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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 25 November 2020

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Studentships for your final year Bachelor & Masters students

    Further details can be found on our website -


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Student Experience Update

    What have been our priorities?

    Welcome and Induction It was a huge achievement by all teams transferring our welcome activities online and trying to recreate that start-of-year buzz virtually. The organisation, planning and technical upskilling involved was no mean feat! Student engagement was high and it was rewarding to see students asking lots of questions and starting to form friendships. A big positive was the ability to record sessions so we have lots of ready-made resources for students to access anytime.

    Highlights included:

    • A School of Engineering ‘Society Showcase’, where society committees ran interactive Zoom sessions promoting their societies. We’ll be using this format again as it worked well – our only challenge being that many rooms reached full capacity quickly!
    • Successful PASS and Wellbeing activities, with the help of our PASS leaders and student support colleagues, including Kahoot quizzes, breakout rooms and informal discussions to get students talking.

    Student belonging and sense of community We have been working hard to look at how to create a sense of community, and ensure everyone remains connected, whilst we’re not on campus. Communicating with our students has been instrumental here, and they have shown great innovation in delivering a variety of student-led social events, including virtual escape rooms, online movie, games & speed friending nights, Department quizzes and Bake off competitions.

    We have now recruited over 140 reps across the School and it’s really important we look at how we engage and motivate them to support the community feel within their Departments.

    Events such as our Meet the Academics event in CEAS were also great to enhance that community feel in Departments and for students to hear about their academic’s research interests – as well as what they do in their spare time!

    Communication with students We’ve been trying to streamline the way we communicate with students. Our goal is to include all vital information in Department newsletters, so students only have to look in one place, once a week, for updates, rather than information overload in multiple places! We're also trying to make content on social media, particularly Instagram, more entertaining. A successful example of this was our #NorthCampusHistory campaign, where we posted pictures of North Campus buildings and a short paragraph about their history – which received a lot of engagement on all accounts.

    Careers and Employability

    1. are concerned about their employability more than ever, and so we have been working alongside the Careers Service to actively promote what they do and market it in a way to appeal specifically to engineering students. There are some great services available to support our students, but they are often hard to find or difficult to understand the value of. The virtual STEM Careers fair was well received by students, as were the workshops for all Y2 students on finding work experience. Our popular, ‘Meet the Professionals – Engineering’ workshop is back by popular demand next week too.

    Feedback Getting feedback from students is even more important this year with the new blended and online learning and academics having less face-to-face contact with students. We have been supporting colleagues with collecting feedback through different channels such as:

    • The introduction of discussion breakout groups in CEAS SSLCs, where key issues raised by students are debated and ideas and solutions generated. Reps are also planning feedback drop-ins.
    • Mid-semester ‘Health Check’ surveys in Computer Science. In the 4 days that they were open they had over 500 hundred responses across the three years!
    • Informal Drop-in feedback Q&As in EEE and MACE have helped to pick up some of the smaller issues and deal with them quickly - and take the larger challenges to the SSLCs.

    And, what do we have coming up?

    Feedback Our focus now is to analyse the data, draw out the key themes and ensure that we are effectively communicating to students how we are addressing their feedback. We’re also trying to pull out the good news stories, share examples of student success and promote best practice across different areas.

    We have set up a Student Advisory Group with 25 students from across Engineering and Natural Sciences. The first meeting focused on student feedback on the four themes from the Student Experience Action Plan and this group will be meeting fortnightly to provide direction and student insight for various upcoming student experience initiatives.

    Virtual celebrations will be taking place between the 14th-18th December. We are hoping to build on the success of the July celebrations (now we know what we’re doing!) to ensure that our PGTs can celebrate their achievements until they can hopefully return to campus for their graduation ceremony. We currently brainstorming ideas.

