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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 11 March 2020

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Head of Environmental Sustainability

    Dear Colleague,

    Would you like the opportunity to help shape how the Faculty reacts to the need to reduce our effect on the environment and help the University to playing our full part in Manchester’s ambitious 2038 zero carbon target?

    We are recruiting two Head(s) of Environmental Sustainability, one for each School. These will sit on the School Leadership Team but with a focused priority on environmental sustainability.

    Applications are invited from academic members of the Faculty of Science and Engineering for the following 2 vacancies:

    School Head of Environmental Sustainability (0.2FTE)

    The post holders will provide academic leadership for Environmental Sustainability, and will develop strategies to maximise the reach and significance of our work. The ability to work effectively as part of a team is essential, and we are seeking to appoint leaders who are inclusive and open to collaboration and innovation.

    The posts will be for a period of three years in the first instance and it is hoped that the post holders will be in role on 1st April 2020. The Job description is attached.

    Colleagues with an interest in these posts may discuss this informally with Professor Paul Mativenga, Vice Dean for Social Responsibility, Equality and Diversity ( or with the Heads of School, Professor Alice Larkin and Professor Chris Hardacre. Applicants wishing to apply for the above posts should also discuss with or inform their Head of Department. This will make it easier for Departments to plan reassignment of duties should you be successful.

    Applications should take the format of a 2 page curriculum vitae plus a 1 page supporting statement demonstrating how you meet the person specification and how you would undertake the duties and responsibilities, plus your ideas for further development of the role.

    Applications are particularly welcomed from women; Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff who are currently unrepresented at senior management and those requiring flexible working arrangements to facilitate a caring role. Appointment will be made on merit.

    The deadline for applications is 5pm on 13th March 2020. Applications are to be sent to Jen Strong, FSE Social Responsibility

    We anticipate that interviews will be held in the week beginning the 23rd of March 2020 with successful applicants taking up post by 1st of April 2020.

    Kind Regards,

    Daniele Atkinson


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    Mathematical Modelling DTP PhD studentship call - timeline changes

    Deadline: 25-Mar-2020
    Mathematical modelling DTP PhD studentships have been previously advertised via email from Michelle Fox and discussed at the workshop on Friday 27th Feb.

    Note that:
    • the timeline in the attached has changed slightly from that previously advertised
    • attendance at the workshop is not required in order to submit a proposal

    Those wishing to apply should contact for full information.

    Up to 3 studentships will be allocated this year, or possibly more, depending on leveraged funding.
    This call requests novel PhD projects to be proposed with a focus on fundamental novel mathematical modelling approaches to real-world problems.

    Projects should:
    1. involve at least two academic supervisors in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, including at least one in the area of mathematical modelling and typically one in an associated application area
    2. include iteration between theory, numerical simulation/algorithms, and real world data/experiments
    3. involve novel mathematical modelling (i.e. not simply application of “off the shelf” techniques or simulation tools)
    4. have the potential for future expansion into new areas (theory/applications) and possibilities for future funding
    5. encourage cross-collaboration with other projects/students funded within this remit and existing areas of research across the Faculty.

    Proposed timeline:
    Wed 12th Feb: Call announced, including description of remit and call for registration for workshop attendance
    Thu 27th Feb: Workshop 1-4pm (Simon 3.40) to encourage supervisors from across the Faculty with interests to meet, full details to be confirmed to registered participants nearer the time
    Fri 6th Mar: Call for PhD project proposals following on from the workshop
    Weds 25th Mar: Deadline for submitted projects
    Weds 8th Apr: Funded projects announced
    Sep 2020: Projects start

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    [ top ]News and announcements

    Academic Diaries 2020-2021

    Dear All,

    Academic Diaries for the following academic year (2020-2021) have been released. If you require one, please contact Natalie Ackers in ACSO.

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    FSE Conn+ect - monthly video update

    Dear all,

    Please note that March’s FSE Conn+ect is now available on StaffNet.

