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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 09 December 2020

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Christmas Party 2021, in our virtual Kilburn Building! Please come and join on Thursday 10th Dec!

    Christmas Party 2021, in our virtual Kilburn Building! Please come and join us:

    Thursday, December 10th, 4-6pm, in

    A nice social gathering with a difference to mark the end of 2020, and for bumping into and chatting with the lovely Kilburn people. This will NOT be yet another Zoom meeting, but an opportunity to catch up and be merry…bring your own favourite tipple and mince pies - and feel free to wear something Christmassy, glittery or silly!

    In we have the First Floor area of the Kilburn Building including the Foyer and the Common room. You can move around and meet people; you'll see an avatar, so you can gather  in groups and move between groups for  conversations. We have 244 "places" so, if you can't get in, try at some point over the two hours of our Festive bash.  Note: ‘user experience on your phone will be poor - do use a browser on your laptop ideally with camera and microphone’

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Information Security and Data Protection Training

    Dear All

    Many of you will have recieved requests to do the Information Security and Data Protection training. it is mandatory that all employees of the UoM do this, irrespective of whether or not they've done the previous training in the last two years. The link whence you can start the training is

    it is not too painful. It has to be completed by 31 december 2020. if it's like previous rounds of such training, failure to do so  wil result in lots of emails chasing for it to be completed and eventually discontinuation of access to IT Services facilities (email, services in the Dept and beyond in the UoM, etc etc).


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Computer Science School Operations Team known as ACSO - new contact email

    ACSO sits under the business area known as School Operations and as a School of Engineering team we work collaboratively across Departments. In order to standardise our identity within the School our email address will be changing to CS Operations:

    This new email is now operational and a divert will be in place on the old ACSO email address to ensure we do not miss any emails.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    CS School Operations “Drop In session”

    Do you need help or advice with something – maybe a finance query, a casual employee issue, a conference registration enquiry – or any general enquiry.  We thought a chance to speak to someone face to face may help resolve queries quickly and avoid extra email traffic.  If this proves beneficial then we will run it as a regular thing

    Time: Jan 7, 2021 02:00 PM London

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    Meeting ID: 913 1730 0563

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Innovation Clinics meetings

    Innovation Clinics

    My name is Erol and I am a Senior Project Manager at The University of Manchester Innovation Factory. The Innovation Factory aims to support inventors across The University to achieve impact. However, there are probably a lot of questions around what this actually means in practice. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, we are launching a series of meetings called “Innovation Clinics”.

    The aim of the “Innovation Clinics” is to provide an informal recurring setting in which we can engage in an open dialogue about exploring sustainable, and meaningful ways of achieving impact. The clinics are mainly geared towards postgraduate students and members of staff (e.g. PhD candidates, post-docs, RAs, and lecturers), however undergraduates are also welcome to join. Therefore, we hope you will be able to join me in at least one session.

    Dates will be circulated in the New year. The clinics are scheduled to run for 2 hours between 12-2pm. The format is open and unstructured so that you may guide the conversation through your questions.

    During this 2 hour window, you can drop in and out at any time. Of course, if the need arises, we can further develop individual conversations outside the clinics.

    If you can’t make it to any of these sessions, but would still like to ask a question, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

    Erol-Valeriu ChioascaSenior Project Manager - Computer Science

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    January DoFO Open meeting dates

    Please see the January DoFO Open meeting dates below

    (No meeting first week of Jan)

    Wednesday 13th January 12.30pm – 1.30pm

    Wednesday 20th January 10.30am – 11.30am

    Wednesday 27th January 1pm – 2pm

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Date for your diary: Monday 14th December

    The School of Engineering has set up a ‘Step Away Day’, with activities running that are open to all staff to drop into if they can. These include exercise classes, craft sessions and ideas for holiday downtime.

    Michelle Fox - our DSOM will be providing a couple of fabulous Pilate classes

    Karon Mee - will be providing an hour of yoga and relaxation

    Full schedule and links will be sent out soon.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Kindness Calendar

    December Kindness Calendar

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Would you like to join a Bookclub?

    11th Dec 12:30-1:30pm

    Enjoy a break, with a cuppa (or a festive mulled wine) to the next meeting of the book club.

