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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 08 April 2020

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Hurrah for the Department of Computer Science

    We are experiencing interesting times and I thank all in the Department for their efforts in dealing with the situation. We've had to move teaching on-line with little notice, deal with numerous enquiries from students and there are many uncertainties associated with the closure of the physical University to our research and other activities. It is good to see how people have rallied to the cause and coped so well. 

    I know that there are difficulties and understandable frustrations due to the closure, but do bear with us and I expect that things will get better.   

    I don't need to remind you, but I will anyway: do take care. I know many people have child care and other caring responsibilities and these must take priority. It is important to keep in touch with friends, students, and colleagues at work, and if you are concerned about your well-being or that of a student or colleague, please check out the University's counselling services at

    Finally, do try and take some time away from work if you can.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Department meeting

    We will hold a Departmental Meeting via Zoom after the Easter weekend; I'll update with a date and time later.  I know some of you will have attended the various School meetings, but I'd like to hold a similar local event where questions can be asked and issues raised. On hand will be myself, Uli, Sean and Michelle.  Do send any questions to, We'll take live questions on the day via Zoom chat, but forwarning of questions should help us find answers beforehand. Please don't rant.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    FAQ and Resources

    Answers to many of the questions  asked  can be found on the UoM's Staffnet FAQ at: 

    Various people are also gathering information and pointers on the Department's wiki at:  Both are updated frequently, 

    Do look at these pages frequently.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Effects of on-line teaching

    Colleagues from Swansea University and the University of Bristol are investigating the impact of COVID-19/novel coronavirus on "emergency remote teaching" in the rapid move to online learning, teaching and assessment across the wider education workforce -- from primary and secondary schools, through to further and higher education.  A link to their online anonymous survey is below; you will be asked about your educational roles/responsibilities, as well your experiences, attitudes and perceptions towards the use of digital technologies for online learning, teaching and assessment: (c.10 mins completion time)


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Last Month at the Senate

    Sorry for the delay but the UCU Strike has taken it's toll on my reporting; and I imagine the COVID-19 remote working has captured your attention; but...

    The last Senate meeting was at the end of January and the main focus of that meeting was the Deans response to the Staff letter complaining at the handling of the MECD space planning and proposing that each member of staff have their own office as opposed to the current plan for 4 academics to share an office.

    As the space planning decision seems to already be made there was little chance of change and indeed no change was presented. The presentation and response letter (from the Dean) detailed how the decision was made, how long consultations had occurred, and how the academics would be happy with this kind of work in the end.

    There where many questions and much discussion, but no plan to address the concerns of staff was presented, even though suggestions as to reassessment of space planning should be implemented after a year; apparently consultants have been contracted to train staff how to work in shared office space.

    List of items suggested by CompSci that is under consideration

    On a brighter note I've been formulating proposals based on CompSci Staff requests and I'll keep the list here:


    1. Augment travel subsistence with a fixed per diem allowance to save staff time in claiming.

    2. Make it possible for PGR external examiners to donate their fee to the Student Hardship Fund.

    3. Remove the complexity of PGR Split-Site contracts.

    4. Enable Teaching Focused staff to supervise PGR students without the complexity of getting the AD to sign off on it - to harmonize the procedures between staff on all contracts.

    5. Enable Teaching Focused staff to have the same sabbatical arrangements as T&R staff.


    1. None Yet - but all where listed and directed to the appropriate people for comment.

    All these are still under consideration, they are listed on the Senate agenda - or redirected before the meeting to the appropriate people; and I will update when we have further news. If you have additional items you wish me raise please do contact me at

    Operationally, it seems to me the University is changed by 1000 small course corrections as opposed to one massive change.

    gravatar Simon Harper

    H2020 Projects & COVID-19 Restrictions

    For EC funded PIs or MSCA fellows considering or being asked to consider suspending their projects. 

    H2020 PIs and MSCA Fellows should be discussing any communications they have with their coordinators or with the Commission regarding invoking force majeure to suspend their projects with me directly ( and with their Research Support Teams.   Some MSCA Fellows are contacting the Commission directly requesting suspension of their projects and invoking force majeure terms and some coordinators are contacting partner institutions and having discussions about suspension.
    For information, the current communication from the Commission in relation to this is that:
    During the period of suspension, any costs incurred for implementing the action become ineligible and cannot be claimed against the project (Article 6). This is true for costs relating to all beneficiaries (on multi-beneficiary grants), team members (on ERC grants) and MSCA recruited researchers. Beneficiaries will be responsible for all costs incurred during the suspension period.
    Once the suspension is over and the project has resumed, the project's remaining budget can once again be used for action implementation. It is important to note that the maximum grant amount cannot be increased
    If the PO recommends suspending any part of the project at Manchester then I will have to inform the Central Research Office since they are advising not suspending any project or any part of a project at the moment due to financial reasons and making payments to staff if their tasks on projects are suspended.