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    [ top ]Events

    Seminar on Using smartphone collected data

    The Graham Dunn Seminar on Using smartphone collected data: Experience Sampling Methodology and Intense Longitudinal data analysis

    In honour of the late Professor Graham Dunn, The Centre for Biostatistics decided to rename their biannual seminar series to honour his contribution. The second Graham Dunn Seminar will contain three talks focusing on the topic of Using smartphone collected data through Experience Sampling Methodology and Intense Longitudinal data analysis.

    We are pleased to confirm the three excellent speakers – Dr Niels Van Berkel (Aalborg University, Denmark), Dr Yunxioa Chen (London School of Economics) and Dr Noémi Schuurman (Tilburg University, Netherlands)

    Date: Wednesday 18th March 2020

    Time: 14.00-17.00 (three talks plus coffee break)

    Venue: Manchester Dental Education Centre (MANDEC), Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester, M15 6FH

    Dr Niels Van Berkel (Aalborg University, Denmark),

    Dr Van Berkel is currently Assistant Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark where he is a member of the Human-Centred Computing group. His research interests include Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing, and Ubiquitous Computing. Niels primary focus has been on self-report studies (e.g., Experience Sampling Method), with his recent PhD acquired whilst at the University College London focused on improving the quality and quantity of data collected via technologically advanced mobile smartphone apps. Data may have been collected via either sensors embedded within the device, or through asking participants to respond and provide data on a regular basis. This second method is known and Experience Sampling. Niels thesis focused on improving the quality and reliability of the responses.

    Dr Yunxioa Chen (London School of Economics)

    Dr Chen, before joining LSE was an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and the Institute for Quantitative Theory and Methods at Emory University. He completed his Ph.D. in Statistics at Columbia University in 2016. Dr Chen's research focuses on the development of statistical and computational methods for solving problems in social and behavioural sciences, under three interrelated topics including (1) large-scale item response data analysis, (2) measurement and predictive modelling based on dynamic behavioural data and (3) sequential design of dynamic systems, with applications to educational assessment and learning. Dr Chen recent paper A latent process model for analysing intensive longitudinal data is an ideal basis for a talk on the methodological challenges in data collected from mobile smartphone apps.

    Dr Noémi Schuurman (Tilburg University, Netherlands)

    Dr Schuurman is currently an Assistant Professor at the Methods & Statistics department of Tilburg University, at the faculty of Social Sciences. Her main research interests are idiographic modelling, dynamic modelling, multilevel modelling, Bayesian modelling, networks, scientific integrity, and philosophy of science. In addition to the several publications on methods used to analyse intensive longitudinal data, Noémi is also part of a team who run a week long workshop at Tilburg University on "Modelling the Dynamics of Intensive Longitudinal Data".

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    Inspire 2020 Conference by ACM-W UK

    “Call for Speaker” application deadline: 25-Mar-2020
    Event: 3-4 May 2020 (University of York)

    The ACM Women's professional chapter in the UK (ACM-W UK) aims to support women pursuing STEM related careers in the UK by establishing gateways where women can showcase their knowledge, learn new skills and generate new networks of like-minded colleagues.

    The 5th Conference, INSPIRE 2020, will bring together women in the computing profession and related technical fields to exchange knowledge and experience and provide special support for women who are pursuing their academic degrees and/or starting their careers in computing. The theme of INSPIRE 2020 “Computing for social good”.

    The two-day event includes a Hackathon, Workshops, Posters, Technical Talks, Panel Discussions and Interdisciplinary Research Tracks, but most importantly a unique opportunity to meet like-minded colleagues.

    The Poster competition is open to all students and postdocs working in computing or related areas. There will be a number of prizes for the 3 top posters (1st, 2nd, 3rd). Some of the travel and accommodation costs may be refunded for the accepted posters. It would be really great if you could attend the event and encourage your students to submit a poster. Submit your research poster or talks:

    The registration link of the event is here:


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    'Interdisciplinary Partnerships in Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges'

    Event: 20-Mar-2020 (The University of Manchester)

    This event aims to showcase some of the partnerships built, maintained and expanded across disciplines and across countries through H2020 funding and to consider barriers and benefits of interdisciplinary working, including the increased scope for impact.

    A diverse set of case studies will present their perspectives on interdisciplinary partnerships within different Societal Challenges. A roundtable session including representatives from UKRI, Net4Society and the European Commission will discuss some key questions and challenges of interdisciplinary partnerships.

