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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 14 October 2020

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Imago - the student software company

    Suzanne Embury, Gareth Henshall and Stewart Blakeway have set up Imago - the Department's student software company. you can see the Imago Web site at

    We have a lot of talented and creative students and Imago uses this talent base to build software for clients. Over the past two summers, Imago has built a portfolio including a web application for the Supergen Bioenergy hub, an educational game for Manchester Museum, a feedback tool for schools' science campaigns run by the SEERIH team and an app for managing sailing competitions. We have so far employed a total of 12 undergraduate students, 2 of whom enjoyed the experience so much, they returned for a second dose.

    Imago was created with the help of the UK Student Enterprise Hub, a network of UK universities running student enterprise activities, funded by the Institute of Coding.

    Imago gives a cost-effective way to turn your research results into usable software, while also benefitting our students by giving experience of real-world software development. Contact Suzanne to discuss adding an Imago development team into your research project budget.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Positions available in Computer Science

    The Department has three, three year teaching focused positions being advertised at:

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Changes in the Admissions and Recruitment Team

    There has been a re-organisation of the Recruitment and Marketing teams in the FSE. we now have a team joint with EEE with Polly Burke-Moulson  as our Admissions  and Recruitment Manager. Helen Harper is leaving us to take up the same role for the  Departments of maths and Earth and Environment.

    Jez Lloyd is also moving on. He's joining the FSE Student Marketing and Recruitment Team. We expect to still be able to use some of Jez's good offices in our student recruitment activities, only not to the same level as we've enjoyed previously.

    The rest of the team are still there and I expect we'll still be working with them, as well as the wider team, in our admissions and Recruitment endeavours. We wish Helen, Jez and the others all the best in their new roles.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    New role for Melanie Price

    I would like to announce that Melanie Price has successfully been appointed to the role of Head of Department PA. I am sure you would like to join me in congratulating her on this new role. Melanie has worked in the Department for 10 years as PA to Professor Goble and as a member of ACSO and I look forward to working with her in this new role.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Digital Humanities

    News & Events from DH @ UoM

    Hello everyone, we hope you're keeping well in all the madness.

    We're emailing with updates about DH@UoM for the next few months.

    First, we've been updating our website over the summer, including the peopleteaching, and research pages . If you would like to be added to the people page, or to any of the research clusters, please get in touch and let us know. We'll be using these details as starting points for networking events throughout the year (details on how to join the first one, this December, are below). 

    We also send on details about our forthcoming seminar series, and opportunities for the Digital Humanities @ UoM community in this next few months. See below for information about this semester's seminar series (including speakers from museum studies, archaeology, linguistics, and GIS), news about a forthcoming conference, and a publication opportunity for PGRs and ECRs.

    If you have news (including projects or events) to share that you think may be of interest to colleagues working across the Digital Humanities, please share on the mailing list below and/or email

    DH Mailing List

    Please click here to join the Digital Humanities @ UoM listserv

    Research Clusters

    We've identified 4 key research clusters in DH research across the university. Click below to find out more, and get in touch to add your name or project to any of them. Keep an eye out for networking events in each of these areas in the coming months.

    Digital Humanities Research Seminars

    The DH Seminars for Semester 1 will be hosted via Zoom, on Wednesday afternoons from 4-5. Please register at the links below to access the Zoom links.

    21 October
    Frances Liddell (Art History & Cultural Practices, UoM), ''Permanence and Provenance: Exploring blockchain's challenge to authenticity in the digital museum space". Register here.

    25 November
    Raquel Liceras-Garrido (History, Lancaster University), "From Royal Cosmographers to Digital Humanists: a computational approach to Early Colonial Mexico". Register here.
    Click here to add your name to the sign-up list for a networking event on Spatial Humanities. The event will be an opportunity to 'meet' others working across the spatial humanities, including in history, literature, and geography. There will be opportunities to share your research interests, and to open up possibilities for cross-disciplinary collaborations.
    Exploring Blockchain in the Cultural Sector is an online conference hosted by the University of Manchester which will examine the possibilities of using this technology across the cultural and creative sectors. Through the linking of this technology to these sectors, the aim of this conference is to provide an accessible way into the blockchain field for those who have little or no understanding of the technology. In doing so, this conference will encourage ideation and critical examination of the technology and highlight the potentials, barriers and critiques of blockchain.

    See here for more details, to find the programme, and to register.
    Dr Luca Scholz and Dr Jo Taylor are pleased to announce the launch of a new podcast: The New Books Network Digital Humanities Series. The podcast interviews authors of recent digital humanities scholarship, and offers a new platform for keeping up to date with the best in recent DH research. The first episode, in which Jo interviews Professor Martin Paul Eve, author of Close Reading with Computers (Stanford UP 2019), can be found here. 

    Call for submissions

    Epoch Magazine has been setup by History postgrads at Lancaster and has just published its first issue, which can be read here. The magazine aims to give postgrads and early-career researchers a chance to publish their work in a more informal setting than a journal and one which has a broader, more general audience in mind. The Digital Humanities editor for Epoch, Ben Wills-Eve, is looking for contributors for the next couple of issues. They welcome all aspects of DH, not just work relating to History. More information about what we’re looking for and how to submit can be found here.  
    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Information Security and Data Protection online training

    Hi All,

    The new Information Security and Data Protection online training is mandatory for all colleagues. The deadline to complete is 31st December 2020.

    Colleagues should start to receive automatic reminders to complete from the IGO shortly.

    Could you please promote this training course within your areas and remind colleagues that this training is mandatory regardless of when they last completed the data protection training. Information can be found on the IGO staffnet page

    Judy Giblin

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]PGR News

    The Rockerfeller University

    The Rockefeller University - Fellow Position

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research News

    Research Lifecycle Progamme Webinar

    On Thursday 22 October the Overleaf team will host a webinar focusing on how to use Overleaf for Literature Reviews, and will include topics such as:   

    • How to use Overleaf to draft a literature review and make notes, including adding citations and integrating reference management tools   • How to share work with your supervisor and collaborators for feedback   • How to keep your work organised including version control and drafting journal papers with templates   • How to use and search for journal templates, including popular templates used at UOM

    You can register via the link below.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    gravatar Radina Ivanova
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:51:56
Last change: Wednesday, 14 October 2020 11:33:30