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School of Computer Science BCS accreditation 2021 - 2026

Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction) wIE MEng (Hons) - 2.3.1 Work as a member of a development team

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COMP10120 First Year Team Project

Group design and implementation of a web-based application, regular reflection on how team works, both as individuals and as regular 'team health checks'.

Assesement : Individual coursework

COMP23311 Software Engineering 1

Students work as part of a team of six

Assesement : Group coursework

COMP23412 Software Engineering 2

The teamwork project is a central part of the course unit. The customers (ie academics) release new requirements every week and each team has to break them into manageable issues that are allocated to the member of the team. These allocations is made through consensus and is made explicit on a distributed version control system (GitLab). When the number of weekly issues is less than team members students are encouraged to do pair programming within teams.

Assesement : Not Assessed

COMP28112 Distributed Systems

Addressed as collaboration between students testing functionality computer programmed solutions developed by colleagues.

Assesement : Not Assessed