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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 03 July 2019

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Summer Break

    We’re approaching the end of the academic year. We’ve all been working hard and I hope everyone manages to take some time off. There is a lot of change, both within the university and from outside as universities are under increasing scrutiny. Thus we live in interesting times and I’m sure that the School will remain the splendid place it is – due to the staff and the students in the School. I’d like to thank everyone for all their hard work over the year.

    This will be the last School Newsletter and the Newsletter will return in September.



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    [ top ]Events

    Tai Chi for Wellbeing

    Tai Chi for Wellbeing

    The Confucius Institute is offering two drop-in sessions of Tai Chi in July. The dates are Friday 5th and 19 July. They take place at the courtyard outside the Lime Cafe, Samuel Alexander Building at 1 pm and lasts 30-40 minutes.

    Tai Chi revolves around a series of movements called forms. Although there are videos available for learners, it is better to learn with experts known as “masters” with years of experience. In each session, you will learn the basic movements and deep breathing. It is widely acknowledged that tai chi has the benefits of reducing stress, improving posture, balance and general mobility, and increasing muscle strength in the legs.

    No special clothing is required and it is recommended you wear comfortable clothes. All are welcome.


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    School Summer Celebration 17th July 2019 - Remember to register

    School Summer Celebration - 17th July 2019

    Come and enjoy our annual summer School celebration in the newly opened courtyard from 1530 on Wednesday 17th July 2019.

    BYOB (some soft refreshments will be provided)

    Enjoy the music! Pizzas will arrive from 1700

    Registration required so we can have an idea of numbers for catering purposes (p/w is: kilburn):

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    Atlas Lecture 4/07/2019 Kilburn L.T 1.4 14:00

    Speaker: Nicolas Matentzoglu

    Host: Ulrike Sattler

    The Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno) framework for standardised representation of phenotypes across domains


    The Monarch Initiative is an international consortium to integrate, align, and re-distribute cross-species gene, genotype, variant, disease, and phenotype data and is best known for its flagship projects, the Human Phenotype Ontology, the Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno) and the disease variant prioritisation tool Exomiser. The uPheno project in particular aims to unify the annotation of phenotypes across domains in a manner analogous to the unification of gene function annotation by the Gene Ontology. uPheno 2.0 builds on earlier efforts with a new strategy that directly leverages the work of the phenotype ontology development community and incorporates phenotypes from a much wider range of domains. We have organised a collaborative community effort, including representatives of all major model organism databases, to document and align formal design patterns for representing phenotypes and further develop reference ontologies, such as PATO, which are used in these patterns. A common development infrastructure makes it easy to use these design patterns to generate both domain-specific ontologies and a domain-independent layer that subsumes them.

    The resulting community-curated ontology for the representation and integration of phenotypes across domains serves two general purposes:

    Providing a community-developed framework for ontology editors to bootstrap, maintain and extend their phenotype ontologies in a scalable and standardised manner.

    Facilitating the retrieval and comparative analysis of domain-specific phenotypes through a deep layer of domain-independent phenotypes.

    Here we present the general uPheno 2.0 framework, in particular how we leverage OWL, definition-oriented development, reasoning, semantic similarity and pattern-based development to integrate phenotypes across domains.



    Nico finished his PhD on OWL reasoning and modularity in 2015 in the school of computer science, supervised by Bijan Parsia and Uli Sattler. Since then, he has completed two postdocs with Bijan and Robert Stevens, in areas involving clinical information systems, ontology-based question generation and ontology engineering methodologies. In January 2018, he joined the Samples, Phenotypes and Ontologies team (SPOT) at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), charged with coordinating an international effort to reconcile phenotype ontologies to enable cross-domain inference. His current and favourite projects are developing resilient ontology engineering systems, evangelizing the use of OWL in knowledge-based systems, the Parsia Design Triangle (Q30) and inter-disciplinary collaborative ontology engineering.