    To begin with a recap on the previous book which was Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari (it's ok if you are just joining now)

    Our next book is a series of short stories The Book of Shanghai: A City in Short Fiction (Reading the City) by Chen Qiufan (Author), Cai Jun (Author), Wang Anyi (Author), Xiao Bai (Author), & 6 more

    If you would like to join please contact for the zoom link

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    SPORT activities during the Christmas Break

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Wellbeing updates

    Dear all,

    A few updates for you:

    • January – some new events coming up! Webinars will be supporting those members of staff that have made some wellbeing new year resolutions. Schedule is attached for your info. They will be on StaffNet shortly.
    • Compassionate Colleague – this will continue into January and new dates have been scheduled. Please continue to promote this training in your areas – very happy to work with Champs on sessions for their teams if you’d prefer this to suggesting an open session. Help me get 1000 UoM employees through this course!
    • Please promote the Christmas 2020 Yammer Group – connecting is one of our ways to wellbeing!
    • The walking challenge for January is happening! We will be using an online platform that teams can use with: Look out for more information soon on how you can get involved.
    • This is a handy share: – information from Mind on mental health over Christmas during the Coronavirus.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Events

    An invitation to the Royal Society's conference on Digital Technologies and the Planet

    Royal Society conference on Digital Technologies and the Planet 

    10-11 December 2020. Please find the programme here, where you can register through Eventbrite. 

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Atlas Talk 9th December 2020

    Atlas Talk on Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 2pm online

    Kerstin Dautenhahn, Canada Chair at Univ. Waterloo , social robotics

    (Host: Clare Dixon)

    Title: Interacting with Socially Intelligent Robotics

    The talk will outline some ongoing research projects in the Social and Intelligent Robotics (SIRRL) lab at University of Waterloo. My lab is interested in studying how robots can “naturally”, and in a socially acceptable manner interact with people. We are currently targeting a variety of research issues ranging from fundamental questions of how to improve human-robot interaction, e.g. using co-adaptation based on physiological measurements, or developing techniques to support remote studies on gaze behavior in human-robot interaction, to applications of social robots e.g. in assistive technology, including the design of a new robot called MyJay built here in Waterloo, and search and rescue applications where autonomous robots need to communicate efficiently with human team members, using multimodal, and affective expressions. I will briefly outside different projects, highlighting challenges and directions for future work.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Research News

    Funded: Clinical data normalisation for livestock disease surveillance

    Funders: EPSRAC IAA and APHA
    Amount: £25k

    Goran Nenadic and Mercedes Arguello Casteleiro will be working with The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) on an IAA project to develop a methodology for scanning surveillance of livestock diseases in England and Wales by automatically processing animal post-mortem examination (PME) reports. Currently, this process is manual and this project will aim to pilot advanced text analytics methods to transform livestock PME reports into structured clinical information using established standards (such as FHIR HL7, SNOMED CT and LOINC). The aim of the project is to enhance the national disease surveillance capability and improve detection of new and re-emerging livestock disease risks, including zoonotic infections potentially transmissible to humans, and vice versa. Given that approximately 70% of new infectious diseases in humans originate in animals, this project not only addresses animal welfare and the safety of food supplies, but could also have a direct impact on public health.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Danny Dresner in the news

    Last week Prof Danny Dresner was quoted in a piece from BBC News, where he comments on the news that iPhones were left vulnerable to hacking via wi-fi. Prof Dresner says it is reassuring that there are no known cases of the weakness being exploited but notes the danger as phones become “the pivot point of always-on online living”.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]BAME News

    The Advocate Magazine

    Learn about what's happening in our BAME Community, including classes, history, food, social interest.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Colin Morris Leaving

    After two years working in the Department, Colin Morris will be leaving at the end of the month. Due to the way he has arranged to take his leave, his last work day was Monday 7.

    Colin has been an important part of the team, and during his time in the Department he has helped to support, maintain, and develop many important systems and projects. I'd like to thank him for his hard work, dedication, and for his enthusiastic outlook while getting to grips with the myriad complex systems we run. He will be missed, and we wish him the best of luck for the future!

    gravatar Chris

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC open fellowship

    Deadline: rolling

    Fellowships for up to 5 years are available on any topic in the EPSRC portfolio. You’ll have the support, flexibility and freedom to:

    • develop high-quality research
    • gain experience to enhance your career
    • create a modern and inclusive research environment
    • raise the profile of EPSRC’s remit.

    You must have either a PhD OR at least 4 years’ experience in a relevant field by the start of your fellowship. You must be hosted and supported by an eligible UK research organisation during your fellowship.

