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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 10 February 2021

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Text Mining for Biomedical Applications

    Prof. Sophia Ananiadou, director of NaCTeM, has been invited to deliver a keynote talk entitled "Text Mining for Biomedical Applications" at the The 19th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2021), to be held from February 3rd - 5th, 2021.

    The Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC) series is an annual international forum for exploring research, development and novel applications in the field of bioinformatics. The aim of APBC is to bring together academia and industry to share knowledge and experiences, and to showcase innovations and achievements. It has been held since 2003 around Asia Pacific Regions.

    More information...

    gravatar Karon Mee

    New colleague in SSO

    Jessicca Kateryniuk-Smith joined SSO on Monday 25th January as the Student Support & Welfare Administrator. Jessicca will work closely with both SSO and the School of Engineering’s Student Support and Welfare Team to provide welfare support to students in Computer Science. Jessicca will provide guidance and administrative support for students with a particular focus on welfare, well-being and pastoral support. Welcome Jessicca!

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    World Engineering Day

    World Engineering Day is a UNESCO International Day and is an Annual Celebration to highlight the achievements of engineers and engineering in our modern world and improve public understanding of how engineering and technology is central to modern life and sustainable development. The School of Engineering wishes to use World Engineering Day to celebrate the work of our researchers, teachers and students.

    We are therefore asking staff (academic and PS) and our research community to consider making a short (around 2-minute) film that celebrates the work of the School of Engineering. We will place completed films on our website, on social media and will show some at School Open Meetings. More detail of this is on the attached.

    Please let us know if you would like to be involved by contacting Lindsey at

    Ian Cotton & Caroline Jay (Joint Heads of Research)

    Lindsey Gage (Social Responsibility Officer)



    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Events

    Participant recruitment - supporting students with disabilities

    You are invited to participate in a research project that investigates support for students with disabilities. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of academic and pastoral staff in supporting the wellbeing of students with disabilities, and to identify ways universities can better support students with disabilities.

    The research team would like to speak to a range of student-facing staff who come into contact with students with disabilities. Participation involves taking part in an interview either by phone, zoom or email. Participants will be entered into a prize draw to receive a voucher.

    If you are interested in taking part and/or finding out more information please contact:

    Ethical approval has been granted by the University of Manchester Research Ethics Committee (REC) for this study

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]PGR News

    Academic Writing Support & Shut Up and Write Sessions

    Academic Writing Support & Shut Up and Write Sessions will commence from Thursday, Feb 04th at 13:00. The weeks will alternate starting with Academic Writing Support with Sarah Clinch and then on the 11th Shut Up and Write with me (Simon).

    The Zoom code will be the same for both sessions (less to remember) but you'll get separate calendar invites so you know what is happening when. I'd suggest most PGRs should be attending and especially those writing-up.

    For Academic Writing, attendees will be expected to bring a short piece of writing (~300-500 words). This can be a piece of writing that you were writing anyway or a response to the week's writing prompt (writing prompts will be sent weekly using the mailing list). Attendees will be expected to read other's texts, and to provide constructive feedback. Sessions are critical but non-judgemental.

    1. 5 minutes of settling time
    2. 15 minutes critical reading
    3. 5-minute break. Stretch and refocus.
    4. 15 minute feedback
    5. The end. Chat, leave or keep writing - zoom room runs for an extra hour.


    Shut up and write, is a no-distractions space to foster a short period of focused writing. Write the text for the following academic writing, paper abstracts, start your thesis early, reports, blogs, grants, papers, poems, whatever. No-one will see what you’ve written, no judgement, just two short blocks of focused writing time, and because it is hardcoded into your calendar then you are more likely to do it.

    1. 5 minutes of settling time
    2. 25 minutes writing block. No chat.
    3. 5-minute break. Stretch and refocus.
    4. 25 minutes First 25 minute writing block. No chat.
    5. The end. Chat, leave or keep writing - zoom room runs for an extra hour.

    Icons made by Freepik from
    gravatar Simon Harper

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Software Sustainability Institute’s Fellowship Programme 2021

    The deadline for applications to the Software Sustainability Institute’s Fellowship Programme 2021 is 23:59 GMT on Sunday, 7 February 2021! The Fellowship Programme provides funding (£3000) for individuals who want to improve how research software is done in their domains and/or area of work. Being a Fellow also helps individuals develop skills and knowledge in their area of software sustainability, empowers them to speak about software sustainability issues and network with like-minded individuals from a wide variety of research areas. For more information about our programme, our Fellows, and how to apply, please visit:

    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Radina Ivanova
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:33:30
Last change: Wednesday, 10 February 2021 11:31:50