work at Jodrell Bank, astrophysics, planetary science and cosmochemistry, space instrumentation and space technology development. With the planned launch of the University’s own satellite in June this year, and the establishment of the UK Space Agency backed North West Space Hub, its timely to reflect on the University’s capabilities, synergies between activities, and collaborative interdisciplinary research opportunities.

    This Ideas Forum event will offer the opportunity for researchers to present their space relevant research capabilities through 5 minute expertise pitches, and then provide time to discuss potential research collaborations in a round-table session.

    Confirmed pitches to date include:

    Dr Peter Roberts (MACE) – orbital aerodynamics, space materials and Manchester’s first satellite

    Dr Katie Joy (SEES) - Upcoming opportunities for collaborations in planetary exploration

    Dr Gail Millin-Chalabi (SEED) – Earth observation and its commercialisation

    If you are interested in taking advantage of one the 5 minute pitch slots, you can register your interest in the Eventbrite registration form. Please do so by 14th May so that we can collate and publicise the speakers in the lead up to the event.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Mercury Talk - Wednesday 26th May 2021 at 2pm (online)

    Joining details:

    Speaker: Ahmed Ibrahim

    Host: Ian Pratt-Hartmann

    Title: Recognising Intrinsic Motivation using Smartphone Trajectories

    Abstract: Human behaviours that are motivated by and indicative of personal interests can be utilised to personalise behavioural recommendations used to promote health and well-being. Behavioural and psychological studies show that (1) personal interests are demonstrated differently in individuals' daily activities; and (2) drawbacks of self-reporting methods, such as forgetfulness and providing socially accepted answers rather than actual ones, may negatively impact the reliability and validity of the recognition process. To address these two challenges, we propose an adaptive approach that infers personal interests from continuously- and passively-sensed smartphones location data. We evaluate our approach based on two longitudinal datasets gathered by human participants going about their normal daily activities. Our results indicate that our approach successfully identifies interests consistent with those reported by participants, matching or outperforming alternative approaches. We also see high inter-personal variation, suggesting a future role for personalisation in our approach.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Centre for Digital Trust and Society events this week

    The Rise of Shadow Infrastructure and Implications for Trust and Security Tuesday 18 May, 1 – 2pm

    Workplace Security Cluster Seminar Wednesday 19 May, 12 – 1pm

    The Rise of Shadow Infrastructure and Implications for Trust and Security Thursday 20 May, 10:30am – 2pm

    Find out more and contact the Centre for Digital Trust and Society via website, email or Twitter

    gravatar Karon Mee

    UUKi Research Collaboration webinars: UK-Japan & UKRI - JSPS Joint Call 2021

    Date: Monday 24 May 2021 (8:30-10:30am UK time)

    Universities UK International (UUKi) webinar focusing on Japan-UK research collaboration and is open to UK and Japan based researchers, and university research managers. The webinar will include presentations from the Japanese Embassy, Japan Society for the promotion of Science (JSPS London), The Royal Society and a Newcastle University - Hiroshima University case study. A report of the key findings on the UK-Japan research collaborations will also be presented by UUKi.

    Registration required:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UoM Innovation Factory and FSE Business Engagement and Innovation Team workshops

    Events: 13:00-14:00 on Friday the 25 June, 2 July and 9 July (via Zoom)

    The University of Manchester Innovation Factory and FSE Business Engagement and Innovation Team are excited to invite you to three virtual workshops in June/July to help you identify opportunities and support IP commercialisation in Computer Science. The events are aimed at students, postdocs and academics working and studying in the Department and are being specially tailored with relevant agenda topics and speakers. 
    Attending the workshops will help you identify ideas with commercial opportunity and inspire and lead to you to generate societal, environmental and/or economic impact. The three introductory events will be followed by on-going meetings and activities which will enable contact with dynamic tech companies, investors, big corporates, specialist IP lawyers as well as other organisations and individuals working in the tech/digital/AI space. 
    Registration required: .

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    PGR Symposium (online)

    The event will be held online this year (Zoom meeting 97680458847).

    Details are available at .

    The Symposium is an excellent opportunity to see what our PhD students are doing. It features a programme of short (15-minute) talks from PhD students (mostly in their second year) working in all areas of the Department. Can I also draw your attention to the two invited speakers: our own Prof. Gavin Brown and this year's (international!) guest, Prof. Lawrence S. Moss, from Indiana University.

    Please support our students by putting the dates in your diaries and dropping in an some of the sessions.