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    Atlas Lecture 5/07/19 Kilburn L.T 1.4 14:00

    Title: New Frontiers in Cloud and Edge/Fog Computing for Big Data & Internet-of-Things Applications

    Speaker: Prof Rajkumar Buyya. University of Melbourne, Australia

    Host: Rizos Sakellariou


    Computing is being transformed to a model consisting of services that are commoditised and delivered in a manner similar to utilities such as water, electricity, gas, and telephony. Several computing paradigms have promised to deliver this utility computing vision. Cloud computing paradigm has turned this vision of "computing utilities" into a reality. It offers infrastructure, platform, and software (application) as services, which are made available as subscription-based services in a pay-as-you-go model to consumers. Cloud application platforms need to offer (1) APIs and tools for rapid creation of elastic applications and (2) a runtime system for deployment of applications on geographically distributed computing infrastructure in a seamless manner.

    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm enables seamless integration of cyber-and-physical worlds and opening up opportunities for creating new class of applications for domains such as smart cities. The emerging Fog computing paradigm is extends Cloud computing model to edge resources for latency sensitive IoT applications.

    This presentation will cover (a) 21st century vision of computing and identifies various IT paradigms promising to deliver the vision of computing utilities; (b) innovative architecture for creating elastic Clouds integrating edge resources and managed Clouds, (c) Aneka, a Cloud Application Platform, for rapid development of Cloud/Big Data applications and their deployment on private/public Clouds with resource provisioning driven by SLAs, (d) a novel FogBus software framework with Blockchain-based data-integrity management for facilitating end-to-end IoT-Fog(Edge)-Cloud integration for execution of sensitive IoT applications, (e) experimental results on deploying Cloud and Big Data/Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications in engineering, and health care, satellite image processing, and smart cities on elastic Clouds; and (f) directions for delivering our 21st century vision along with pathways for future research in Cloud and Fog computing.




    Dr. Rajkumar Buyya is a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Director of the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is also serving as the founding CEO of Manjrasoft, a spin-off company of the University, commercializing its innovations in Cloud Computing. He has authored over 650 publications and seven text books including "Mastering Cloud Computing" published by McGraw Hill, China Machine Press, and Morgan Kaufmann for Indian, Chinese and international markets respectively. Dr. Buyya is one of the highly cited authors in computer science and software engineering worldwide (h-index=127, g-index=275, 82,600+ citations). "A Scientometric Analysis of Cloud Computing Literature" by German scientists ranked Dr. Buyya as the World's Top-Cited (#1) Author and the World's Most-Productive (#1) Author in Cloud Computing. He is named in the recent Clarivate Analytics? (formerly Thomson Reuters) Highly Cited Researchers an d ?World's Most Influential Scientific Minds? for three consecutive years since 2016. Dr. Buyya is recognized as Scopus Researcher of the Year 2017 with Excellence in Innovative Research Award by Elsevier and recently received "Lifetime Achievement Awards" from two Indian universities for his outstanding contributions to Cloud computing and distributed systems.


    Software technologies for Grid, Cloud, and Fog computing developed under Dr.Buyya's leadership have gained rapid acceptance and are in use at several academic institutions and commercial enterprises in 40 countries around the world. Dr. Buyya has led the establishment and development of key community activities, including serving as foundation Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing and five IEEE/ACM conferences. These contributions and international research leadership of Dr. Buyya are recognized through the award of "2009 IEEE Medal for Excellence in Scalable Computing" from the IEEE Computer Society TCSC. Manjrasoft's Aneka Cloud technology developed under his leadership has received "Frost & Sullivan New Product Innovation Award". He served as founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. He is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of Software: Practice and Experience, a long standing journal in the field established ~50 years ago. For f urther information on Dr.Buyya, please visit his cyberhome:


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    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    School's out for Summer - Food donations for families during the summer holidays

    Emmeline’s Pantry Foodbank

    Donations needed


    With school out for summer, many children face going hungry with no access to school meals over the holidays. Please help if you can.

    Items urgently needed:

    • Tinned foods, cereals, jams and spreads
    • Teas (normal & herbal), coffee, sugar

    • Biscuits, crisps & treats

    • Cooking oil, rice & pasta

    • Clothes detergent, softener,

    • Washing up liquid

    • Toiletries (all ages)

      Please drop off donations at ACSO with Mel or Karon.

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Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:37:21
Last change: Wednesday, 03 July 2019 12:04:50