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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 20 November 2018

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    UoM/ IBM / STFC Workshop on "Data Science and AI in Engineering & Industry 4.0"

    Date: 21st January 2019

    Venue: Room TBC, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road


    The Data Science Institute will be holding a participatory workshop on 21st January 2019.

    The one day participatory workshop will bring together researchers from across the university with researchers from IBM and STFC based in Daresbury. The aim is to explore, in some depth, the methodological challenges posed by data-centric engineering and Industry 4.0. The intention is that, through sharing insights and experience, participants will identify new opportunities for research and collaboration.

    The workshop will address the following topics, focussing on specific areas selected in advance by the attendees.

    The workshop will explore diverse applications that may include:

    • How to monitor the safety of complex engineering systems: Instrumented infrastructure, predictive monitoring, extreme event prediction and monitoring, spatio-temporal casual inference
    • How to ensure the resilience of complex infrastructure: Enhancing critical ecosystems, Large transport systems, sustainable infrastructures, Human-centric sensing, adaptive machine learning for changing environments
    • How to use data to design a better world: Retrofit design in the built environment, data-driven design assurance, data-driven design of civic infrastructure
    • How to work realistically to standardisation: Mass Customisation, 3d Printing, Flexible/Sustainable Manufacturing, Circular Economy and Advanced Supply Chain

    If you would like to participate you can register an interest in attending by clicking on the link below. Places are limited, so we will let you know by 5th December if we have been able to allocate you a space.

    Food and refreshments will be provided.

    To book:


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Urgent call out from Computer Science! Toys and treats appeal for Wood Street Mission

    WoodStreet Mission is a local childrens Charity serving Manchester and Salford and has been established for over 150 years. For you locals (like me) your grandparents and beyond may have been referred in their childhood and taken on trips to the seaside (Southport and St Anne’s) and given basics to get through each day. Child poverty was rife back then and sadly is still present all around us today. Wood Street has a mission to improve the lives of children and end child poverty.

    You can currently help with their Christmas Appeal - Wood Street operate a Christmas shop so parents and carers can pick presents for their children, from an age range of 0-14 years. They may also have other treats like advent calendars and selection boxes to take home.

    If you think you can help with toys and treats for the children of Woodstreet this Christmas, please visit Mel in room 2.4.

    Every child deserves a present at Christmas! All donations gratefully received. The deadline is the beginning of December, so time is crucial.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Papers from the School accepted at top AI conference (AAAI 2019)

    Three papers from the School accepted at top AI conference (AAAI 2019)

    Tracking Logical Difference in Large-­Scale Ontologies: A Forgetting-­Based Approach.

    Yizheng Zhao, Ghadah Alghamdi, Renate A. Schmidt, Hao Feng, Giorgos Stoilos, Damir Juric and Mohammad Khodadadi.

    ABox Abduction via Forgetting in ALC.

    Warren M. Del-­Pinto and Renate A. Schmidt.

    Exploring Lexical Knowledge in an Interpretable Composed Approach for Text Entailment.

    Vivian S Silva, André Freitas and Siegfried Handschuh.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    #GivingTuesday at The University of Manchester – how will you give?

    #GivingTuesday is an international day to do ‘good stuff’ to support a worthwhile cause and this year is taking place on 27th November. Discover new ways of giving at one of the great events on campus!

    If you missed the Volunteering Fair but have time or skills to give, then head to the Making a Difference Fair in the Renold Building from 11.30am-2.30pm. Meet organisations that you can support, including ReachOut, Peer Support, LINK Good Neighbours, Barnabus, The Proud Trust, Green Impact, Access All Areas, Robogals and blood and organ donation.

    While you’re in the Renold Building, why not bag a bargain and recycle at the Swap Shop. Bring unwanted items to swap for things you love in support of The Proud Trust and Barnabus. There will be a cake sale too so come along to buy a sweet treat and help to raise even more money for charity.