    The areas which will be covered include; health, climate, energy, food and transport, we will also discuss the upcoming Horizon Europe programme and there will be opportunities for questions throughout the day.

    Contact for agenda (or see poster outside KB 2.119). Register at

    Places will be limited as this event is open to academics across the UK.

    Please remember that the UK can continue to apply for H2020 funding until the end of the H2020 programme.

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    EPSRC Doctoral Workshops

    EPSRC are holding a number of workshops to review their doctoral support. We know a number of colleagues from across the Faculty have been invited and would like to understand total numbers / representation from different areas. If you are attending one of these events please can you send an email to Sarah Heath confirming (

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    Call for Participants in a three-day Sandpit focused on Digital Technologies for Health and Care

    EoI deadline: 04-May-2020
    Sandpit event: mid-morning 30-Jun-2020 until mid-afternoon 02 Jul-2020
    The theme for this sandpit is novel digital technologies for improved self-monitoring and health management. Successful projects from the sandpit should either have a new approach to self-monitoring of conditions (especially conditions which are harder to manage and where there are fewer tools available for interventions) or that seek to identify novel digital technologies that will ultimately enable the public to better manage their health in their own homes and in the community. These smarter interventions should reduce the time that the public spends engaged with the traditional healthcare delivery system and enable a faster recovery or better management of their health.
    It is expected that up to £1.2 million of UKRI funding will be made available to fund research projects arising from this sandpit. Each project funded is expected to be in the region of £400k.
    As the sandpit progresses, the 25-30 participants will build up thoughts on how the identified ‘challenges’ may be addressed and develop their innovative ideas and activities into research projects. Projects will contain genuinely novel and speculative research. The sandpit will include inputs from a variety of sources.


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    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Do you want to promote your research more externally?

    There’s a new online resource that is now available on StaffNet outlining all the ways our communications and marketing teams can help:
    As you’ll be aware, it’s important that you can demonstrate the impact of your research – this is increasingly required by funding bodies when writing bids. The site includes advice and contacts who can help you hit the headlines with a media story, provide advice on getting noticed on social media and how your research can influence public policy.
    Other areas include support for international visits, ways you can share your stories internally across our University, updating your online research profile and support for attracting global conferences on campus. The site also includes links to presentational materials and resources available to help you talk about The University of Manchester.

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    Horizon Impact Award 2020 open for applications

    Deadline: 02-Apr-2020
    The European Commission has launched the Horizon Impact Award 2020. It's the EC’s initiative to recognise and celebrate outstanding projects that have used their results to provide value for society. The applicants will need to demonstrate that their results have created societal impact across Europe and beyond. These projects must have been funded by FP7 and/or Horizon 2020 funding programmes and they must be closed by the time of application.

    For more information, feel free to contact


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    UK-India Tech Partnership

    There are currently two active calls under the UK-India Tech Partnership focussed on the following themes:

    1. Future Mobility (Maharashtra State), concept note deadline: 23-Mar-2020

    2. Artificial Intelligence/Data Science (Karnataka State), concept note deadline: 07-Apr-2020
    For both of these calls the lead organisation must be an Indian not-for-profit organisation (typically a university or research institute). Proposals must also involve an Indian industry partner. There is also a preference for an international university or research organisation to be involved (which is where we could play a role).

    As the proposals need to be led from the Indian side it will be a case of mobilising contacts at partner institutions. We do have active links with a number of institutions in Maharashtra (e.g. IIT Bombay, Institute of Chemical Technology, IISER Pune) and Karnataka (e.g. Indian Institute of Science, JNCASR) so can provide support in brokering connections where necessary.

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    Philip Leverhulme Prizes 2020 – Internal Review Process

    Deadline outline application for internal selection process: 23-Mar-2020

    These prizes recognise the achievement of outstanding researchers whose work has already attracted international recognition and whose future career is exceptionally promising. The prize scheme makes up to 30 awards of £100k a year, across a range of academic disciplines. The selected subject areas for the 2020 competition are listed below. Note that the disciplines selected are intentionally broad, and nominations will be considered irrespective of a nominee’s departmental affiliation.
    As the University is restricted to submitting a maximum of three bids per subject area, UoM has established an internal review process for those nominations sitting within the subject areas below. Please contact if you plan on applying.