    Welcome back. It has recently been announced that there will be a two week welcome programme: w/c 1 February and w/c 8 February 2021. The focus will be on connection and belonging (and from speaking with students, it is important that it is a time for a good break and catch up) and we’re currently thinking about how we can create opportunities for students to connect with course mates, other students, academics, University staff etc. through a range of interventions and small group activities across both weeks. Any ideas welcomed…

     Karen Butterworth Student Experience Manager School of Engineering

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Events

    Working In a Second Research Area – An Academic Predicament

    Event: 01-Dec-2020 12:30 – 13:30pm (informal webinar)

    Tony Chen, one of the Faculty’s thematic Heads of Business Engagement, is organising a series of lunchtime Knowledge Exchange Forums. The first one will take place on 1st December, where Ian Cotton will speak about how he has developed and engaged in a number of different areas of research over his academic career and the resulting benefits / challenges.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Reminder: ECR training and networking opportunity - open to anyone 1-8 years post PhD.

    (Previously emailed by Mustafa Mustafa):
    Applications are now open for the
    2021 CHERISH De Crucible.  This will be the fifth year of this unique ECR training and networking opportunity. Held at three different locations, the programme offers intense skills labs with a variety of speakers from academia, NGO’s and industry. Find out more and apply through:

    It also may be of interest to see some of the testimonials from previous participants and videos from previous events:
    The response to the Crucible programme is always positive; it can be intense, but the experience has been so valuable to over 100 ECRs, and it would be fantastic if you can join us. Please get in touch with any questions you may have: (Penny Lauder, CHERISH DE Impact & Engagement Officer)

    Riza Batista and Sarah Clinch from our department have participated a few years back and they can certainly recommend this opportunity.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Mercury Lecture

    Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 2pm

    Speaker: Madeleine Steeds

    Title: Smartphones: “Easy”, “Portable” and “Fast”? The Impact of Device Stereotypes on Cognition

    Abstract: Stereotypes are hugely influential in human-human interactions but have received little attention in human-computer interaction. This PhD sets out to investigate how individual’s stereotype their devices and the implications this may have on cognitive processes. In this talk, I will present the findings of an online survey asking participants about their device use and associations (stereotypes) they make with their devices. I will then discuss the impact this may have on mental processes, and present preliminary experimental results demonstrating the ability of device stereotypes to influence human-computer interactions.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]PGR News

    UKRI doctoral students affected by COVID-19 Open meeting 26 Nov

    The University is running an Open Meeting to share your views and ask questions that would be helpful.

    Topic: Open Meeting for PGR Students

    Time: Nov 26, 2020 04:00 PM London

    Registration: via Eventbrite for PGRs to register their attendance and submit questions.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    PGR Return to Campus (for 2 days a week)

    We should now be able to accommodate a return to campus for 2 days a week (depending on demand and notwithstanding new governmental advice).

    PGRs should provided their Supervisor with the following information

    1. What is the room number you wish to work in?

    2. Have you discussed this your supervisor?

    3. Have you read the guidance on returning to campus?

    4. Have you read the relevant Risk assessments - especially the one on office use?

    5. Have you read the Building induction slideset?

    6. Have you displayed an office occupancy notice on your door?

    7. Do you understand about the use of face masks in the building?

    8. Have you raised any health concerns with your coming into the building?

    9. What two days would you prefer (excluding out of hours). These are a request there's no guarantee you will get them.

    Further details are available via the Wiki page

    Further, if additional days are required the the University has a system maintained by the library. You can book a study space across the library sites via this link:

    There are over 900 spaces which students can book across the various library sites. Students need to wear a face mask at all times (unless they have a medical exemption).

    We have also opened PGR specific study spaces in the Christie’s Bistro – students can book these spaces here:

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Apply to switch your existing funding to COVID-19 priority areas

    Deadline: 09 December 2020

    UKRI (including EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC, ESRC etc.) has put in place the following process to allow researchers to repurpose existing UKRI standard grants to address COVID-19 research priorities.

    Those funded by Innovate UK, who wish to re-purpose their grant for COVID-19 purposes, should approach their Monitoring Officer in the first instance; and progress any requests through the Project Change Request (PCR) system.