    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    UKRI JeS information

    With increasing numbers of calls relating to research into Covid-19 the JeS system needs to be able to quickly identify these research proposals.

    For data analysis purposes, we ask applicants not include the words ‘Cov-19’, ‘Covid-19’ or ‘Coronavirus’ in the Summary or Title sections unless the application relates to proposed research in this area.

    e.g. do not write ‘recruitment delays are expected due to Covid-19’

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Events

    Mercury Talk: Recent Developments in Automated Higher-Order Theorem Proving

    Please join us for the next Mercury talk with speaker Ahmed Bhayat on Wednesday 18 March 2020 at 2pm in Kilburn L.T 1.5

    Refreshments available in the Staff common room afterwards for informal discussions

    Host: Giles Reger

    Title: Recent Developments in Automated Higher-Order Theorem Proving


    Higher-order logic is the natural language for many areas of mathematics. As such, it would be useful to have strong automation for higher-order reasoning. Unfortunately, automation for higher-order logic has lagged behind that for first-order logic. The Vampire theorem prover, developed in Manchester, along with other leading first-order theorem provers are based on the superposition calculus. Superposition is essentially a brute force search through the set of all conclusions from given axioms. However, it adds powerful simplification techniques that allow the the deletion of redundant conclusion thus keeping the search space manageable. For many years it was an open question whether superposition could be extended to higher-order logic. In this presentation, I provide details on recent research extending superposition to higher-order logic. This has been done in two ways, one of which has been implemented in Vampire.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    SRC Opens Solicitation in Hardware Security

    Deadline: April 30, 2020
    Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) is soliciting white papers in the area of Hardware Security (HWS). Please note that white papers addressing the needs in the Research Needs document may be uploaded until April 30, 2020 @ 3:00 PM EDT /12:00 PM PDT. Each researcher may be involved in no more than two submissions. A selected white paper will result in an invitation to submit a full proposal for further consideration for a research contract.
    The white paper solicitation, needs documents, and instructions for submission can be found at:
    ·        Call for Research in Hardware Security (HWS) -

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Important funder and deadline updates

    Updates on funder news and deadline changes can all be found through Beeline and the FAQ ( It is updated regularly and our most comprehensive source of information.
    Please take a look if you are currently preparing a proposal or concerned about whether Covid-19 will affect your funded research.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    Reminder - EPSRC New Horizons Calls

    Deadline: 04 June 2020

    Please let me know asap ( AND if you are interested in this call

    We need to ensure that projects will be deliverable within the £200K limit. Therefore, though a budget isn’t required by the EPSRC at this stage, projects will need to be costed as normal by your RS team and should be peer reviewed/approved at dept. level.

    EPSRC have also clarified the following points:
    i)    Applying to the New Horizons call as a PI is on the list of exceptions for New Investigator Award eligibility, so applying for New Horizon would not make an applicant ineligible for the New Investigator Award.

    ii)    The EPSRC have advised that in the 'ability to deliver' document, applicants should give an account of the type of resource that is needed to deliver the project, without giving the detail of the costing.

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    UKRI COVID-19 related research

    •    Project length: 12-18 months
    •    Closing date: none - apply at any time
    •    Funding: 80% of the full economic cost (fEC)
    •    Award range: There is no specific budget for this call. We are interested in funding research of any scale that can demonstrate it will deliver impact in the project length.

    N.B.The University process surrounding the UKRI COVD 19 open call is still to be confirmed. We expect that sifting will be involved in helping to determine which bids are supported.

    Proposals are invited for short-term projects addressing and mitigating the health, social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak, which meet at least one of the following:
    •    new research or innovation with a clear impact pathway that has the potential (within the period of the grant) to deliver a significant contribution to the understanding of, and response to, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts.
    •    supports the manufacture and/or wide scale adoption of an intervention with significant potential
    •    gathers critical data and resources quickly for future research use

    gravatar Radina Ivanova

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Emmeline's Pantry Food Drive

    If you can, please bring items of food (in date) such as tins and dried goods, biscuits, cereals, tea, coffee, uht milk for us to donate to Emmeline's pantry. Due to the current concerns of the Corona virus:

    • They are going to give families 4 weeks food next week due to concerns over closures for already vulnerable families.
    • They will not close. They will be able to remain open if even with a skeleton service to ensure nobody goes without.
    • They can’t accept any clothing donations in the short term as the foodbank is using every bit of space for food. Emmeline’s were able to accept the clothing donations we took last week. The staff at Emmeline's want to pass on thanks all for all the donations that come via the University and supporters on campus.

    Please bring any donations to Karon and Mel in ACSO. Room 2.03.

    Many thanks, Karon & Mel


    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Radina Ivanova
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:31:33
Last change: Wednesday, 08 April 2020 14:26:56