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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 26 February 2020

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Information to help researchers protect their work

    The UK government has recently updated its guidance for ‘Trusted Research’ which aims to get the most out of international collaboration whilst protecting intellectual property, sensitive research and personal information.
    The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) has produced its latest advice and guidelines in consultation with the sector and has published this in an accessible format online. The information covers important subjects such as personal data, research data, export controls, intellectual property and cyber security. It is particularly relevant to researchers in STEM subjects, dual-use technologies, emerging technologies and commercially sensitive research areas but we would encourage all of our academic leaders to familiarise themselves with this information and to please share it with colleagues.
    In addition to the ethical framework surrounding research, we are operating in an increasingly complex international and regulatory environment and as a university and individuals we need to make sure we are complying with the relevant Government legislation.
    We know that this can frequently seem like an additional burden to our colleagues so we are working on our University’s response to this.
    Over the coming months we will be taking forward a number of activities to strengthen, streamline and improve the accessibility of guidance materials and support arrangements in relation to international research activities. We will shortly make some more announcements about export controls and associated travel and visitor requirements.
    The University is committed to providing an effective support environment for our international activities. We will do so in the context of the University’s global influence (one of the University’s new strategic themes) to increase activity in an international context and address global challenges.
    While we cannot alter the fact that our vital international work is increasingly complex, we will do everything we can to make meeting these essential requirements as simple as possible.

    David Barker (Director of Compliance & Risk) and Andrew Walsh (Director of Research and Business Engagement)
    For further information contact

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Reminder: ResearchFish (not junk)

    UKRI submission period: 03-Feb-2020 and 4pm 12-Mar-2020
    You may have recently received an email from ResearchFish inviting to submit research outcomes from your UKRI grants.
    All seven Research Councils and a number of other funders have now harmonised around the use of the Researchfish system for the collection of outcomes information from grant holders. It is mandatory that PIs complete a Researchfish return as part of the standard terms and conditions of holding an award. 
    As a reminder, all councils will apply sanctions for non-completion of data. It should be noted that non-compliance can result in grant funding being withdrawn and/or PIs being prohibited from applying for UKRI funding.
    Support for PIs using the system is available from There is also a live chat function on the Researchfish support pages where PIs can receive an instant answer to their query.

    IAA grant holders: submit the outputs for your IAA projects under the EPSRC reference used in your IAA application. In cases where the EPSRC grant linked to the IAA project was led by the Co-I, the PI should work with the Co-I on submitting outcomes under the EPSRC ref on ResearchFish

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EPSRC Pathways to Impact – more news

    Further information that has been published on the EPSRC website.  This provides an overview of the changes and what this means for the EPSRC assessment process:
    And follows on from the further supplementary information that UKRI released on their website last week:

    EPSRC web-pages are being updated and we are working closely with UKRI to ensure that this is done as quickly as possible.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Events

    Royal Society Open Meeting

    Event:  05-Mar-2020 (11am-1.15pm), Room F41, Sackville Street Building
    Colleagues from The Royal Society will hold an open meeting at the University. The event will include a presentation on the Society’s funding portfolio, advice on preparing a successful application and perspectives on applying for and receiving RS funding from two University Research Fellowship holders from Manchester. There will also be the opportunity for a question and answer session with the RS team and informal discussion.
    To register for this event please visit the link below.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Reminder: Innovate UK Competition: Cyber Security challenges in the Internet of Things.

    Manchester Briefing Event:Thursday 20th February 2020
    Deadline for Applications:Wednesday 15th April 2020

    Innovate UK is to invest up to £4M in collaborative, business led research and development (R&D) projects (projects must
    involve at least one academic partner). These projects should result in a new product or products, industrial process or service, which must be proven in as part of a demonstrator.
    The aim of this Innovate UK competition is to solve industry-focused major cyber security-related challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT). Preference will be shown to projects that include a plan to test near-to-market interventions and experiments in real environments, in one of two themes:
    •    Cyber resilient IoT systems for critical national infrastructures.
    •    Secure and energy-efficient IoT systems in resource-constrained environments.
    Proposals should aim to accommodate a project duration of 18-24 months, costed in the range of £2-4m and aim to commence before the 1st October. For full eligibility criteria, please follow the link below.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    PGR & Staff Party this Friday 28th February 2020. Theme: Chinese New Year

    Party kicks off at 4.30pm with drinks, snacks and music. See attached file.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Inaugural Lecture Professor Arthur Garforth

    Inaugural Lecture Professor Arthur Garforth

    When:Friday 6th March 2020, 15:00-17:00

    Where:The University of Manchester, C14 Sackville Street Building

    Please RSVP to attend this event using the link below.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    UKRI pilot process

    UKRI announced two pilot calls to trial streamlined application processes. The calls, led by EPSRC and NERC are part of an approach they are exploring of ways to reduce administration for applicants engaging with UKRI and will identify and pilot new approaches designed to improve the experience of applicants. The two calls are:

    EPSRC New Horizons
    EPSRC’s £10M New Horizons fund will support up to 50 highly transformative research projects across mathematics and the physical sciences. The projects will be funded via a streamlined process, with a focus on the transformational potential of the research. Applications will be invited up to a value of £200k for 2 years, without costing required in the application. The proposal paperwork submission will only consist of an anonymous four-page case for support, with a further two pages outlining the team’s ability to deliver. Successful projects will provide detailed costings after a decision has been made.