    In order to be eligible, the research to be undertaken must address one of the following:

    • new research or innovation with a clear impact pathway that has the potential (within the period of the grant) to deliver a significant contribution to the understanding of, and response to, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts.
    • supports the manufacture and/or wide scale adoption of an intervention with significant potential
    • gathers critical data and resources quickly for future research use.

    Please note that no subsequent extension to the grant or additional costs will be allowed in order to meet the original objectives where these were altered to permit new COVID-19 research.

    If you are unable to repurpose existing funding, you can apply to one of our COVID-19 funding opportunities (priority areas include: Modelling, AI, digital and data approaches to understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigating its effects).

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Long-term COVID-19 effects in non-hospitalised individuals

    Deadline: 09 December 2020

    MRC, ESRC and NIHR have £20M available to fund  two or three proposals over 3 years (starting in the New Year). While the scope of the funding call is on the longer term biological and health impacts of COVID-19, proposals may also wish to capture or consider societal factors and demographic characteristics that influence these outcomes, and any downstream social and economic effects (for example, returning to work, impacts on carers).

    Example areas that the research may address include but are not limited to:

    • determining whether long COVID is a distinct syndrome or a set of syndromes
    • identifying whether an identifiable subgroup of symptoms exists
    • determining the prevalence of long COVID
    • understanding factors that increase or diminish the risk of long COVID, this might include viral titre, age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or comorbidities
    • comparison with other cohorts, for example, seasonal influenza
    • understanding the trajectory and how people experience long COVID over time including any biological, social or ecological interactions that impact on the severity of symptoms
    • determining the pathogenesis of long COVID
    • developing and assessing the effectiveness of approaches to reduce the risk of long COVID or interventions and therapies to address its impacts
    • management of long COVID in primary care and social care settings.

    Funding approach
    This call is looking to fund two or three ambitious and comprehensive proposals and a small number of study extensions which take a holistic approach through either:

    • extending existing studies, platform or population resources, including data linkage activities, with justification for clear added value to these established activities
    • establishing new large scale collaborative research programmes, which include other disciplines, cohorts and data sources where possible and appropriate, including those already supported by UKRI or NIHR COVID-19 funding (COVID-19 funded research).
    • The call is not looking to fund small-scale, standalone projects focusing on discrete areas.

    Where possible, research platforms or cohorts should be designed in such a way that they can also support intervention assessment, either as part of original plans or in due course.

    Proposals should also consider the lived experiences of those suffering with the effects of COVID-19 and include plans for patient and public involvement.

    This should include engagement of participants in the co-production of research questions and their delivery, with consideration of representative participation including from social care, under served and less frequently heard communities.

    Please note that the funders recognise that proposed research may be based on preliminary findings or require further partnership or consortium development.

    Proposals are recommended to consider adaptive design or consortium development approaches, supported by provision of risk management strategies or milestones to manage research or consortium refinement along the time course.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Research News

    Research Opportunities

    Dr. Brame is the Team Lead for Basic & Applied Research (BAR) for CCDC Atlantic, coordinating international fundamental research between universities and Army Labs & Centers. The BAR Team includes staff from CCDC International Technology Centers (UK, NE, SE), Army Research Office, and matrixed scientists and Engineers from throughout CCDC with a mission to identify, advance, and transition fundamental science and technologies that contribute to Army Modernization and prepare the US DoD for the battlefields of the future.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    BAE Systems iCASE Award

    Angelo Cangelosi has been awarded a 4-year EPSRC iCASE award from BAE Systems entitled: Trust and Explainable AI in Human-Machine Interaction

    This iCASE PhD project aims at the development of novel, explainable 'Theory of Mind' (ToM) models for human-robot interaction. The integration of probabilistic robot ToM models with explainable AI methods offer the opportunity to improve trust in collaborative HMI scenarios by adding a component of “explicit” ToM building and update, to complement existing “implicit” models of intention reading. 

