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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 15 May 2019

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Work Based Travel - new policy from the University Compliance & Risk Department

    Work Based Travel

    A new Pre-travel authorisation process is being developed at Faculty level to ensure trips undertaken by staff and students on behalf of the University are managed effectively and any known hazards are mitigated. This will involve risk assessments!

    The detail of the risk assessment will be governed by the ‘risk’ status of the visiting country.

    Generic risk assessments can be used for low risk countries, and once produced this risk assessment can be used for multiple trips to the same country.

    Trips to moderate/high risk countries will require bespoke risk assessments.

    It is anticipated that the new procedure will be in place later this month/early June, so until then can I please ask that anyone planning a trip abroad contact ACSO for further advice.

    Further guidance of existing arrangements can be found via the following link:

    Tony McDonald

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Kilburn Building Courtyard re-opens

    As announced previously, the long awaited opening of the Kilburn building Courtyard has now happened. Co-incident with some sunny, warm weather, we now have some tables and chairs in a nice level courtyard. Do enjoy the using the courtyard. Remember it is not accessible out-of-hours and is a no smoking area.

    I expect there to be a summer do in the Courtyard.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Volunteeers needed for the Sustainability challenge

    Sustainability Enthusiastic Volunteers are needed for 2.5 hours during Welcome Week to help deliver “Sustainability Challenge” to the UoM's new 1st Year UG students; judging from last year’s experience, it should be a good and interesting experience; see here for more information. This is open to all staff.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements


    As a part of Project Malawi fundraising the students organised a Bake Sale and Bake Off last Thursday. It was a great success and we raised over £400. Deborah Mendes (TA and Research Associate) won the Bake Off, with a very tasty Vegan Brazilian Carrot Cake. We would like to thank all the staff and students who helped us by participating in the bake off and donating whatever they could. Also we had the most awaited Raffles draw. Wenchang Liu (Y2, AI) won the first prize (an Instax Mini 9) and Tim Morris won the second prize (chocolate hamper). Thank you everyone!

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    A whistle-stop tour of the NIHR offering to support medical technology development

    Title "A whistle-stop tour of the NIHR offering to support medical technology development"

    Time: 10am Friday 17th May 2019

    Abstract: The presentation will summarise the NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) Research Programmes’ offering to support medical technology innovation from proof-of-concept stage through to clinical evaluation.

    Particular focus will be dedicated to the Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme, which funds the development of medical devices, in vitro diagnostic devices, and active implantable devices, including regulated digital health technologies. Finally, means to access expertise and facilities, and support to set up and deliver trials within in the NHS will be discussed.

    An Eventbrite ticket link is available;



    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research News

    EU H2020 workshop



    ‘Brexit Preparedness: Continuity of UK Involvement in Horizon 2020 and Beyond’

    Wednesday 12th June

    Roscoe Lecture Theatre B

    2:30 – 5pm




    Branwen Hide, from the UK Research Office (UKRO) in Brussels, will be coming to the University on 12th June to deliver a session for all University staff Brexit Preparedness: Continuity of UK Involvement in Horizon 2020 and Beyond. The session will focus on current Horizon 2020 funding, the UK Government underwrite of H2020 projects after Brexit and future European research funding , including ‘Horizon Europe’.


    There will be a panel Q&A session after Branwen’s presentation including:


    • Liz Fay – EU Funding and Development Manager

    • Lita Denny – Head of Research Services

    • Rachel Emmott – Head of Costing and Research Finance


    All members of University staff are invited to register for this event.


    Any questions please email


    gravatar Melanie Macrae

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Charity fundraising for Cancer - Mustafa Mustafa

    “I'm running the Purple Wave 2019 half marathon to raise money to help breakthroughs in medical research to find cure for cancer. I am a newbie in running events. I have participated in few 5k and 10k events successfully, but never managed to finish a 10K+ run without walking and/or having some rests within the run. I am motivated to complete my first ever half marathon. If I reach half of my goal (£100), I will aim finishing the marathon without any walking or stopping (apart from stopping for few seconds for drinks). If I reach my full goal (£200), I will try to complete the run under 2 hours. Please help me reach (and exceed) my goal, so that we can contribute to the battle against cancer and/or you can see me suffer in my attempt to get the run under 2 hours. You can donate as much as you can afford. Even donating as little as £2 can still have a huge impact.”

    Many thanks in advance!

    Kind regards,


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Emmelines Pantry - essential items

    Karon & Mel from ACSO will be driving over to Emmelines Pantry to drop off donations in the next couple of weeks. Please do consider donating to this marvellous charity who provide essential items for local women and families. We were shocked to discover on our recent visit that nurses from the MRI hospital had found the need to use the food bank. 

    Items currently being asked for:
    nappies, baby products, sanitary products and other basic toiletries as well as tins of fish/veg/soup/beans, tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits, cooking oil, laundry liquid etc.



    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:24:13
Last change: Wednesday, 15 May 2019 15:53:58