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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 19 June 2018

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Annual "Memory Day" this week, 21 June 3 p.m. in the Common room

    This week on Thursday 21 June at 3 p.m. in the Common Room we’ll have a do for “Memory Day”.

    Tea, coffee, soft drinks and some food will be available. Do bring your own cakes and other food along too.

    The 21 June 1948 was the time recorded for the first time the Manchester Small Scale Experimental Machine AKA The Baby ( was first switched on, worked and ran a programme. It is seventy years since that event and to mark the occasion I'd like to establish a small annual event to be held every 21 June.

    Do come along and celebrate with your colleagues.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    The School’s Graduation Procession in the Whitworth Hall on Thursday 19th July 2018

    If you are able to join the School’s Graduation Procession in the Whitworth Hall on Thursday 19th July 2018, please ensure you complete registration and order your gown by the deadline of Friday 22nd June 2018 via:

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Digital Futures Workshop

    Digital Futures Workshop

    Date: 9th July 2018

    Time: 12pm- 15.15pm

    Venue: Dalton Room, University of Manchester Innovation Centre , 48 Grafton Street, M13 9XX

    President and Vice-Chancellor invites academics involved in digital research from all faculties across the University to participate in the upcoming launch of the Digital Futures Network on 9th July 2018.

    Digital Futures is a multidisciplinary initiative that will bring together academics involved in digital research into communities focused around multidisciplinary themes and provide an integrated view of our digital activity both internally and externally in response to the keen interest in the broad digital area from industry, government and funding bodies.

    The Digital Futures themes focus on key societal challenge areas of Health & Care, Cities and Environment, Business and Employment, Materials & Industry 4.0, Citizens & Government and Creative & Heritage, and key cross-cutting capabilities in Data Science, Digital Trust & Security, Human Centred Design, Social Media & Networks, IoT and Policy & Innovation.

    If your research is relevant then please register using the link.

    If you are unable to attend on 9th July but would like to be kept up to date with Digital Futures please complete this form.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]PSS News

    PSS staff - Meet Greet and Core Brief lunch with Kim Graakjaer

    PSS Staff Meet, Greet, and Core Brief lunch with HoSA Kim Graakjaer on Thursday 28th June in IT407 at 1pm. 

    Come and meet our new HoSA Kim, enjoy a chat with your work colleagues and lunch.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    RAENG Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships - deadline 04/09/2018

    The Research Chair/Senior Research Fellowship scheme aims to strengthen the links between industry and academia by supporting exceptional academics in UK universities to undertake use-inspired research that meets the needs of the industrial partners.

    Who can apply?

    Research Chairs are professional appointments so applicants should already be a professor or equivalent.

    Senior Research Fellowships are senior academic appointments so applicants already be a Reader or Lecturer level or equivalent.

    Awards are for a duration of 5 years on a full time basis.

    See the scheme guidance for full details.

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Research News

    New fellowships for exceptional students launched in memory of Professor Stephen Hawking

    Science Minister Sam Gyimah has announced that new fellowships are to be created in mathematics and physics in tribute to Stephen Hawking, the world-leading British scientist whose work changed our understanding of the Universe.

    The fellowships, which will build on the government’s modern Industrial Strategy and its record investment in science, research and innovation, will be awarded to exceptional candidates completing their doctoral studies in the fields of maths, physics and the computer sciences. Financial support will be offered to allow them to continue their work in any UK institution for up to three years.

    UK Research and Innovation will award up to ten “Stephen Hawking” fellowships a year for the next five years. Further details of how to apply will be publicised later this year.

    Professor Stephen Hawking was instrumental in providing greater insights into how the universe was created and is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant minds in science. His work included ground-breaking analysis of the laws that govern the universe, including his revelation that black holes produce radiation.

    Science Minister Sam Gyimah said: “Few have contributed as much to humanity’s understanding of the universe as Professor Hawking. His ground-breaking work inspired people of all ages and nations to think about the cosmos and their place in it, and to appreciate the beauty and elegance of mathematics and physics. I am delighted to announce that, following discussions with the Hawking family, we are creating the Hawking Fellowships in his memory. The Fellowships will allow exceptional graduate students in maths, physics and computer science in institutions across the UK to take their work even further. I can think of no more fitting tribute to this great man than to support the next generation to push the boundaries of knowledge of the laws that govern our universe.”

    UKRI Chief Executive Professor Sir Mark Walport said: "Professor Hawking's life and work provided inspiration far beyond the world of scientific research. His discoveries opened a new window on our Universe and through his books and personality he opened a unique window on science to millions. It is an honour to be launching fellowships in his memory and fitting that they will support a new generation of exceptional talent."

    The fellowships will build on the work outlined in the government’s modern Industrial Strategy, building on our strengths in science, research and innovation to build a Britain fit for the future and using this vital knowledge to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

    gravatar Su Smith

    Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) Open House Session materials

    The June RLP open house lunchtime event looked in extensive detail at the plans and scenarios submitted to the Change and IT Process (CITP) sub-committee.

    The slides are available for download and the presentation has been recorded so grab yourselves a coffee and a set of headphones to listen to what we have to say:

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Helping vulnerable women in Manchester - Emmeline's pantry

    Emmeline’s Pantry is a female only foodbank.  26 charities and services refer women to Emmeline’s Pantry, so they are desperate for donations. 

    Please donate any of the following items to Anna Humble in the Research Finance office in the School. She has very kindly offered to be a drop off point here.

    Ladies toiletries

    Baby products



    Biscuits (and nice treats for mums and their children)

    Washing up liquids

    Clothes detergent tablets/pods

    Other items that would be massively appreciated

    Sanitary products

    Nappies (especially bigger sizes)

    Clean and laundered clothes for ladies and babies/young children

    You can drop off items with the amazing volunteers at all the locations listed.

    If you prefer you can learn more about their service or donate via their Facebook page:

    Alternatively you can donate on a regular basis via the Payroll Giving Scheme.

    For more information about support and future fundraising drives for Emmeline’s Pantry please email

    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:43:26
Last change: Tuesday, 19 June 2018 13:34:47