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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 21 April 2021

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Apology and amendment - Turing £50

    It was drawn to my attention that there was an inaccurate statement in the previous issue of the Newsletter (07/04/2021). I have contacted the author and asked for them to amend it. The archive version of the Newsletter is now also annotated with the amendment.

    Alan Turing did not lead the team that developed the Manchester Baby. Tom Kilburn and Freddie Williams were the leaders of that team. This error has been raised with the University Media Team and the national news media that originally made the error.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Regular event

    Topic: CS PDRA (PostDoc) Tea/Coffee time

    Time: Fridays 2:00 PM London

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 983 9103 1705                          

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Wellbeing Wiki

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Mercury Talk: Recognising Intrinsic Motivation using Smartphone Trajectories

    Join us for the next Computer Science Mercury talk with Ahmed Ibrahim. Wednesday 26th May 2021 at 2pm (online)

    Joining details:

    Meeting ID: 961 5394 6704

    Host: Ian Pratt-Hartmann

    Title: Recognising Intrinsic Motivation using Smartphone Trajectories

    Abstract: Human behaviours that are motivated by and indicative of personal interests can be utilised to personalise behavioural recommendations used to promote health and well-being. Behavioural and psychological studies show that (1) personal interests are demonstrated differently in individuals' daily activities; and (2) drawbacks of self-reporting methods, such as forgetfulness and providing socially accepted answers rather than actual ones, may negatively impact the reliability and validity of the recognition process. To address these two challenges, we propose an adaptive approach that infers personal interests from continuously- and passively-sensed smartphones location data. We evaluate our approach based on two longitudinal datasets gathered by human participants going about their normal daily activities. Our results indicate that our approach successfully identifies interests consistent with those reported by participants, matching or outperforming alternative approaches. We also see high inter-personal variation, suggesting a future role for personalisation in our approach.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]PGR News

    EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship 2021/22 - Call for Applications

    FSE are now accepting applications to the 2021/22 EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship. This year, recruitment to the fellowship will be done in two phases to accommodate students that receive an extension due to COVID-19. The indicative timetable for each phase is as follows:


    Application Deadline


    Project start date


    Friday 30th July 2021

    August 2021 (exact date TBC)

    September 1st 2021 – January 31st 2022


    Friday 28thJanuary 2022

    February 2022 (exact date TBC)

    1st April – 31st July 2022

    The EPSRC Doctoral Prize is a prestigious scheme aimed at developing the very best EPSRC funded students beyond the end of their PhD and help them launch a successful career in research as potential future research leaders.

    Successful applicants will be expected to take their research to the next level and undertake significant new research; the Prize must not be viewed merely as an opportunity to continue/complete PhD work although the continuation of specific work from the applicants’ PhD that will result in publications may be permitted.

    Successful applicants will be awarded a tax-free living allowance of £24,370 per annum (pro rata).

    For more information please visit:

    gravatar Simon Harper

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC IAA: Consultancy Scheme Call for Proposals

    Deadline: Open Call

    The purpose of this scheme is to support the provision of expert advice, analysis and interpretation, over a short and defined period, by academic staff to an external party in order to address specific problems.

    *Please note that EPSRC IAA Consultancy scheme funds need to be spent by 30th June 2021, therefore, projects must start as soon as possible and be costed to finish by the spend deadline. Extensions cannot be permitted for this funding. The Call will close once all of the funding allocation has been awarded / when we reach the expenditure deadline.

    The EPSRC has awarded UoM an additional £200k towards the University’s Impact Accelerator Account (IAA), which will provide additional support towards the increase and acceleration of impact generated through the University’s EPSRC research outputs.

    The overall aim of the IAA Consultancy Scheme is to support the development of The University of Manchester (UoM) groups, centres and facilities to enable continued growth and expansion of projects with industry partners and to grow capacity within the group, centre or facility.

    Prior to applying, academics are strongly advised to contact a member of the KE Team for support. Initial contact should be made via  

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Dean’s Doctoral Scholarship Awards are back

    The Faculty of Science and Engineering has announced a number of Dean’s Doctoral Scholarship Awards for September 2021, to recognise and reward the exceptional academic performance.

    The fully funded award, covering a three and a half year period, includes tuition fees at the international rate, an annual maintenance stipend equivalent to UKRI minimum stipend rate and £1000 Research Training Support Grant. The Awards are open to all nationalities and across all research areas.

    To be eligible, applicants must hold an academic offer to start a PhD programme in September 2021. Departments will then nominate offer holders, who will be invited for interviews in May.

    However, in order to attract the brightest and the best minds, the Faculty is encouraging academically excellent students who don’t yet have a PhD offer in place, to make an application for a chance to be considered. Interested applicants should make first contact with Department admissions teams by 12 April 2021 to discuss how best to progress.

