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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 17 October 2019

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]Events

    ScienceX, the 5th Faculty-wide weekend-long science and engineering festival

    Deadline: 22-Nov-19

    ScienceX takes science and engineering research out of the lab and to the general public, and in 2020 this free family-friendly festival will return to intu Trafford Centre for its fifth year!

    Hosted at the ever-popular shopping mall, ScienceX is able reach a very different audience to more traditional science festivals – including lots of families! Last year, over 25,000 interactions took place between our volunteers and attendees of various ages, ethnicities and levels of HE experience. ScienceX takes the Faculty’s research out of the boundaries of the University campus and encourages non-traditional audiences to engage with science and engineering.

    If you an idea that will spark curiosity, an exciting activity that kids will love, or you want to inspire more people to engage with science and engineering, you’re exactly what ScienceX needs! Please complete the application form and return it to the Social Responsibility Team.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    January 2020 NERC Demand Management Standard Research grants

    Contact asap if you are interested in applying to NERC. There is an internal review system in place.
    ·         25-Nov 2019 (noon)  - Internal review deadline for full proposals  to be sent to (no late or incomplete admissions accepted)
    ·         26-Nov 2019 – Proposals sent to the UoM NERC Demand Management Panel
    ·         w/C 2-Dec 2019 (tbc) – UoM Panel meet
    ·         w/c 2-Dec 2019 (tbc) – Decisions communicated to applicants
    ·         Tuesday 14th Jan 2019- NERC submission deadline

     Contact Sarah for further details.

    Exceptions - Please note, the University Panel is not required to review applications where the PI is non lead, Manchester’s costs will be under £65k and there is no UoM JeS.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Simon Industrial Fellowship

    Deadline: 15-Nov-19
    Due to an underspend the Simon Industrial Fellowships funding for this academic year, a second call is open now for fellowships that will run during H1 2020.
    The £10k Fellowships provide opportunities for people employed in industry, commerce, the public sector, third sector, or who are self-employed to undertake a fixed-term placement within the University.  The Fellowship may be used for activities such as capacity building, or to scout and develop opportunities for business engagement, research impact, knowledge exchange or other activities of strategic importance identified by the University. Each placement requires an academic supervisor.
    Contact for full information
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    JSPS Summer Programme 2020

    Deadline: 15-Jan-2020

    The JSPS Summer Programme provides the opportunity for current MPhil or PhD students to receive a one week orientation on Japanese culture and research systems on arrival and then move to a host institution in Japan of their choice and approved by JSPS, to conduct collaborative research activities for 2 months during fixed period: 9 June to 19 August 2020.

    Value of award: Return international airfare, maintenance allowance (534,000, JPY), research support allowance (158,500 JPY) and overseas travel and accident insurance policy are provided.

    Eligibility: Applicants must be a UK national and a current MPhil or PhD student based at a UK university or research institution at the time of application. Eligible research fields are not limited.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA) Seedcorn Funding Call

    Deadline: 22-Nov-2019

    This year's call includes joint awards from external partners, including The Centre for Ageing Better, Care & Repair England, Manchester Metropolitan University and the Pensions and Policy Institute.
    We are seeking applications for interdisciplinary research, that is clearly related to ageing; £6k is available per project. 
    A number of general awards will be made; in addition to these, we specifically encourage applications to one of our joint awards highlighting the following subjects:

    • identifying connections between physical housing conditions and the impacts on older people’s physical and mental health
    • fulfilling work
    • healthy ageing
    • connected communities and safe and accessible housing
    • the care of people with dementia in care homes
    • issues of cognition and stroke in older people and their impact on quality of life
    • Ageing in China (and the UK)
    • pension assets within divorce, the role of inheritance in retirement and the possible impact of different up-rating scenarios on UK pensioners living in the EU’s state pension entitlement.

    Funds must be spent by 31-Jul-2020. Proposed activity must lead to at least one specific outcome such as a research proposal, a journal article or working manuscript. The commissioning panel will meet in early December with the aim of communicating decisions by mid-December.

    Contact for full information

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin


    Research Support Officers Natalia Stefanovic and Laura Nolan have now moved to the Schuster Building. We will continue to support CS academics with their research applications through the normal email address and we will all be available to meet.

    Research Finance are contactable via the usual email address of .

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    Detective work

    Andrew Webb, a research associate from the Department of Computer Science, conducted some detective work this week. He noticed that Siraj Raval, a YouTube celebrity in the world of AI, had plagiarised other people’s research in one of his papers. Andrew’s investigation was reported in The Register, and Analytics India Magazine. Mr Raval has since apologised and retracted his paper.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Prof. Furber in the news

    The Manchester Evening News (no link) has written that computer science's Professor Steve Furber and Honorary AMBS Professor Vikas Shah have been appointed as advisors of DigitalBridge, a growing Manchester-based firm which uses AI and computer visuals to help consumers create their dream kitchen or bathroom.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Faculty Social Responsibility Awards - Better World Awards are Now open for nomination

    Dear colleagues / students,

    The Faculty social responsibility awards, the Better World Awards 2020 are now open for nominations.  If you or a colleague or student have made a difference to society or the environment this year we want to hear from you!.

    The aim of the Awards is to thank our staff and students who give time, energy and enthusiasm to deliver a benefit to wider society, often in their own time.  In this particularly tough last year, we think that it is more important than ever to recognise the extra effort and enthusiasm that people put into these activities.

    We also hope that the awards raise awareness of the important contribution our Faculty as a whole makes to social and environmental impact and to hopefully inspire others to also ‘make a difference’.

    All staff and students who currently work or study in FSE are eligible to be nominated as are recent alumni (within the last 3 years) if their work is related to a social enterprise. More information about the categories, criteria and the nominations process is available on the Better World Awards webpages.


    Please consider who you might be able to nominate (or prompt to nominate) whether that be yourself, your colleague(s) or a student.  We would really appreciate it if you can also share this call for nominations around your departments and other networks.


    The categories are:

    Outstanding benefit to society through research

    Outstanding teaching and learning innovation in social responsibility

    Outstanding contribution to social enterprise

    Outstanding community engagement initiative

    Outstanding public engagement initiative

    Outstanding contribution to equality, diversity and inclusion

    Outstanding professional services, library and technical staff support for social responsibility

    Outstanding contribution to environmental sustainability and/or commitment to sustainable travel

    Outstanding contribution to widening participation

    Outstanding staff / student volunteer


    To nominate, please complete this online form. This form will give the nominator the option for the project to also be automatically nominated for the University’s Making a Difference Awards, which will open later in the term.

    We have changed the process slightly this year and will not be hosting a poster showcase, so there will be no additional work required to produce a poster for the nomination.

    Nominations must be submitted via the online form by Friday 22nd November 2019. If you have any questions, contact .

    The winner in each category will be announced at the Better World Celebration event which will take place on Thursday 6th February 2020, 1-3pm.

    To read the stories of previous winners and nominees, you can visit the Social Responsibility team’s webpages.

    Kind Regards,


    Daniele Atkinson | Social Responsibility Manager | Faculty of Science and Engineering | The University of Manchester |0161 306 5905


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:34:48
Last change: Thursday, 17 October 2019 09:36:14