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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 24 October 2018

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Christmas meals 2018

    We are pleased to announce that the School will this year offer a subsidy of £10 per staff member towards a team Christmas meal, for staff across the School of Computer Science. See the guidance below for how to arrange this for your team event.

    If you have any queries, please contact

    · The Christmas meal needs to be a planned team event across a particular area (such as PS staff, or Research group) so that ACSO are not processing several bookings for small groups

    · Only one sum of £10 is allocated per member of University staff. Those staff working across our School and other University areas will not be eligible to claim both the £10 from the School and another amount from another University area, if attending multiple functions

    · The £10 subsidy is available to staff from the School of Computer Science only. Students, agency/contract staff, or external individuals will be required to pay the full cost to attend any planned event

    · ACSO should be contacted to process the financial transactions once you have made your provisional booking with the restaurant. ACSO will either process a deposit payment (where this equates to £10 per head) or pay an equivalent amount of £10 per head directly to the restaurant in advance of the booking

    · ACSO will require a full list of confirmed attendees with all booking requests

    · When making a booking request with ACSO, please allow sufficient processing time (whether this is to be paid by purchase order if the restaurant is set up on the University system, or by using a University purchasing card to pay the restaurant direct)

    · This subsidy only applies to those staff who attend the planned team event. There is no entitlement for equivalent payment, or provision of funding for alternative events for any staff who are unable (or choose not to) attend the approved function

    gravatar Karon Mee

    SWSA Ten-Year Award at ISWC 2018

    A [paper] ( on “Laconic and Precise Justifications in OWL” by Matthew Horridge, Bijan Parsia, and Uli Sattler (ISWC 2008) has been awarded the [Semantic Web Science Association’s ] ( [SWSA Ten-Year Awar] ( This award recognizes the highest impact papers from the ISWC proceedings ten years prior. The decision is based primarily, but not exclusively, on the number of citations to the papers.

    The work presented in this paper is about supporting knowledge engineers to understand consequences that an automated reasoning system has found to be entailed by their ontology (a logic-based knowledge base). This support is required for the knowledge engineer to trust the automated reasoning system, to understand the ontology, and to repair the ontology in case the consequence was unintended. In this paper, the authors present new, more focused notions for this support (laconic and precise justifications), and showed that their computation is both feasible in practice and that they reveal a novel, interesting phenomenon called masking.

    This paper also received the ISWC 2008 Best Paper Award and forms part of [Matthew Horridge’s PhD thesis] (, which has won the [BCS Distinguished Dissertation Award] ( in 2012.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Research Lifecycle Programme – Open house event

    The Research Lifecycle is a five-year programme of investments to support the University in meeting its goal of being one of the top 25 research universities in the world, through a series of strategic investments in IT and associated change. These investments cover technology, professional development, processes, administration, funding, strategy and more.

    All are invited to come along to the next event open house event, to find out about the past three months' progress with the Programme. The event is taking place from 1pm-2pm on Tuesday 30 October 2018, in Room 3.40 Simon Building.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    ‘Our Future’ workshops – last chance to tell us your Big Ideas

    All University staff are being invited to help shape the University’s new strategic plan, by thinking big. What opportunities and challenges will be faced by the HE sector and our own University, beyond 2030? Local workshops will take colleagues through a session to develop their Big Ideas for the future, to feed into the University’s new Strategic Plan.

    A final engagement session will run here in the School on Wednesday 24 October from 12pm-1pm in room 2.15 (Kilburn).

    This session is open to all staff (academic/research and PS) and we’d strongly encourage you to attend. If you are unable to make it on Wednesday, there are also University-wide events that you can alternatively attend, or you can feedback your ideas individually via the Our Future webpages.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Staff Wellbeing Fair 30th October 2018

    Calling all Staff to the Staff Wellbeing fair next week.

    We hope you can attend the Staff Wellbeing Fair. It takes place at the Whitworth Hall next Tuesday, 30th October, 12-2pm.

    You may have seen many of the stories on StaffNet:

    Highlights will include:

    Registered attendees go into prize draw to win one of two Super Break vouchers (£250)

    32 wellbeing exhibitors

    3 choirs performing (CEAS, Wellbeing and Library Choirs)

    Lots of freebies (and gourmet chocolate and cakes to buy)

    Beautiful gifts to buy on the day

    Opportunity to donate new unwrapped toys for 0-14 year olds to Wood Street Mission

    Opportunity to donate new pyjama sets (size 10-16), toiletry sets for teens and selection boxes to Emmeline’s Pantry Foodbank (who many of the MCRStrollers have personally supported in the past year)


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]PGR News

    Mentors Organising Drinks and Pizzas Event This Friday (Oct 26th)

    Hi all,

    The Mentors, are happy to invite all PGRs to join us for drinks and pizzas in the Common Room, this Friday, (26th October 2018) starting at 16:30. There are going to be alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and Halal, vegetarian, and non-vegetarian pizzas.

    We are excited to meet you all there

    The Mentors

    gravatar Simon Harper

    [ top ]Research News

    EPSRC announces £8 million capital awards to support Early Career Researchers

    A new £8 million capital investment in research equipment has been announced by EPSRC, which is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and forms part of EPSRC’s World Class Labs investment.

    The series of capital awards will go to 36 institutions across the UK, including the University of Manchester, to support Early Career Researchers undertaking new research and enhance their career development prospects.

    Institutions have shown a range of creative approaches to investing these funds, from specific equipment for multiple users, to internal competitions for funding for equipment, to targeted investment in support of specific groups or individuals based on an internal selection process. Further details of UoM's activities will be announced in due course.

    gravatar Su Smith

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:28:56
Last change: Wednesday, 24 October 2018 13:35:45