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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 18 March 2019

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    REF away Day - Wednesday 10 April

    The REF away day is on 10 april in the Dalton room at UMIC. There is a registration page here. Plese sign up using this Eventbrite page, which also contains details, including an agenda.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Professor Sakellariou

    Congratulations to Rizos Sakellariou, who has been promoted to Professor of Computer Science.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    New member of academic staff - Dr Peter Lammich

    Welcome to Peter Lammich, who joined the FM Group on 1 March. He gained his computer science diploma at TU Dortmund (Germany), his PhD at WWU Muenster (Germany), and then worked as a post-doc in the group of Prof. Nipkow at TU Munich.

    His main research interest is the design of efficient verified software by top-down refinement. For this he’s using the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL, for which he has developed the Isabelle Refinement Framework and the Isabelle Collection Framework.  These have been applied to verify functional correctness of model checkers, SAT-solvers, and various graph and automata algorithms.

    Currently, he’s working on an LLVM backend for the Refinement Framework, to get more efficient programs than with the current Standard ML backend.  He’s also interested in verifying information flow security of web applications. We have verified non-interference properties for a prototype conference management system. Currently, he’s working to extend this to use (relational) databases.

    His office is Kilburn 2.36

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Third Phase of the Software Sustainability institute (SSI)

    The SSI is a consortium of the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford and Southampton. It seeks to cultivate better, more sustainable software to enable world-class research. It’s now entering its third phase, funded by all the UKRI Research Councils; see

    The Institute was co-founded in 2010 by Carole Goble, who leads its life and medical sciences activities. Shoaib Sufi continues to lead the Communities stream, including the highly regarded Fellowship programme and the Collaborations Workshop series, and Aleksandra Nenadic continues to lead the Institute’s training programmes. Caroline Jay has joined as its inaugural Research Director, where she will be leading the establishment of an evidence base to underpin policy and practice in research software engineering. Congratulations to the whole SSI team and especially to the major contribution from this School.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Science X: Robots and dinosaurs let loose in Trafford Centre!

    When you think of scientists and engineers, the image that often comes to mind is that of people in labs, factories and offices, poring over paperwork, mixing things in test tubes or peering into microscopes. And yet, in reality, science and engineering are among the most thrilling, diverse and rewarding careers on offer – allowing you to get back in touch with the uninhibited creativity of your inner child and really make a difference to the world around you.


    Nowhere was this more apparent than at Intu Trafford Centre last weekend. There was the palaeontologist pretending to be a T-rex while inviting a young visitor to charge her with a triceratops horn; the pair of nuclear physicists coming up the stairs dressed as bananas (although not dressed in pyjamas); the computer scientist who had to listen to Gangnam Style over and over while a small robot danced. Every ScienceX volunteer went the distance to show there’s more to a life of science and engineering than lab coats.

    Lucas Cordeiro coordinated a team from the School introducing its robots to the public at this ScienceX festival, one of the most important events about Science and Engineering in Manchester. A huge thankyou to Lucas and to his team of volunteers who demonstrated games (magical forest, sorting pancakes), micro-controller programming with Arduino, path planning with drones, and cognitive learning for robots. 

    More Information

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    [ top ]Events

    Computer Science Atlas Lecture 3/04/19 14:00 LT 1.4

    Flexible & Transparent Data Reuse

    • Speaker:   Prof  Paul Groth  (University of Amsterdam)
    • Host:   Carole Goble
    • 3rd April 2019 at 14:00 in KB L.T 1.4

    A central challenge in our modern information environment is how to use, integrate and repurpose data that stem from a multitude of diverse sources. Within data science, ~60-70% of the time is spent gathering, preparing, integrating, and munging data. In science, there is, for instance, the need to know which of the thousands of prior experimental records are reliable, applicable and can be reused for an experiment. In this talk, I discuss the goal of developing intelligent systems that work with people to combine and reuse data flexibly, reproducibly and transparently. I give examples from my work on flexible knowledge graph construction and taxonomy creation. I then discuss interoperable data provenance tracking to provide transparency for these sort of complex data workflows. I outline a future for using transparency to create more flexible, intelligently supported data integration and reuse environments.


    Paul Groth is Professor of Algorithmic Data Science at the University of Amsterdam where he leads the Intelligent Data Engineering Lab (INDElab). His research focuses on intelligent systems for dealing with large amounts of diverse contextualized knowledge with a particular focus on web and science applications. Previously Paul led the design of a number of large scale data integration and knowledge graph construction efforts in the biomedical domain. Paul was co-chair of the W3C Provenance Working Group that created a standard for provenance interchange. He has also contributed to the emergence of community initiatives to build a better scholarly ecosystem including altmetrics and the FAIR data principles.

    More info:

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research News

    Nature - Machine Intelligence article

    Article published in Nature - Angelo Cangelosi

    All Nature Machine Intelligence articles are supposed to remain publicly available through 2019. For view-only link that should remain available after that below:

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    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Fundraising for Alzheimer's Society

    Our fabulous technician Anne is asking for support raising money for the Alzheimer's Society. Her husband Bashir is undertaking the Manchester 10K this year for this invaluable cause. If you can donate or wish to sponsor him we have a sponsorship form in ACSO.



    Alzheimer's Society

    We are united to create a world without dementia.

    Charity Registration No. 296645


    Having been involved in care of residents with Dementia in a Residential care Home, gave me a clear understanding of Dementia and what actually goes on in the lives of these lovely old people while struggling with this awful Disease. Dementia doesn't only affect the person living with it but also Family members, Friends and all those around. Having been at the forefront of of care for these residents, it made me realise how lovely and vulnerable these people are.This made me want to do more in order to help these people and also finding the cure for this Killer Disease, and there is no better way of doing it other than fundraising for Alzheimer's Society. Please join me for this Cause

    The link to the page:

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    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    Applications now open for 10,000 Actions fund

    Applications to access the University's 10,000 Actions fund are now being accepted.


    £10,000 funding has been established to support activities and initiatives that enhance environmental sustainability across the University and is available until Friday, 22 March 2019. The total fund value is £10,000, with up to £2,500 is available per activity.

    This funding opportunity offers a great chance to support a Green Impact Project Plus. If you are in need of inspiration visit here for projects previously awarded with funding. 

    For further information and to find out how to take part please visit: 

    If you have any questions or would like to discuss some ideas please feel free to contact 10000 actions

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32:35
Last change: Monday, 18 March 2019 13:20:05