    Monday, 23 March 2020: Outline application for internal selection process to be sent to the relevant email address as below. Outline application to consist of:
    • Subject Area
    • CV
    • Significant research achievements (400 words)
    • Future research plans (400 words)
    • How the nominee would use the prize (400 words)
    • What the prize would enable nominee to achieve that current funding would not allow (400 words)
    • Confirmation from the nominee that their HoD supports the outline application being considered for selection

    • Monday, 18 May 2020: The deadline for submission of institutional nominations.

    Subject areas 2020 – School leading on the selection of nominations and contact email address for outline applications:
    • Biological Sciences -
    • History - School of Arts, Languages and Cultures (
    • Law - School of Social Sciences (
    • Mathematics and Statistics –
    • Philosophy and Theology - School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, in consultation with SoSS as appropriate (
    • Sociology and Social Policy - School of Social Sciences (

    Eligibility: Nominees must hold either a permanent post or a long-term fellowship in a UK institution of higher education or research that would extend beyond the duration of the Philip Leverhulme Prize. Those otherwise without salary are not eligible to be nominated. Nominees should normally have been awarded their doctoral degree not more than ten years prior to the closing date of 18th May 2020. The award date is considered to be the date on which the degree was confirmed by the awarding institution.

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    [ top ]Research News

    Danny Dresner in the news

    Prof. Danny Dreser is quoted in an article from Forbes. A new study by Comparitech has found that the US has fallen from the 5th to the 17th most “cyber-secure” country. Prof Dresner, an expert in cyber security, notes that “context is important”, with the US still enjoying a considerably better standard of living than those countries at the bottom end of the rankings.

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    [ top ]Health and Safety

    University update - latest coronavirus information

    Dear all,

    The latest update include the following:

    · A dedicated StaffNet Coronavirus page

    · Public Health England’s advice

    · Message from the President

    · Frequently asked questions


    The University has also raised the travel risk level of the following countries to HIGH:

    · Mainland China (except Hubei province – not permitted to travel)

    · South Korea (except Daegu and Cheongdo - not permitted to travel)

    · Northern Italy (except the towns in Lombardy - not permitted to travel)

    · Cambodia

    · Hong Kong

    · Japan

    · Laos

    · Macau

    · Malaysia

    · Myanmar

    · Singapore

    · Taiwan

    · Thailand

    · Vietnam

    Traveller needs to seek re-approval from Head of School/Directorate before travel. Heads of School/Directorate must consider the balance of the academic or business merit of the trip against the risk involved, including the possibility of the requirement for self-quarantine on return, and decide whether the trip is essential and/or viable or not. Further details can be found here

    Thank you very much.

    Best wishes,
    Julia Cheng

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    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Sports Relief - Batsheva participation


    Anne here Batsheva’s mom

    Guess what sports relief is back again yeyeyey !!!! J

    So this year little Basheva is going to be part of it once again.

    She will be running and doing various sports thing on the 13th of March 2020.

    So please please put your hands together and we support this little gal on this great cause help her

    to help others.

    Please find the sponsorship form @ ACSO

    Thank you

    Anne Ssuuna (Kilburn room 2.31)


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    Volunteering opportunity


    I am a current PGR student at UoM and currently volunteer with a local charity called Code Your Future

    We support refugees, asylum seekers and adults from other disadvantaged backgrounds to begin careers as in web and software development.

    We offer a free part-time 8-month course which gives students the technical and soft-skill training to achieve this.

    We are currently looking for professional working in tech who would be interested in becoming a 1-1 professional mentors with a student. Mentors only need to commit around 2 hours per month meeting and supporting a student and mentors receive full training, ensuring they can make the most of the experience.

    More information on the mentorship program is available here: . Please share with others, and get in touch if you are interested via email:!

    We also have other volunteer roles in teaching, supporting students personal and soft-skills development and helping build partnerships with organisations and businesses in the local community which I am also happy to provide further information on.

    Thanks and best wishes

    Hirra Farooq

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Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:36:49
Last change: Wednesday, 11 March 2020 10:30:04