    Your project can use one or a combination of:

    • discovery science
    • innovation
    • instrumentation and technique development
    • software engineering.
    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    NERC highlight topics

    18-Feb-2021: Notification of intent deadline
    25-Mar-2021: Competition closes

    You can apply for funding for research projects which address environmental challenges covered by 6 new highlight topics including ‘creating resilient, productive and healthy urban environments'.
    Your proposal must address issues within a single highlight topic. Projects can last up to 4 years. You must be a resident in the UK and employed by an eligible UK research organisation.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Leverhulme Research Centres - Internal Call for Expressions of Interest

    Every 3 years the Leverhulme Trust issues a call for applications to fund one Research Centre (details of current Centres here and here) and the University is allowed to submit one outline application.
    Leverhulme will provide funding of up to £1 million per year; £10 million maximum for a duration of between 5 and 10 years.
    A Leverhulme Research Centre may be single-site (one HEI) or multi-site (‘hub and spoke/s’). The Leverhulme Trust is inviting applications that will aspire to achieve a significant step-change in scholarship and encourage new approaches that may establish or reshape a field of study and so transform our understanding of a significant contemporary topic. Applicants are therefore invited to be bold in compiling their bids. The expectation is that Centres will draw upon a range of disciplinary perspectives and expertise, and the hope is for bids that fold the social sciences and humanities authentically into the mix, rather than being framed primarily in physical and life science terms. Please note, Leverhulme do not fund studies of disease, illness and disabilities in humans and animals, or research that is intended to inform clinical practice or the development of medical applications.
    To identify the University bid, potential applicants are required to submit an expression of interest (maximum 4 pages) to (cc-ing in no later than 15 January 2021. The expression of interest should include:


    • A description of the area of research:     
      • the reasons why this is important and interesting
      • the key research questions to be addressed
      • how the Centre will contribute to this general subject area
    • The structure of the Centre:
      • whether single centre, multi-centre, hub and spoke
      • details of the institutions involved and rationale for their participation in the work of the Centre
      • brief details of any key staff who will be involved and their planned contribution
    • The justification for the choice of the Principal Applicant to take both intellectual and organisational leadership

    Potential applicants are encouraged to work with their Faculty Strategic Funding Teams in formulating their expressions of interest. Please contact (FSE), (Humanities) and (FBMH).

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    MRC Improving health in low and middle income countries

    Deadline: 08-Apr-21

    You can submit a proposal of any size, from a small seed-funding proposal to a large-scale programme grant.
    You can apply if you are:

    • a low and middle income countries (LMIC)-based principal investigator
    • a UK-based principal investigator working in partnership with LMIC investigators.

    We’re looking for research projects that will develop practical solutions to health challenges from late-stage intervention development onwards. We also welcome cross-sectoral research that combines expertise to meet a global health challenge (such as urban planning, health policy and non-communicable disease research) within a single proposal.
    The research question might involve different disciplines and approaches from outside the health sector, but the primary objective must be health focused.
    Applied research into understanding the effects of COVID-19 in LMICs will be funded through this board.

    Examples of health topics and areas you can focus your proposal on include:

    • maternal and neonatal health
    • healthy ageing
    • infectious diseases, including neglected tropical diseases and COVID-19
    • non-communicable diseases, including mental health
    • nutrition and food security
    • urban health, including indoor or outdoor air pollution, road traffic accidents and healthy housing
    • informal settlements, conflict zones, and displaced populations
    • detection and diagnostics
    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Call for the JSPS London Short Term Pre/Postdoctoral Fellowships (first call for FY2021)

    Deadline: 26-Jan-2021

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is the leading research funding agency in Japan. Our Pre/Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (Short Term) provides the opportunity for short-term visits (1-12 months) for UK, European, North American and Canadian researchers ordinarily based in the UK or Ireland to do cooperative research with leading research groups at Japanese Universities and Institutions. The programme is designed to provide researchers with first-hand experience of the research and living environment in Japan, whilst expanding academic exchange between Japan and the UK or Ireland.  Researchers from any field including computer science, are eligible to apply. 

    Eligible applicants also need to be either within 2 years of finishing their PhD at the time of applying to start their fellowship in Japan or have obtained their PhD at a university outside of Japan within the last 6 years (on or after 2nd April 2015).

    Reports from former JSPS Fellows who have taken part in this programme can be found on the JSPS London website at the following link:

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    gravatar Radina Ivanova
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:29:44
Last change: Wednesday, 09 December 2020 09:10:43