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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 30 April 2019

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Courtyard Update

    My latest information on the courtyard to the Kilburn Building is that much work has been done on fixing leaks. There are currently no reports of leaks and it has been raining quite a lot. Assessments are continuing; inspections and sign off should be happening this week. At the moment there is work making good bits and pieces, including locks on doors and signage. We have been here before, but I'm hoping that this time we are near an operational courtyard. Once it is handed back, we need to get furniture and so on in place - then the courtyard will be useable.

    I will keep you informed.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    School Coffee Morning - with Bake Off & cake sale for Project Malawi 2019

    We will have a coffee morning on Thursday 9th May at 11am in the Common Room - its now less than 4 weeks till the team depart for Malawi, and the students will hold a Bake Off and then Cake sale at the coffee morning as part of their fundraising for our partner charity, Ripple Africa.  Everyone attending will have a chance to vote - and the winners of the Bake Off will be announced after much cake eating.  Do come along, bring a brew and support the students in their fundraising efforts!

    If you want to enter the Bake Off then please register here.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Wifi signal survey taking place this week

    IT Services' new Network partners, ROC will be carrying out a WiFi signal survey in the Kilburn Building between Monday 29 April and Wednesday 1 May. This will involve a ROC surveyor moving around the building (within office hours) with a piece of equipment that measures the WiFi signal strength. To ensure a comprehensive survey of the building is carried out, it may be necessary to enter offices, meeting rooms,  labs, teaching rooms etc. 

    This forms part of the wider IT Services work to improve the network connection across the University’s estate, to support our future digital aspirations and deliver greater connectivity for students and staff.

    gravatar Kim Graakjaer

    Booking travel and accommodation

    There is a new Travel Management Policy that is shortly to be implemented, which will make it mandatory for all travel and accommodation to be booked through the University's travel partner, Key Travel. This will mean that in due course, expenses claims for travel tickets and accommodation will no longer be processed. It will therefore be helpful if we can start to make this transition now.

    Why do we need to book through Key?

    In short - to ensure your personal safety and complete insurance protection. Booking through Key, the University has a clear picture of where staff/students are at any time and can make speedy interventions to issue advice and/or re-patriate, should the worst occur. It also ensures complete insurance protection as unregulated providers (such as accommodation through Air B&B properties for example) would not be covered on University insurance.

    But it's cheaper for me to book directly...

    Sometimes, travel and accommodation costs may appear cheaper to book independently, outside of Key Travel. These cost savings however do not factor in the safety and insurance implications above, or the hidden internal  costs and 'paper pushing' involved, to reimburse these costs to individuals.

    Help with using Key Travel

    ACSO can help you make bookings with Key Travel. As the system is linked to University financial accounts, if you are a budget holder you will just need to log in and approve the expenditure for the booking on your account code. Again, ACSO can advise you in getting set up to do this. 

    You can see more about University travel and the Key Travel system, on StaffNet.

    gravatar Kim Graakjaer

    [ top ]PSS News

    Successful new appointments and PS staff changes

    We are pleased to confirm successful new appointments for some of our PS colleagues, as follows:

    • Chris Page will be our new permanent Technical Operations Manager, starting from 1 May 2019.
    • Ruth Whelan will be moving to Faculty to the role of PGR Services Manager, for an 18 month period starting from 1 June.
    • Kath Hopkins will be moving to Chemistry to the role of Teaching and Leaning Manager, for an 18 month period starting from 13 May.

    Also joining us from 13 May will be our new Teaching and Learning Manager, Hannah Cousins. Hannah will be working through handover with Gill, in the lead up to Gill's retirement in July. Hannah will be with us for 18 months, as we start to transition to the new Faculty structure. Hannah is currently working at AMBS and has previously worked in FBMH, across a range of student support areas. The focus of her current (AMBS) role is Assessments and Exams, which will bring some welcome and timely support when she starts with us in May. Hannah will also be picking up some of Kath's UG co-ordination work in the immediate term whilst wider cover is established, to aid in Kath's move across to Chemistry. 

    We are also pleased to confirm that a number of existing colleagues have moved from fixed term to permanent contracts with us recently: Ellie Crompton (UG Admissions Officer); Cameron Macdonald (UG Assistant) and Radina Ivanova (Academic Support Assistant). Congratulations!

    Wider Faculty appointments

    You can keep up to date with all of the wider Faculty and School level appointments (both Academic and PS) for the new structures, via the Faculty Review News page on StaffNet.

    gravatar Kim Graakjaer

    New Division of Teaching, Learning and Student Development

    The University's new Division of Teaching, Learning and Student Development launches on Wednesday 1 May. 

    The new Division has been formed as a consequence of the merger of the Student Development and Community Engagement Division, the Teaching and Learning Support Office and the Careers Service.

    Louise Walmsley will lead the Division. Louise was previously the University's Director of Teaching and Learning Support.

    You can read more about the new Division on StaffNet news.

    gravatar Kim Graakjaer

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:38:27
Last change: Tuesday, 30 April 2019 13:56:40