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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 03 October 2019

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    New service: Open Access + Broaden your research audience with the help of the Library

    The Library has developed a new service - Open Access+ - to support researchers in identifying and effectively communicating with non-academic audiences and help generate impact, a key component of REF2021 (25%). On depositing their research papers through the Open Access Gateway, an additional tick box has now been added allowing researchers to opt in to receive enhanced support to raise the visibility of their papers once published. Researchers who tick the box will receive an email featuring social media and blog accounts that regularly link to papers within their research field, along with a link to the Broadening Audience webpage with tips and information on how to maximise impact. There is also the offer of a 1-2-1 consultation with Library staff if further support is required. The Library will also promote published research papers via its Open Access+ Twitter feed.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    New Open Access grant 2019-20

    For 2019-20 the University’s Open Access award from UKRI to support the Research Councils’ policy is £1.2m. The new grant year begins on 1st April and we propose continuing the first come, first served allocation model that we reverted to in December. We will continue to assess requests against funder criteria and, for fully Open Access journals, membership of the Director of Open Access Journals or the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association. 

    The new Open Access grant year for research papers funded by one of the UK Research Councils begins on 1st April 2019. The grant will continue to be allocated on a first come, first served basis and we anticipate that it will be possible to maintain this approach for the full grant year. Further information on Open Access funding at the University is available on the Library website.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    The Library & Pure:

    Helping you to manage your research information with a new guide

    The Library have compiled a short guide to provide you with information about the complementary services on offer to assist with the maintenance of your information in Pure. The guide is available from the Pure Support Website.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Library Access

    Get easy access to Library e-resources directly from your browser! Library Access is a browser extension (available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge) that makes it easier to access electronic resource content courtesy of The University of Manchester Library. When you are off-campus, you can use the extension to read electronic journal articles, e-books, reviews and other online material provided by the Library without having to visit the Library website first.  To find out more about Library Access, including how to install it, please see here.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    My Research Essentials

    Information about upcoming workshops and online resources can be found on the Library website. Here are just a few highlights of forthcoming workshops: 

    Open Access in 5 simple steps


    Open Access (OA) is an essential consideration for all Manchester researchers and PGRs. This bitesize workshop will explain OA and why you should be thinking about openness when undertaking and seeking to publish your research.

     Introduction to RDM in FSE

     During this workshop we will consider: effective strategies for storing, backing up and organising your files. Methods for working collaboratively on your data; writing a data management plan and funder requirements for managing and sharing data

    Creating and managing your ORCID

    At this session you can:


    ·         Learn more about the benefits of ORCIDs

    ·         Find out how to create your own ORCID

    ·         Discover how to easily manage your ORCID account


     If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Academic Engagement Librarian Gemma Smith


    phone: 0161 275 6502




    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Protecting Citizens Online - Invitation to attend workshop

    Registration deadline: 29 Oct 2019
    Event: 12 Nov 2019 (London)
    Attendees - from across the technical and social sciences, law and ethics (academic and user) - will be able to hear about plans to issue a call for proposals and to establish an interdisciplinary “Protecting Citizens Online” Research Hub, which will have a focus on using Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS) to tackle online harms. 
    The workshop will raise awareness of the overall activity, but will focus mainly on the first phase, to establish the Research Hub. It will give attendees an opportunity to form consortia to help in forming possible bids and allow engagement with a range of stakeholders – from Government, regulators etc.  A call document to establish the Research Hub will be issued soon after the workshop. 
    To register your interest in attending this Workshop please complete the online expression of interest via a SmartSurvey.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Modelling Expression Rates of Hypoxia-inducible Factors in Growing Tumours: Investigating Potentials

    Mercury Talk on Wednesday 9th October 2019 in Kilburn Mercury room at 2pm including refreshments

    Speaker: Dario Panada

    Host: Xiao-Jun Zeng

    Title: Modelling Expression Rates of Hypoxia-inducible Factors in Growing Tumours: Investigating Potentials for Non-Invasive Cancer Therapies


    In-silico modelling has the potential to complement laboratory studies by accurately simulating biological processes, offering insights into tumour dynamics, significantly reducing experimental costs, and improving the quality of measurements. Furthermore, in-silico studies allow to explore counterfactual situations and test multiple hypotheses in a quick and efficient manner. We have developed a comprehensive artificial model (informed by the medical literature) to investigate the potential for a novel non-invasive therapy aimed at containing cancer growth in tumour cells. Hypoxia-Inducible Factors have been previously identified as a target for non-invasive cancer therapy, where the requirement being that their expression could be artificially enhanced. While anti-angiogenic therapy has been suggested as potential vehicle to achieve this, the extent to which it is possible remains unclear, due to the challenges of making the necessary in-vivo measurements. We executed in-silico experiments to explore the effects of anti-angiogenic therapy. The results suggest that it can successfully act as a necessary precursor predisposing the tumour mass to non-invasive anti-cancer therapies. In addition to the medical value of the results, the results also highlight the importance of in-silico approaches as a complement to laboratory studies. The present study paves the way for future in-silico and laboratory experiments aiming at devising non-invasive therapies based on the joint action of anti-angiogenic and hypoxia-inducible-factor targeting.
    gravatar Karon Mee