    Sincerely, Ian Pratt-Hartmann

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research News

    Dr Batista-Navarro's talk

    On Thursday 18th March 2021 Digital Futures hosted the event ‘From Digital Futures to Digital Present: How has the Post-Pandemic World reshaped our digital lives?’. Dr Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro spoke on the potential of raising people’s awareness of the carbon footprint of their home-cooking. 

    The talk is available: From Digital Futures to Digital Present: Dr Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro - YouTube

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]BAME News

    Call for participants: 100 Black Women Professors Now!

    Call for participants in the Women in Higher Education Network’s ‘100 Black Women Professors Now!’ programme.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Prize and award Opportunities

    Nature Research Awards for Inspiring Women in Science

    Deadline: 20-Jun-21
    The Nature Research Awards for Inspiring Women in Science aim to celebrate and support the achievements of women in science, as well as those who encourage girls and young women to engage with STEM subjects and support them to stay in STEM careers. Winners will receive a prize of $40k (£28k), publicity and mentoring. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC call: Adventurous energy research for a sustainable net zero

    The University is limited to 6 submissions. Please contact asap for full information on the internal sift process (deadline 27-May-21).

    Apply for funding for high-risk decarbonisation research to develop or model:

    • materials
    • devices
    • fuels
    • technologies.

    Mathematical, digital, artificial intelligence and software-based solutions are excluded.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    2022/23 Fellowship Opportunity at Durham University’s Institute of Advanced Study

    Deadline:  25-Jun-2021

    Durham University offers a prestigious Fellowship scheme via its Institute of Advanced Study (IAS). Launched in October 2006 to mark the 175th anniversary of the foundation of the University, the IAS generates transformational thinking by facilitating exchanges of knowledge across the full spectrum of disciplinary areas. We hope that the Institute’s Fellowship programme will attract the most distinguished scholars from around the world and foster their long-term international collaborations with Durham scholars.
    Each Fellowship provides an honorarium (£3,000); a travel allowance; and accommodation. There are up to 20 fellowships available annually, and each is for a three-month period (October-December 2022 or January-March 2023). Some of the Fellowships are reserved for academics nominated as collaborators in research project developments sponsored by the IAS (for details see However, open Fellowship applications are invited from scholars who would also like to work with these projects, or who want to come to Durham for a term to work on collaborative interdisciplinary research projects with academics at Durham University. During their stay, Fellows are expected to deliver a public lecture, present a ‘work in progress’ seminar and to engage generally in IAS activities. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    IDSAI Turing Fellow call 

    Deadline: 23 June 2021
    Turing Fellow Call 2021 | The Alan Turing Institute
    A new call for Turing Fellows is launching for mid-to-senior career stage researchers are invited to apply. Both current Turing Fellows and new applicants are eligible to apply. Turing Fellows are scholars with proven research excellence in data science, artificial intelligence or a related field whose research would be significantly enhanced through active involvement with the Turing network of universities and partners. Successful applicants will be appointed as Turing Fellows for 12 months initially with all fellowships commencing on 01-Oct-2021.

    Interested applicants with queries should contact their Turing University Lead (Prof. Magnus Rattray).

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Digital Futures Funding Roundup

    Click here to see a round up of all the latest Digital-related funding opportunities.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    ESRC-ADR UK No.10 Data Science Fellowships 2021

    Deadline: 02-Jun-21

    ESRC-ADR UK No.10 data science fellowships 2021 – UKRI

    Opportunity for social science-focussed researchers with quantitative analysis experience to spend a year collaborating with 10 Downing Street’s data science team (10DS) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS):
    •    Co-designing research and producing analysis using new and existing linked administrative datasets to inform policy in priority policy areas
    •    Championing data science across central government and supporting wider knowledge exchange with researchers on effective policy collaboration and data analysis.
    Maximum Award: £135k

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Electrical Safety Work in Kilburn

    A reminder that, during June 2021, the Kilburn building will be undergoing its statutory 5 year electrical safety inspection, and power outages will occur around the building. 

    If you have a computer powered on in Kilburn that you either use remotely or provide services from, please fill in the short (couple of minutes) survey at:

    The intention is that, once we have this information captured, affected users can be contacted with the timeframe(s) where their systems will lose power so they can shut them down safely, and staff on-site can power them up again if required. While we will try to bring systems back online as soon as possible, given the small number of staff available on site we can not give guaranteed restoration times.

    gravatar Christopher Page

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:33:54
Last change: Wednesday, 19 May 2021 06:53:48