    NERC Pushing the Frontiers of Understanding £10M pilot to fund successful proposals at the level of award to facilitate ground-breaking discovery over 3-4 years. NERC will fund projects via a streamlined process, with focus on the proposed transformational research (five pages), and the skills and track record of the individual (two pages). Successful proposals will be asked for a justification of resources after a decision has been made. Proposals are welcomed across the environmental science remit.

    Full guidance will be available when the calls are published in the coming weeks on the EPSRC and NERC websites.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    RISCS call for Fellowships

    Deadline: 10:00am, 02-Mar-2020

    The Research Institute in Sociotechnical Cyber Security is inviting applications for fellowships. These fellows will play a leadership role in helping to shape RISCS research activities over the course of the next year. RISCS fellows will be provided a £15k budget to support work aligning with the following research themes:
    •    Leadership and Culture in an Organisation
    •    Cybercrime
    •    Secure Development
    •    Digital Responsibility
    Applications must outline: a case for support, expected outputs, a workplan/project timeline, CV(s), costings (if appropriate) and a note on the research ethics of your application.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    LMS Computer Science Grants (Scheme 7)

    Deadline: 15-Apr-2020
    These grants are awarded to support visits for collaborative research at the interface of mathematics and computer science, either by the grant holder to another institution within the UK or abroad, or by a named mathematician from within the UK or abroad to the home base of the grant holder.
    The maximum award is £1,000. Up to an additional £200 may be claimed over £1,000 to cover childcare costs which are additional to normal childcare costs.
    For more details and to download an application form, see Please send enquiries to

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Reminder: School of Engineering Research Funds

    Deadline: rolling with application reviews every 2 weeks
    The School of Engineering has a range of funds available to support cross-departmental research activity. Applications are invited from all staff, all postdocs, and all PhD students. Applications should be made jointly with at least one individual *not* in the Dept of Computer Science, but somewhere else in the University. You can also involve colleagues outside of the School. All expenditure must take place between January and July 2020.
    In brief the funds will support the following:
    - Events/activities to explore the development of new cross-departmental research areas, develop major funding bids, raise internal awareness of
    our research and engage with external stakeholders
    - The purchase of equipment (hardware/software) that will contribute to cross-departmental research across the School of Engineering
    - Engagement with industry including the secondment of staff/students into an industrial setting and exhibiting at business focused events


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EPSRC Not-Equal Network Plus Call for Collaborative Proposals

    Sandpit event: 06 March at Digital Catapult, London
    Deadline: 30-April-2020
    The EPSRC funded Social Justice through the Digital Economy Network Plus, aka Not-Equal, is pleased to announce their 2nd Call for Collaborative Proposals. Projects can be up to 8 months in length, starting 01-Sep-2020 and applicants can request up to £40k (80% FEC claimable).

    We are seeking innovative cross disciplinary projects from UK Higher Education Institutions in partnership with one or more non-academic entities.
    Projects should align with our Not-Equal Challenge Areas:
    • Algorithmic Social Justice
    • Digital Security for All

    • Fairer Futures for Business and Workforces
    And should also respond to our Second Call Key Topics:
    • Recognition
    • Redistribution
    • Enablement and Radical Trust
    • Proactive Resilience and Reparation
    • Accountability and Care

    Need help finding collaborators?
    - Catalyst - Online Matchmaking Tool
    - Sandpit Events -The one day Sandpit Events will bring together partners from across the Not-Equal network, with the aim to facilitate collaborations, drive innovation and lay the foundations for potential research projects.
    - Virtual Q&As - three sessions on 12, 18 and 24 March 2020 to enable applicants to ask any questions about the application and review process. Login details coming soon.
    - ECR Writing Surgery -giving Early Career Researchers (ECRs) practical writing advice and provide training in the art of grant writing. This two hour workshop will take place on 19 March 2020 at Newcastle University and can also be attended virtually. To register your interest please email

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    Prof. Furber in the news

    Prof Steve Furber is quoted in a piece from the New Statesman, discussing the outcomes of two reports he led for the Royal Society on computer science in British schools. Both reports found a severe lack of specialised training among staff, and the second report – launched after a government shake-up of computing education – found a drop in students taking the new course. The two reports led to the announcement in 2017 of £100 million of investment in a National Centre for Computing Education.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Celebrating FSE Women in Science

    To mark the United Nations’ International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we meet some of the women from FSE making their mark in science and technology, including Dr Caroline Jay. Read the full blog post on the SE Hub.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    City of Trees Volunteering Opportunity

    CEAS will be hosting two City of Trees planting days this year. See advert.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:21:56
Last change: Wednesday, 26 February 2020 14:15:29