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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 06 December 2018

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Are you multilingually engaged?

    1) Would you like to showcase your research in another language? If you are bilingual staff or students (Mandarin, Polish, Arabic) who may be interested in coming along and doing an activity alongside MiB researchers in a local supplementary language school, please contact Nick ( all contributions from any area of science/engineering are welcome!

    2) Join the Spanish seminar series at the Cervantes Institute: a seminar just needs 3-5 Spanish-speaking researchers to give a 10 minute talk about their work to the non-specialist audience. If you think you might be able to get together enough interest for one seminar, please contact Nick (


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Christmas 2018 Closure days

    Christmas Closure days are listed at the link below.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Call for participants! BBC R&D and UoM Joint User Engagement Study

    We’re currently recruiting for participants to take part in a study run jointly by BBC Research and Development and The University of Manchester. The study aims to explore the relationship between levels of user engagement and interaction data, within the context of online media experiences. During the study, you will be shown step-by-step how to create an Origami Jumping Frog – don’t worry, you don’t need any previous origami experience! It will take roughly 40 minutes to complete, depending on how you progress with creating your frog, and you will need one piece of origami paper (the place to collect these will be given in the participation email) but a piece of standard A4, cut into a square (15cm x 15cm), will also work.

    If you would like to participate, please follow this link: to register and we’ll get back to you shortly with further instructions!

    The study has received ethical approval.

    Origami paper can be collected from ACSO.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    FSE Inaugural Lecture Series - Professor Angelo Cangelosi: Developmental Robotics

    **Reminder** Book your ticket NOW

    Date: Wednesday 12 Dec 2018

    Time: 5.30pm

    Venue: Kilburn 1.1

    Title: Developmental Robotics: An Interdisciplinary Journey from Psychology to AI and Cognitive Robotics

    More details and registration:

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Computer Science Christmas Party Invitation

    Christmas Party on Tuesday 18th December in the Staff Common Room from 3.30pm

    Drinks, Quiz, and Dancing! Come and celebrate the season with your fellow colleagues and friends!

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC Fellowships: Applications at all levels now open - various deadlines

    EPSRC have opened the Fellowships call for 2019 and published their advised submission dates, with ICT being either at the end of February, for an early July panel, or September, with an end of January 2020 panel.

    Robotics and Autonomous Systems (ICT and Engineering) is one of the priority areas within the Capability and Challenge Themes. Please visit the Fellowship Application Guide for full details.

    If you have any questions please contact Su Smith, Research Support Manager.

    gravatar Su Smith

    Research England: International Investment Initiative - deadline 28/02/2019

    A reminder and update on Research England's "International Investment Initiative":

    • The Research England funding call "International Investment Initiative" makes clear that this is an institutional level bid, with a match fund condition. Research England will fund a maximum of £500K per application.
    • We will be preparing one bid from the University of Manchester, and following discussion with the President we have agreed that this will be designed to build on our partnerships with the Universities of Melbourne and Toronto.
    • Steve Flint is leading the bid, with Faculty input from the Vice-Deans for Research via our University Research Strategy Group.
    • As we develop the bid we will want to include appropriate mention of activities underway which we will want to deepen and extend from, including activities supported by the University bilateral pump priming as well as nested Faculty activities (including the Faculty of Humanities additional funding stream for Melbourne collaborations).
    • If colleagues have particular pipeline activities underway that they wish to flag to inform the bid preparation then please inform your Vice-Dean for Research.

    As Steve Flint is on University business overseas over the period leading up to the bid any correspondence should be sent to

    Research England's International Investment Initiative (I3): Summary

    Research England has now launched its International Investment Initiative (I3). The £4m Fund is intended to help HEI’s expand their existing research collaborations with universities and research organisations outside of the UK. I3 will support international research collaborations at the organisational level and operate through a single-stage application process. Each English HEI will be able to lead one joint proposal with a minimum of one international university or research organisation as a partner. A maximum of £500,000 is available per application. Awards will be available for a five-year period, giving successful applicants time to scale up activity and build the quality of their collaborations. The I3 funding must be matched by bidders through cash and/or in-kind contributions (on a 2:1 basis from each partner, i.e. 50% match with RE). Capital funding is not available through this scheme. Proposed activities must not be eligible for funding through the GCRF or or the Newton Fund although development benefit may be a secondary outcome from a proposed activity, Bids should clearly articulate how a balance of benefits across the partners will be achieved from scaling up the partnership. The deadline for submitting a full bid to I3 is noon on Thursday 28 February 2019. Successful bids are expected to be announced in summer 2019.

    Proposals will be set assessed against the funding criteria:

    • Research Excellence
    • Bid Quality
      • Ability for the relationship to be scaled up
      • Justification for and additionality of I3 funding
      • Sustainability of the relationship/activity
      • Co-investment
    • Rationale for Collaboration
      • Strategic fit to priorities
      • Impact
      • Viability and risk mitigation
    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Research News

    Research Lifecycle Programme update

    Most of our work in the past couple of weeks has been been behind the scenes while we focus on the new business case.

    If you were unable to attend our open house event a few weeks ago a recording is now available online which features Project Manager Bryan Archer talking about the Digital Image Viewer project.

    gravatar Su Smith

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:26:02
Last change: Thursday, 06 December 2018 11:37:55