    Multiple Degrees-Of-Freedom Input Devices for Interactive Command and Control within Virtual Reality

    Mercury Talk on Wednesday 16th October 2019 at 2pm in Kilburn Mercury room with refreshments

    Speaker: Mario Sandoval

    Host: Xiaojun Zeng

    Title: Multiple Degrees-Of-Freedom Input Devices for Interactive Command and Control within Virtual Reality

    Abstract: The aim of this research is to present a new multimodal interaction mapping framework for 3D object manipulation within the virtual reality (VR) realm, by leveraging the advantages of having multiple DoF (Degrees of Freedom). In this new software engineering designed framework, interaction devices such as the keyboard, mouse, joystick, and specialist devices for 3D interactions; the Wing and the 3D connexion spacenavigator, can all be combined to provide a more intuitive and natural command system. This can be applied to many different specific systems including industrial applications within the petroleum, geology and materials sciences.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Venture Out competition

    Deadline: 8 Nov 2019

    Venture Out is the University’s annual student ideas competition for undergraduates and postgraduates to put forward an idea that they believe would make a great business opportunity.
    15 cash prizes up for grabs across 5 categories (business, creative, environmental, social, and technology) - as well as 20 x £20 Amazon Vouchers.
    Ideas could involve a new technology, solving a problem, or simply something to help make the lives of others easier.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    NERC Digital Solutions

    Outline Proposals deadline: 7 Nov 2019
    Full Proposals deadline: 28 Feb 2020

    The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) invites applications to lead and deliver a £5M, 5-year programme that will exploit environmental and other data to create innovative digital services that deliver economic, societal and environmental benefits. There’s NERC capital investment of up to £3.0m over 5 years; NERC Environmental Data Service (EDS) costs to support this programme: up to £0.4m pa; plus any further direct or in-kind investment made or leveraged by the host institution. 
    NERC expects at least a third of the programme budget to be sub-contracted to other partners for collaborative activities.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Leverhulme funding rounds currently open

    Research Fellowships – closing date: 7 November 2019
    International Academic Fellowships – closing date: 7 November 2019
    Study Abroad Studentships – closing date: 13 January 2020
    Emeritus Fellowships – closing date: 30 January 2020
    Research Project Grants – Outline Applications are welcome at any time

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UKRI citizen science exploration grants

    Deadline: 12 Nov 2019 

    The a call is designed to encourage researchers and innovators to experiment with citizen science, whether through collecting data, analysing data, or helping researchers and innovators to develop better questions. 
    Up to 20 successful applicants will be awarded up to £20k each to conduct explorative work that will help groups to develop opportunities for building citizen science methodologies into their research. These projects must be conducted between 16 Dec 2019 and 30 April 2020. This could form the basis of future projects which may be supported through other funding sources, including through a proposed follow-up phase of UKRI funding from 2020-2023. Applicants should be undertaking research that is related to one of UKRI’s key strategic areas of research and innovation.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    ISCF Digital Security by Design Research Projects

    Deadline: 07 Jan 2020

    The Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) Digital Security by Design challenge is executing a mission to increase the protection of software in the light of increased cyber-attack against various class of software vulnerabilities, through additional hardware protection capabilities architected around the containment of pointers, and the privilege by which regions of fine grain data can be accessed.
    Leveraging the Capability Hardware concepts and approaches investigated by the CHERI program (led by the University of Cambridge), a consortium led by Arm is investigating a prototype silicon-based solution based on Arm AArch64 architecture. This prototype solution will be made openly available to academics and businesses across the UK, so as to provide early access, evaluation, and the opportunity to feed back on the proposed major change to the instruction set architecture of a processor, while investigating the broader impact to various aspects of computer science and ICT in general.
    The aim is to support innovative research projects that will help to move the technology beyond the state of the art, moving Capability Hardware concepts and use forward, without duplicating or conflicting with the existing CHERI research.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Pre-announcement: Transforming the UK food system for healthy people and a healthy environment call

    UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will shortly announce a call for research to fundamentally transform the UK food system, by placing healthy people and a healthy natural environment at its centre. Proposals will be invited for interdisciplinary consortia to take a food systems approach, linking healthy and accessible diets with sustainable food production and supply to help drive food system transformation

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News


    The research support team will not be available on the 10th and 11th of October (deadlines will not be affected).

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    ARM - Manchester collaboration project to develop an armpit-sniffing plastic AI chip

    ARM, in collaboration with Manchester, are developing workflows to enable bespoke Machine Learning predictors in ultra-low-power plastic substrates, otherwise known as flexible electronics. The work featured in IEEs Spectrum publication and in The Economist

    Prof Gavin Brown is leading the Machine Learning aspects of the project, advising ARM on how to use/modify ML technology to push the boundaries. In terms of energy consumption, this is the opposite end of the spectrum to where big industry (Google, Facebook, etc) is sitting - using large data-centres for ML compute.  Here, all compute is on an ultra-low budget, using just a few thousand logic gates, instead of many billions in off-the-shelf chip technology.   The ML algorithms must be customised and modified for these challenging scenarios, hence the close collaboration.

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    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32:38
Last change: Thursday, 03 October 2019 13:01:29