
School of Computer Science

Weekly Newsletter

20 June 2011


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News from Head of School


On Sunday 12 June the School ran the Digit.interact() event at The Lowry, Salford Quays, as part of the Digitfest2011 Arts Festival. We took over Studio 3 and filled the room with interactive computer science exhibits, to excellent responses from all ages. The event was aimed at 16-25 year-olds and we met a number of A-level students who were interested in finding out more about the School, as well as younger people who had great fun with the exhibits.  Involved were Andrew Robinson, Ben Blundell, Toby Howard, Alasdair Rawsthorne, and undergraduate Shaun Donnelly, who showed his 3rd year project. Short video at:




Neuroscience Research Institute – Showcase                                      22 Jun 11

09:15 – 17:00, Manchester Museum (Kanaris Theatre)

This exciting event is the NRI’s inaugural Showcase and we aim to highlight some of the varied aspects of neuroscience research in Manchester.  There will be a student session to emphasise our commitment to bottom up research in the form of studentships and posters. Also we will be introducing our new scientific advisor, Professor Steve Jackson at Nottingham University.  We are especially pleased that the Wellcome Foundation have agreed to give a presentation on the future of Neuroscience project grants and will be available for 1:1 chats over lunch.


If you would like to attend, all or part of the day, please register online.

IET Young Woman Engineer Awards                                                      29 July 11

These awards look to highlight the most inspirational and dynamic female engineers and apprentices that the UK has to offer and to encourage others to enter the profession.


The winners claim their awards at a prestigious national ceremony and will benefit from career advancement opportunities and national media coverage, along with up to £1000 prize money.  Entrants must be under 30 years of age and should be supported by a senior colleague or academic supervisor.


The award will be presented at Savoy Place: London on 1 December 2011 at an evening ceremony.  The ceremony is free to attend and will have a special guest speaker and free buffet and drinks.  The ceremony is a great opportunity for students to talk to our sponsoring companies about career opportunities.


For further information visit the website or email Linda Deleay.

Entry forms must be received by Friday 29 July.