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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 27 November 2018

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    President and Vice Chancellor's School visit

    Nancy Rothwell (President and Vice Chancellor) and Clive Agnew (VP for Teaching, Learning and the Student Experience) visited the School on Tuesday 13th November. In both the meeting with the School Leadership  Team and the general staff meeting, there were many warm words for the school. This was especially true around performance in teaching. Nancy reported that in her meeting with our students there was also a general happiness expressed. Given our generally good, sustained performance it was good to hear some praise for the School - well done all.


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    School festive party 18th December

    We'll have a School Christmas Party on Tuesday 18 December at 3 P.M. onwards in the Senior Common Room.

    Drinks, food, quiz and a band. Put the date in your diaries.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Fishing emails

    This week many of you may have had an email purporting to come from me asking whether you were on campus. It came from an Gmail address that was not mine. It would be unusual to get an email from a personal address - UoM business must be done on UoM email. I and others have had similar emails from Nancy Rothwell and Lemn Sissay.   I know people in this School are well versed in spotting fishing scams, but do be wary. There is some Fishing training that can be found via:  


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    Christmas closure and pay

    You can find the dates during which the University will be closed and its effect on pay dates at


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    Courtyard update

    As I'm sure you've noticed, the courtyard is not yet back in action.  There's a list of snagging issues to be done. There is progress, but it is slow. Once it is all done we will let you all know.


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    [ top ]News and announcements

    NaCTeM N2C2 Shared Task 2018 in top 3 best performing teams

    NaCTeM participated in the 2018 n2c2 Shared Task on Challenges in Natural Language Processing for Clinical Data, co-located with AMIA Fall Symposium 2018. The Shared Task consisted of two tracks: Cohort Selection for Clinical Trials, and Adverse Drug Events and Medication Extraction in EHRs.

    The NaCTeM team attended the second track, which was designed to answer the question: “Can NLP systems automatically discover drug to adverse event (ADE) relations in clinical narratives?” The track consisted of three subtasks: concepts, relations and end-to-end. Based on systems using ensembles of feature-based and deep learning-based approaches, NaCTeM was placed in the top-3 best performing teams over 28 teams from 11 countries.


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    [ top ]Events

    UoM/IBM/STFC Workshop: Data Science and AI in Engineering & Industry 4.0 - 21/01/2019

    Date: 21st January 2019

    Venue: The University of Manchester, Room TBC

    This one day participatory workshop will bring together researchers across the University with researchers from IBM and STFC based in Daresbury. The aim is to explore, in some depth, the methodological challenges posed by data-centric engineering and Industry 4.0. Through sharing insights and experience participants will identify new opportunities for research and collaboration.

    The workshop will address the following topics, focusing on specific areas selected in advance by the attendees, and explore diverse application which may include:

    • How to monitor the safety of complex engineering systems: Instrumented infrastructure, predictive monitoring, extreme event prediction and monitoring, spatio-temporal casual inference
    • How to ensure the resilience of complex infrastructure: Enhancing critical ecosystems, Large transport systems, sustainable infrastructures, Human-centric sensing, adaptive machine learning for changing environments
    • How to use data to design a better world: Retrofit design in the built environment, data-driven design assurance, data-driven design of civic infrastructure
    • How to work realistically to standardisation: Mass Customisation, 3d Printing, Flexible/Sustainable Manufacturing, Circular Economy and Advanced Supply Chain

    Places are limited, so please register your interest as soon as possible. We will let you know by 5th December if we have been able to allocate you a space. Food and refreshments will be provided.

    For further information about the event, please contact us at

    gravatar Su Smith


    The Mentors are happy to invite all PGRs and staff for drinks in the Common Room Friday, 30th of November, starting at 16:30. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided. See you there!

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Prize and award Opportunities

    Call for entries and nominations for the Technical Excellence Award 2018

    Call for entries and nominations for the Technical Excellence Award 2018

    The Technical Excellence at Manchester (TEaM) network invites entries/nominations for the Technical Excellence Award 2018. The award is aimed at recognising the contribution of technical staff to the working life of the University. All staff members (including technical and non-technical PS staff and academic staff) are encouraged to nominate any technical member of staff that they believe deserves recognition for their work. The award will be judged by a panel of external technical staff and the contribution to be recognised should have been made between September 2017 and September 2018. Nominations should be submitted to technical excellence by Wednesday, 12 December. More information is available on Staffnet.

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    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Monday, 22 July 2024 10:02:14
Last change: Tuesday, 27 November 2018 13:36:41