    Head over to the Barnes Wallis Hub for HeartStart CPR training. Learn how to save a life in these fun, interactive sessions running at 12.15pm and 1.15pm. Register via Eventbrite.

    Find out more about what Manchester is doing for #GivingTuesday on the website.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    British Computer Society: Roger Needham prize - deadline 18/01/19

    The British Computer Society, sponsored by Microsoft research, invites nominations for the Roger Needham award. This prize recognises a research contribution in computer science.

    Nominees should have completed up to 10 years of postdoctoral research, although allowance may be made for career breaks and part-time work. Nominees should also have been resident in the UK for three years prior to nomination, or be deemed to have an equivalent substantial connection with the UK.

    The award includes £5,000 and the opportunity to give a public lecture on the winning work. Winners will also be invited to submit an article describing their work for publication.

    Full details can be found on the BCS website.

    gravatar Su Smith

    Research England: International Investment Initiative - deadline 28/02/2019

    Research England has now launched its International Investment Initiative (I3). The £4m Fund is intended to help HEI’s expand their existing research collaborations with universities and research organisations outside of the UK. I3 will support international research collaborations at the organisational level and operate through a single-stage application process.

    Each English HEI will be able to lead one joint proposal with a minimum of one international university or research organisation as a partner. A maximum of £500,000 is available per application and awards will be available for a five-year period, giving successful applicants time to scale up activity and build the quality of their collaborations.

    The I3 funding must be matched by bidders through cash and/or in-kind contributions (on a 2:1 basis from each partner, i.e. 50% match with RE). Capital funding is not available through this scheme. Proposed activities must not be eligible for funding through the GCRF or or the Newton Fund although development benefit may be a secondary outcome from a proposed activity, Bids should clearly articulate how a balance of benefits across the partners will be achieved from scaling up the partnership. The deadline for submitting a full bid to I3 is noon on Thursday 28 February 2019. Successful bids are expected to be announced in summer 2019.

    Proposals will be set assessed against the funding criteria:

    Research Excellence; Bid Quality; Ability for the relationship to be scaled up; Justification for and additionality of I3 funding; Sustainability of the relationship/activity; Co-investment 

    Rationale for Collaboration:

    Strategic fit to priorities; Impact; Viability and risk mitigation

    We will be partnering with University of Toronto (Steve Flint primary contact) and/or University of Melbourne (Colette Fagan primary contact). Please direct any enquires through the relevant contact.

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Research News

    Brexit - UK Government Underwrite of H2020 Projects - UKRI Portal

    Message from Liz Fay, EU Funding and Development Manager

    You will be aware that the website announced that, as part of the UK Government’s underwrite guarantee should the UK leave the EU with no deal, UK recipients of Horizon 2020 funding (and FP7 projects which are still running) be invited to provide data about their projects on a portal managed by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The portal is designed to ensure that UKRI has the information about projects and participants in order to underwrite guarantee payments if required.

    This is being managed centrally, the Research Operations Team in the Central Research Office have been working with me to ensure that all our projects are submitted to the Portal, I have checked this and all projects, going back to FP7 are being reported (this is what UKRI requested).

    You can check out the website here: New UKRI system needs community input on Horizon 2020 grants

    Please contact me with any questions:

    gravatar Su Smith

    AXA Research Guide: Artificial Intelligence, Fostering Trust

    This new guide puts forward the most recent thinking and research from AXA-supported scientists and experts regarding the emergence of responsible AI.

    Read me

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Research IT Infrastructure Investment

    Here is a useful summary of recent Research IT Infrastructure Investment:


    gravatar Ian Cottam

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    University Campaign against harassment and violence

    We believe that everyone has the right to live, work and study in an environment free from the fear of harassment or violence. The Speak Up! Stand Up! is a collaboration between the University and the University of Manchester Students Union that calls for action on harassment, hate crime and sexual violence. If you want to know more about where to draw the line, have a look at this site . If you want to report bullying, harassment, etc., have a look at this site . If want to learn more, have a look at this site

    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:21:56
Last change: Tuesday, 20 November 2018 16:50:07