    With the deadlines so tight, the Faculty is asking academics to share news of this opportunity with current students, and colleagues working at other Universities in the UK and abroad. PGR students who were nominated for the Award in 2020/21 will also be considered.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    RAEng Bhattacharyya Award,HIC1,S4S4G,22JQG,1

    Deadline: 31 May 2021

    The Bhattacharyya Award is a new annual award to celebrate collaboration between academia and industry. This prize of £25k will be awarded to the team who best show how industry and universities can work together. The award is open to UK universities and colleges and institutions are invited to submit a single entry based on any area of their work that meets the award criteria. Please let know if you are interested in applying.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    RAEng Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships,HIC1,S4S4G,22JQG,1

    Deadline: 02-Sep-2021
    Designed to strengthen the links between industry and academia, this scheme supports exceptional academics in UK universities to undertake use-inspired research that meets the needs of industrial partners.
    Research Chairs are professorial appointments, so applicants should already be a professor or equivalent
    Senior Research Fellowships are senior academic appointments, so applicants should already be a Reader or Lecturer level or equivalent, with an outstanding research profile including a proven track record in securing external grant income and developing collaborations

    The duration of an award is five years, normally on a full-time basis. The industrial sponsor must commit to fund the entire five-year period. Applications for shorter time periods will not be accepted and all awards made in this round must start on 01-Sep-2021.
    The industrial sponsor must have a significant base in the UK and should contribute at least £250,000 towards this collaborative research project over the five-year period. Usually no more than a maximum of two industrial sponsors per application would be allowable.
    In special circumstances the ‘industrial sponsor’ may be another funding body such as a charity or government department. In such cases, the funding body is subject to the same terms and conditions as an industrial sponsor, and must also demonstrate suitable pathways to impact in order to exploit research outcomes.
    The university is expected to have already identified an appropriate collaborative research project and secured the support of an industrial partner prior to submitting an application
    This research programme will naturally align with the interests of the industrial sponsor and its ‘use-inspired research’ should be underpinned by world-class basic research. This collaborative research proposal must be of mutual benefit to both industry and academic partners. Please note that it is not a contract research or consultancy agreement.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    ESRC Inclusive Ageing call

    Deadline: 08-Jun-21

    These bids must be >50% social sciences, however there may be some CS elements that are relevant or could enhance proposals. There are no internal demand management requirements for the call (no sifts) but please contact if you are interested in applying. Sarah can link you to other potential bids that we know of across UoM.

    Up to £2.5M is available over 5 years. Your project must address how earlier life experiences affect inequalities in later life and go beyond only describing inequalities and focus on both:

    • improving understanding of how social and economic inequalities affect people in later life
    • identifying practical ways to improve inclusivity in later life.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    NERC Standard Research and New Investigator Grants - internal sift

    This call is available every 6 months (up to £800k available). NERC predominantly cover environmental sciences but look to also overlap with other disciplines and includes these areas within their remit (amongst many others):

    • medical and health interface
    • omic sciences and technologies
    • plant and crop science
    • tools, technology and methods.

    'We’re looking for proposals that can support pure, applied, technology-led or policy-driven research but still address – or provide the means to address – clearly-defined scientific questions.'

    Please contact your named RSM ( if you wish to apply as an internal sift is required for these calls.

    The University internal review panel will expect ‘submission ready’ proposals.  Incomplete proposals will not be reviewed by the panel. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered, applications received directly from academics will be returned to RSMs for validation.


    • Sunday 30th May 2021 (end of play): complete proposals to
    • Monday 31st May 2021 (12.00) -Internal review deadline for full proposals that will go to University NERC Demand Management Panel
    • Mon 31st May 2021 - Proposals sent to University NERC Demand Management Panel
    • Tue 1st Jun - Fri 11th June - University panel meets
    • Friday 11th June 2021 - Decisions to applicants
    • Tuesday 13th July 2021 (16:00) - NERC SG and NI external deadline

    Submission Requirements (contact for templates)

    • Cover sheet (template)
    • CV in standard NERC format
    • Case for Support
    • Complete Justification of Resources
    • Details of any partnerships - if a letter of support is expected please provide indicative details of the partnership and support expected, the letter itself is not required for the internal review stage.
    • If application is a resubmission, include NERC comments where possible.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    MRC call: Develop guidance for better research methods

    Deadline: 10-Jun-21

    Up to £60k is available for 18 months, to develop new guidance on biomedical and health research methods. There's a 2-stage MRC review process. Upon award, teams must begin the proposed work within 6 months to ensure that the resulting guidance for better methods retains its relevance as assessed when awarded.

    The guidance should aim to improve the understanding and use of better methods related to the remit of MRC or National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), and be accessible to those without specialist methodology knowledge.

    Funding should typically support:

    • background or scoping review
    • consensus development
    • open access publication
    • production of other learning resources, if required.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Monday, 22 July 2024 09:58:57
Last change: Wednesday, 21 April 2021 12:02:12