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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 06 February 2019

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Courtyard update

    Recently a stress test of the courtyard waterproofing was done so that folk in IT Services do not have to have an unrequested shower. This testing revealed leaks and thus more work needs to be done to stop the leaking. This means that the courtyard has not yet been returned to our use. We have no estimate of when the work will be done, though I hope it will be soon. We cleared the courtyard for work to begin early August 2016.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    HoS/HoSA coffee morning on Thursday, 7th February at 11.00 a.m. in Common Room

    This is a charity event with the proceeds going to Howard Barringer (ex HoS) who is taking part in the Banham Marsden March for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Please see the link to his just giving page so staff can read about is story:

    * Please bring a cake to donate! Yummy!

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Theft and security

    We have had a theft from an academic office on the second floor of the KB, from which several tablet computers used in teaching labs were stolen. This happened between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. on Monday of last week. In another incident, a bag was taken from the Byte Cafe area. The door's lock was broken and the computers stolen. There has been a rise recently in thefts from UoM buildings.

    So do please take care. Keep doors locked and valuable items out of sight from the corridor. Remember, the Kilburn Building is an open access building between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m; this means anyone can come in and wander around.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Applying for flexible working

    If you are involved with delivering a course unit and wish to apply for flexible working please do so no later than Friday 8th February.

    The faculty makes the default presumption that every member of staff assigned to teaching is available to teach 9am-6pm, Monday-Friday, inclusive.

    In this context the term flexible working is used to indicate and include any arrangement which deviates from the default presumption.

    The faculty will only accept applications which have been approved by the HoS.

    To apply for flexible working please do one of the following:

    * Locate your name on the FSE timetabling page below and apply from your personal FSE timetabling page.

    * Email explaining the hours you are (or not) available to teach and why and we will complete the online application on your behalf.

    * If you use the above the data will be seen by administrators of the system which include the school and faculty timetablers. Whilst it is not visible to the general public it is also not suitable if you have a confidential reason. In such cases please use an alternative mechanism to lodge your request directly with the HoS.

    Any queries to


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    DSTL Future Threat Incubator Human Augmentation task - deadline 20/02/2019

    Under the Future Threat Understanding and Disruption (FTUD) Programme, the Future Threat Incubator (FTI) will examine emerging technologies as well as social, moral, ethical and legal dimensions to potential future threats, in this instance focusing on human augmentation.

    For this task, Human Augmentation (HA) is taken as using technology or compounds to provide capability that is additive to normal human ability, for example using a device to detect light in wavelengths outside the normal realm of human vision and stimulate the skull to perceive this information [1]. Whereas Human Enhancement is using technology or compounds to increase current human ability within normal range, for example using dietary supplements to improve physical endurance.

    The objective for this task is to explore the cultural and ideological motivations for HA, and the effects of HA technology use. We are interested in the perception of HA in its current state across society and the moral and ethical debate around the development, access and use of this technology. More broadly, we are interested in the potential societal effects of increased uptake of HA technologies in the future, and what effect this may have on Defence and Security.

    If you wish to apply please contact Su Smith no later than Monday 11 February for further details.

    gravatar Su Smith

    Rosetrees Trust 2019 Young Enterprise Fellowships - deadline 31/03/2019

    Awards up to £180,000 over three years for Biomedical Research

    Rosetrees Trust are excited to announce the launch of a new nationwide scheme Young Enterprise Fellowship which are aimed specifically at recently qualified postdoctoral researchers primarily in the fields of engineering, physical sciences, maths and computer science, who wish to develop a long-term programme of biomedical research. The scheme is designed for researchers to develop a new and truly innovative idea rather than extend their current research. We expect them to apply their skills to address an important unmet clinical problem, to develop their scientific independence and establish new collaborations across disciplines in the field. We are looking for dynamic and motivated scientists who have the vision to address an important clinical problem with a novel and potentially transformative approach.

    Applicants must either be in the final year of their PhD studies or be an early-career researcher with a maximum of 3 years post-doctoral experience (excluding career breaks). The fellowship offers up to £60,000 per annum for three years available for salary and consumables costs.

    gravatar Su Smith

    EPSRC: Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050 (call pre-announcement)

    EPSRC have issued a pre-call announcement for its £25m Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050 initiative. It has been agreed that FSE will lead on this call. Sarah Cartmell will act as academic lead and Mike Leverentz from the FSE Research Strategy team will provide PS support (linking with Ania Jolly in the FBMH Strategic Funding Team).

    Further details to follow in due course.

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Research News

    UKRI H2020 Underwrite Portal - Reminder

    As part of the UK Government’s underwrite guarantee for H2020 projects should the UK leave the EU with no deal, UK recipients of Horizon 2020 funding (and FP7 projects which are still running) have been invited to provide data about their projects on a portal managed by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The portal is designed to ensure that UKRI has the information about projects and participants in order to underwrite guarantee payments if required.

    The Research Operations team in the Central Research Office (RBES) have submitted all the relevant data to the portal for this exercise so individual PIs and Project Managers do not need to do anything and should not enter their projects individually.

    Recent reminders from UKRI and BEIS have been circulated which are prompting academic staff to become concerned about their projects but they do not need to worry as the reason this is coming back up now is because companies (especially SMEs) haven’t been entering their information on the portal and UKRI and BEIS are having to issue reminders.

    Any questions about the portal or Brexit and H2020 more widely please contact Liz Fay.

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    GDPR type things

    Updated guidance for retention of staff records:

    How do I recognise an information request:


    gravatar Ian Cottam

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Emmeline’s Pantry Foodbank February Knicker Appeal

    Emmeline’s Pantry is a local foodbank and they are desperate for donations so that they can support vulnerable women and their families.

    This month they are appealing for food, toiletries and donations of new underwear for women and children.

    Items always needed

    1. Tea / coffee / sugar
    2. Tinned fruit, vegetables, baked beans, meats and fish
    3. Biscuits /crisps (treats for families)
    4. Toiletries for mums, babies, children & teens
    5. Nappies (all sizes) and sanitary products
    6. Clothes detergent
    7. Quality used clothing / footwear for women, children and teens

    Drop off location

    Your local drop off location is: Karon in ACSO

    For support on collections please email

    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:36:50
Last change: Wednesday, 06 February 2019 10:59:01