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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 26 February 2019

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Welcome to Stewart Blakeway

    Welcome to Stewart Blakeway, who joined the School on 21 January as a teaching focused lecturer in Data Management. Dr Stewart Blakeway was awarded his first two degrees by The University of Liverpool. He completed his PhD in Computer Science in 2015 at Liverpool John Moore’s University, investigating Adaptive Self-Learning Mobile Ad hoc Networks with cognition incorporated. Stewart’s research interests are in the optimization and analysis of mobile networks, the optimization of resource allocation and energy efficient networks. Stewart is currently collaborating with researchers in the UK, Russia and France.  Stewart has over 20 years’ experience in Higher Education and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Currently, his teaching is focused on Distributed Databases and Programming.

    Stewart  can be found in Kilburn 2.72


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    FSE Inaugural Lecture Series -Professor Simon Harper-Behavioural Modelling for Good not Evil- 27 Feb

    Simon Harper will be doing his inaugural lecture this Wednesday, 27 February at 1730 hrs in KB LT 1.1. There will again be drinks and nibbles in the LF area around the Byte Cafe post lecture; again, do come along for a  splendid bash.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Leaving do for Ian Cottam

    On 28th February Ian cottam is leaving us to take up a role in the Research Software Engineering part of IT Services. By way of a thank-you and congratulations for Ian, we'll be having a do in the Common Room on Thursday 28 February at 3 p.m. It has been splendid having Ian here in the School again and I wish him well in his new role. Do come along for drinks and nibbles and a big hurrah.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Charity Hos/HosA coffee morning raised £100!

    Dear All,


    Many thanks for participating in the coffee morning held last Thursday14th February in aid of the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. We raised an amazing £100. Well done everyone!

    See response from Howard below:

    "Thank you very much for your donation. It really means a lot to me and to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

    Howard Barringer"

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Decommissioning of the old Cisco and Shrewsoft VPN services.

    As you know, IT Services have implemented a VPN service called Global Protect and intend to decommission the old Cisco and Shrewsoft VPN services. [Ed. Note that some Linux users run OpenVPN where Global Protect is not available.]

    We are aware that there may be applications, used off-campus, which need to talk to a licence server – users may still be using Cisco or Shrewsoft to enable this. IT Services believe that, as long as the licence server is on-campus, Global Protect can be used to replace Cisco or Shrewsoft – as long as the licence server has been configured to allow the Global Protect IP ranges: and

    Please contact Caroline Martin if you think this may not be the case for any application or if you need further information.





    Caroline Martin l Directorate of IT Services | Kilburn Building - Office One | The University of Manchester | 0161 275 6033 | | Talk to us | cid:image001.png@01D320B9.3526F320@UoM_ITS | cid:image002.png@01D320B9.3526F320 University of Manchester ITS


    gravatar Ian Cottam

    Ian Cottam

    As most of you know, I'll be leaving Computer Science (for at least the second time in my work history) at the end of this month to join Research IT as a senior Research Software Engineer (RSE). It has been a great three and a quarter years, and I hope you think I added something to the School in that time. I know I have enjoyed working with all: academics, PS staff and students.

    Although my desk will be in Sackville Street, one aspect of my new role will be line management of RSEs on long term projects within FSE, so you may well see me around as Computer Science has a growing number. Thanks again and best to all!


    gravatar Ian Cottam

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    Sustainability Funding

    Sustainability Funding: this is intended to support activities that enhance environmental sustainability across the University, related to the 10,000 Actions, and available until Friday, 22 March 2019. The total fund value is £10,000, and up to £2,500 is available per activity, although it is expected that most awards will be under £1,000. Example activities funded include:

    · Energy-efficient lab equipment: Elena Redondo-Castro, FBMH received funding to replace the sealing rubber bands on a -80 freezer, thus reducing energy wastage.

    · Improvements to the living campus: Gary Burns, FSE received part-funding to refurbish existing furniture in the staff common room to prolong the life of wooden framed chairs.

    · Development of a toolkit to reduce the need for business air travel: John Broderick, FSE developed ‘easyVC’, a remote participation pack which helps research groups to conduct seminars and collaborate on projects across sites, as well as broadcasting public lectures.

    For more details visit

    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:25:58
Last change: Tuesday, 26 February 2019 14:21:27