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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 10 March 2021

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Michael Fisher becomes member of EPSRC's Strategic Advisory Network

    Congratulations  to Michael Fisher,  who has been appointed to EPSRC's Strategic Advisory Network (SAN). The SAN provides the EPSRC Executive with strategic advice to assist in developing, implementing and modifying plans, and to make appropriate recommendations to EPSRC’s Council. you can see the announcement at
    and on EPsRC's Twitter thing at


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Kilburn opening for students

    In line with the Government's plan for easing the lockdown, from Monday 8th March the Kilburn Building will be used to provide walk-in study spaces for students. There is a reception to monitor access. Oddfellows Hall and other bookable study spaces provided by the Library will continue to be available. Use of these spaces will be monitored to ensure that an appropriate number of places for our students within a Covid-compliant environment are provided.

    the general guidance is to continue to work at home if at all possible. One off access to the buildings can be granted, as well as limited coming into work for well-being reasons.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    On campus teaching

    Along with the majority of taught programmes in the FSE, Computer Science will be continuing to teach on-line. The next review point is after the Easter break at the start of April.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Information governance

    All academic, RA and Ps staff have to do the Information Governance training. the deadline to do so was 31 December 2020. There are still a considerable number of staff that have not done the two bits of training. If the training is not done then access to IT Services facilities will be removed. This sanction is real and has happened, so if you've not done the training then do so. Those that have not done the training will receive an email, but you can sign up for the training at

    It really isn't very hard and is quite  quick and certainly quicker than recovering access to IT Services facilities.


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    [ top ]Events

    How has the Post-Pandemic World reshaped our digital lives?

    Event: Thursday 18th March, 2021 (10:00 - 12:45)


    • 10.00am - 11.15am: Public facing talks
    • 11.30am - 12.45pm: Internal workshop for UoM staff

    Featuring Computer Science's very own Dr Riza Batista-Navarro. For full information on the event, speakers and registration see:


    The Covid pandemic has prompted many changes in the way citizens interact with each other, and the extent to which these interactions are regulated and managed by the government and public authorities. At the core of these changes is an exponential increase in reliance on digital technology. Much of daily life has transferred into the online realm, and new regulatory regimes, as well as core social, health and economic services, are heavily dependent on smart apps, video conference tools and track and trace technology.

    The question of how far these new norms and practices are temporary measures to be dialled back once a vaccine is rolled out, or whether they are here to stay and will profoundly reconfigure the pace and ‘space’ of post-Covid life is one of increasing importance for academics and wider society to address.

    This event will bring together expertise from across the Digital Futures network to debate this question across a range of different arenas.

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    [ top ]Research News

    UKRI COA Disruption funding second call for applications

    For UKRI grants disrupted by COVID

    The first funding allocation for UKRI Covid Disruption funding (COA) concluded in December 2020. Over £4m was allocated to UKRI grants disrupted by COVID and a second round of disruption funding for UKRI grants is now open.  

    For this second funding round the priority are grants which end before the 30-Sep-2021. However, grants ending after this are also eligible to apply.

    The majority of the allocation will remain focussed on supporting directly incurred (DI) staff costs at 100% in order to prioritise the retention of research staff capacity and capability. Funding allocations are anticipated to cover between 3 and 6 months staff salary costs where this will support delivery of project objectives and mitigate significant disruption caused by the pandemic. Non-pay costs will not normally be eligible for support but will be considered in exceptional circumstances.

    Funding will be allocated by research council to maintain the disciplinary balance required by UKRI and all expenditure must be incurred before the 30th September 2021. Only UKRI funded grants (including Innovate UK) are eligible for this support.

    You can apply online using the link below. You must complete a separate application for each grant you wish to be considered for funding and the closing date for applications is 5pm 07-Apr-2021.

    Further information on the application process can be found on the COVID FAQS for Research Funding and information from UKRI can be found in the UKRI Terms and Conditions and a set of UKRI FAQs.

    If you have any questions about the funding call please contact

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Research Support Team Update

    Thank you for all of your patience over Lockdown 3.0 so far and thank you to those that have stepped in to support the Department during this time: Emma Reilly, Alex Sinton and Soleil Eddleston. I'm pleased to report that the Research Support Team are now back to capacity:

    Research Support Manager: Sarah Chatwin (Tues-Fri)

    Research Support Officers: Vanessa Menon; Natalia Stefanovic; James Mulholland

    As before, please email your research support contact with any queries you have or with news of new applications.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Horizon Europe Update - UK Participation in Horizon Europe

    The European Commission has published a useful document with Q&A on UK participation in Horizon Europe.

    The document addresses some of the most frequently asked questions related to the status of UK entities in the programme, including their eligibility for the first Horizon Europe calls for proposals that are launched before the adoption of the Horizon Europe Regulation.  It also confirms that the UK will be fully associated to the programme (with the exception of the EIC Fund, which is part of the EIC Accelerator scheme) and that UK participants will have the same rights as their EU counterparts with regards to obtaining EU grants or participating in and leading consortia.

    Please share this document with your European counterparts, underlining that it provides clear and authoritative information confirming the UK’s eligibility for first calls of the Horizon Europe programme.

    Answers to the following questions are included in the document:

    ·         How will the UK be associated to Horizon Europe?

    ·         Can UK entities take part in the first calls for proposals of Horizon Europe?

    ·         What parts of Horizon Europe will the UK be associated to?

    ·         What are the rights of UK participants?

    ·         What does the UK have to pay to participate in Horizon Europe?

    ·         Will other countries associate to Horizon Europe?

    UKRO have produced a useful factsheet:

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    EPSRC sustainable manufacturing call

    If you are interested in this £10M call ( please contact asap.

    Deadline: 20-Apr-2021


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    gravatar Radina Ivanova
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:43:16
Last change: Wednesday, 10 March 2021 10:28:44