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Prize and award Opportunities

    Under-represented groups: New postgraduate conversion courses in artificial intelligence (AI)

    The scholarships will be prioritised for Black, female and disabled students. They may also be available for other underrepresented groups including: 

    • Gypsy, Roma, Traveller students 
    • refugees 
    • students from areas of the UK where young people are less likely to go on to higher education (POLAR quintiles 1 and 2) 
    • estranged students 
    • care experienced students 
    • children from military families, veterans and partners of military personnel. 
    • Students are not expected to have a background in a STEM subject, so students with undergraduate degrees from other disciplines may apply. 

    Paid work placements and flexible learning options are available to improve students’ employability and support those with caring and work responsibilities.

    How to find out more 

    Find out more on the Office for Students website at: 

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Get involved with Wellbeing

    Hi! I am introducing myself to you all as the Computer Science Wellbeing Champion. I have taken on this role as I am convinced that when we take care of ourselves (in a myriad of ways), we are happier, live more contented lives, develop better relationships with others, we work better.

    While I am in this role I intend to search out and promote events and ideas that are inclusive to all of us. Wellbeing is a wide-reaching subject. It can be exercise, meditation, and social events but it also covers learning, getting to know each other, support groups, recognising and celebrating diversity, recommending a good book, or local restaurant.

    I hope you will want to get in touch with me to share ideas, links to stuff you are interested in, and to provide feedback and suggestions. I would also welcome help and want to encourage you to get involved in this with me.

    My email address is:

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Free events, training and Purplewave

    30 day free Zoom sessions

    Click the link for more info and to download the schedule click here

    Purplewave 2020 /21 is coming soon

    Purple T-shirts at the ready, UoM Purplewave is due to make a return. Register your interest here:

    TEC Level 2 Complementary Therapies staff CPD free course

    We would  like to offer you the opportunity to partake in our fully funded ITEC Level 2 Diploma in Complementary Therapies programme. The course lasts for a total of 10 or 15 weeks, with the following options available to choose from:


    OPTION 1: Friday, 9.30am-4.00pm

    10 weeks


    OPTION 2: Wednesday, 6.00pm-9.00pm


    15 weeks


    You will learn basic massage therapy, aromatherapy and reflexology techniques. The course has a large focus on relaxation techniques and healthy eating, as well as promoting general health & wellbeing.

    If you are interested in this opportunity and would like to secure a place, please contact us via one of the following methods:




    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Christmas Wellbeing events

    Dear all,

    Please find attached a document with Wellbeing Evens taking place from 1st December till 18th December. 

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Zoom Update - Screen Sharing and Links

    Zoom Update - Screen Sharing and Links

    Zoom is more heavily used than ever with teaching, learning, research and other areas of University business relying on it to operate in the current situation. Earlier in the year some restrictions were put on the UoM Zoom license due to lack of familiarity, a need for certain security features and incidents of “Zoombombing” in some institutions. For these reasons, the ability for all participants to screen share was restricted in that a participant would need to be made co-host in order to do this. Many security features have now been added to the platform and this, the fact that student screen sharing in taught sessions is a frequent requirement and increased experience and familiarity amongst colleagues has led to the decision to lift this restriction. Participants will now be able to screen share without being made co-host but it’s strongly advised to only allow screen sharing, (via the security button at the bottom of the meeting window), when it is required in a session along with utilising the controls available for other features such as waiting room and chat, particularly in large teaching sessions or open type meetings.

     In addition, the ability to embed passcodes in meeting links was initially restricted. This restriction will also be lifted but our strong advice remains only to use this if needed, familiarise yourself with the security features available when scheduling and within a meeting and use them effectively. This includes the use of random links rather than personal meeting IDs and where possible using the “only authenticated users can join” option when scheduling meetings if all of your participants have UoM Zoom licenses. For help and support with using Zoom contact Media Services:

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    gravatar Radina Ivanova
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:52:14
Last change: Wednesday, 25 November 2020 09:05:59